I'll admit that in the vanilla release I rarely used magic (but I was pretty stubborn about that back then for some reason) but yeah in Final Mix it helps for leveling up, finishers. The incorperation into forms and using it in a different way for most of them was great. I feel like some of the 13 mushroom tasks really made good use of both forms and magic.I've seen people say magic is useless in the game but if you ask me I never found magic to be useless and it contributed to me getting to lv99 in a day (something I sure as hell wouldn't bother with if magic was useless). Maybe it's just me. *shrugs*
Actually now that I think about it I liked playing as Terra, but Ventus sucks. He's way too weak. Every encounter is just me mashing X to chip away damage. And after KH2 his aerials feel waaaay too clunky, like when I whiff an attack and take 20 years to get back to ground.
Also what's the point of the rolling bomb guys? They aren't threatening, just annoying when you accidentally trigger one to explode as you spam square to get away.
Also what's the point of the rolling bomb guys? They aren't threatening, just annoying when you accidentally trigger one to explode as you spam square to get away.
They are time consuming but can be done in 1 critical mode playthrough unlike the bullshit of KH1FM. Playing any mode other than critical mode though will require another playthrough to plat the game.So I bought the game yesterday and will start playing soon. Is the platinum difficult to obtain for Kingdom Hearts 2? Are there any ridiculous trophies like completing all gummi ship missions from KH 1?
He's also got the <3 <3 <3 Wingblade <3 <3 <3 Command Style.
I find quick run better anyway. Thats how I dodged things.I find it disturbing that KH2 lacks a dodge roll ability (I know it was added to KH2FM, but I don't have the Limit Form yet). It's kinda hard to dodge anything, so I think I have to master counter-attacks and blocking.
Dodge Roll is poop
Quick Run>>>>>
Dodge roll is better,but you should use both anyway.Dodge Roll is poop
Quick Run>>>>>
Critical sounds too hardcore for me. I'll start out in Proud mode first. Great to hear that difficulty trophies stack this time. Same applies to BBS right?They are time consuming but can be done in 1 critical mode playthrough unlike the bullshit of KH1FM. Playing any mode other than critical mode though will require another playthrough to plat the game.
Critical sounds too hardcore for me. I'll start out in Proud mode first. Great to hear that difficulty trophies stack this time. Same applies to BBS right?
Critical sounds too hardcore for me. I'll start out in Proud mode first. Great to hear that difficulty trophies stack this time. Same applies to BBS right?
Critical sounds too hardcore for me. I'll start out in Proud mode first. Great to hear that difficulty trophies stack this time. Same applies to BBS right?
I think you misunderstood me. I will play on Critical mode but not on the first play through. Though I may reconsider that.Don't do it! Critical is amazing. Why play Final Mix if you're not going to play the awesome new difficulty mode?
Interesting. Which world are you in now? Mulan? Perhaps you are leveling quite well.15 hours into the game and critical seems to be very appropriate.
I am not a very hardcore player either ,but really this mode seems very appropriately challenging.
Will there be massive difficulty spikes later ? Maybe..but I didn't really experience much of that at all.
I daresay any other mode might be too easy,actually.
Nice. My final two platinums for PS3.Yes the difficulty trophies stack for KH2FM
BbSFM only has a Critical difficulty trophy.
BbS critical mode is a lot easier than I remember. I'm pretty sure I beat Wheelmaster in less than 2 minutes.
BBS critical isn't hard at all. I think I said in another post, but I think the hardest part in the game is the first hour of Aqua's scenario; she starts off so terrible.
I've spent they last few hours playing through normal mode on KH2FM and what the fuck.. This mode is an absolute joke. There's no challenge at all, there's no fun or sense of accomplishment in this.
Really glad I completed everything on critical now. Such a waste to play on normal mode. Definitely fastest if trophies are all that matter but fuck this shit. I'm going to do the Data's and Lingering Will to see the difference of myself but if it's as big as the main game then they are going to be a joke as well.
KH2 Proud also being easier than KHFM Proud (not sure how it compares to KH Expert)
The lucky lucky difference is extremely noticeable. Getting hardly any item drops.Yes, Standard is known to be really, really easy.
Generally I believe the difficulties are in the order of (hardest to easiest):
KH2FM Critical > KH2FM Proud > KH2 Proud > KH2(FM) Standard > KH2(FM)Beginner
KH2 Proud also being easier than KHFM Proud (not sure how it compares to KH Expert)
Got the game today.
Hate the delay when using driveforms, anyway to fix it?
Loving everything else.
WOW, BbS is fun! Not sure I understand drive forms (?) yet, but this seems like a natural evolution of KH2's battle system and is far more cohesive/streamlined than DDD's flowmotion/pet nonsense.
Chose Ventus for my first character... was that a good idea?
Ventus>Terra>Aqua will actually play the story correct chronologically. Someone mentioned it above, but a major plot point makes zero god damn sense if you play Terra first.
Are you talking about Eraqus trying to kill Ven? I always figured that was intentional to get you interested in Ven's story.
Someone mentioned it above, but a major plot point makes zero god damn sense if you play Terra first.
Terra Ven Aqua is the only way. Not only did I feel it actually worked better from a story POV, it's also less jarring going from Terra -> Ven gameplay-wise than going from the agile Ven to the more slow, tank-ish Terra.