Wow, I hadn't realized it before, since I haven't played BbS since it's original release in NA, but...
Spoilers for Birth by Sleep, and Dream Drop Distance contained
Lea picking up the toy Keyblade that Terra technically cast the successor spell on, much like Kairi inadvertently touching Aqua's Keyblade, thus starting what would eventually come later on...
So much is actually more thought out than I realized @_@
.... FUCK!
For every instance of "Nomura is making this shit up as he goes along", there's another instance of "holy crap this was planned"
Does this make Jack Sparrow a keyblade user?
Does this make Jack Sparrow a keyblade user?
Wow, I hadn't realized it before, since I haven't played BbS since it's original release in NA, but...
Spoilers for Birth by Sleep, and Dream Drop Distance contained
Lea picking up the toy Keyblade that Terra technically cast the successor spell on, much like Kairi inadvertently touching Aqua's Keyblade, thus starting what would eventually come later on...
So much is actually more thought out than I realized @_@
I think I like Quick Run over Dodge roll. Quick run seems to cover more ground than rolling. Quick Run + Reflect makes for great offense/defense. Xaldin was relatively easier compared to when I fought him 6 years ago. Well, that's after he smacked me around like a pair of floppy tits twice.
Edit:Kairi should be play a higher importance sinceshe's esseentially in both scenarios.
I still don't understand which castle was hollow bastion in KH2. And why there were two to begin with. And where was the second one during BBS.
My head hurts.
Where's the best place to level Limit Form?
Seems to take ages in the areas I've been trying.
Also, the best place to level the Summon Gauge?
Wow, I hadn't realized it before, since I haven't played BbS since it's original release in NA, but...
Spoilers for Birth by Sleep, and Dream Drop Distance contained
Lea picking up the toy Keyblade that Terra technically cast the successor spell on, much like Kairi inadvertently touching Aqua's Keyblade, thus starting what would eventually come later on...
So much is actually more thought out than I realized @_@
I still don't understand which castle was hollow bastion in KH2. And why there were two to begin with. And where was the second one during BBS.
My head hurts.
Was going to start BBS but cant remember what needs done with the save files to ensure thing don't get missed, i know it was posted but I cannot seem to find it, anyone have the info handy?
Make sure you don't reload a completed save file until you finish the final episode. This means you have to make sure to get every Xehanort report for each character before beating their story. Every one is given to you through the plot or in treasure chests except for one of Terra's. You need to complete the Weaver Fever arena match with him to get that one.
Hollow Bastion is simply the name of a kind of "ruined" version of the original castle in Radiant Garden after the Heartless overcame the world.I still don't understand which castle was hollow bastion in KH2. And why there were two to begin with. And where was the second one during BBS.
My head hurts.
PSA for those going for BBS plat: Be careful how you do your saves. Start "new game" for each character. You can skip the tutorial.
If you make a save before selecting which character to play and then save a different save for each character (4 or more saves total) you won't be able to get the Collector Trophy. Even if you get it all perfect and get all OTHER report trophies, Collector won't pop until you play through one of the stories again...
No one knows why this happens, exactly, but anyway, only have ONE save per character.
This is for JP version at least, but might be present in NA/EU as well.
This is what I was talking about. I know i usually do the later and have one save at the character selection. Can anyone confirm that a new save is needed from the start for each character?
Enjoying BBS so far. At Snow White's world so not far in. Terra's a bit of a dingbat though.
One thing that stuck out for me is how awesome the soundtrack is. Probably my favourite of the series.
Still getting used to the gameplay systems and frankly I wouldn't carry anything from this game to KH3 other than maybe the Shotlock, D-Link and Command Style systems. Command Deck is far too limiting for my taste.
Overall it's a decent game and the story/cast do interest me a fair bit.
I don't think it works the same without an actual keyblade. Consider it symbolic.Wow, I hadn't realized it before, since I haven't played BbS since it's original release in NA, but...
Spoilers for Birth by Sleep, and Dream Drop Distance contained
Lea picking up the toy Keyblade that Terra technically cast the successor spell on, much like Kairi inadvertently touching Aqua's Keyblade, thus starting what would eventually come later on...
So much is actually more thought out than I realized @_@
It's always been the same castle, in various states of repair/disrepair. KH2's castle is entered from the back, so it seems different. The "other" castle is Villain's Vale. Not sure who constructed it or why but the huge Heartless symbols suggests it happened after the Heartless invaded.I still don't understand which castle was hollow bastion in KH2. And why there were two to begin with. And where was the second one during BBS.
First door is simple enough, the Door To Darkness that came into being when the Seven Princesses (and their hearts) were brought together, completing Hollow Bastion's keyhole which (somehow) revealed the way to Kingdom Hearts, the light beyond the darkness.This, as well as what exactly is with the numerous Kingdom Heartses (the door in KH1, the Organization-created one in KH2, and the one Xehanort summoned in BBS).
Don't ask me whybecause that part eludes me.the world's Kingdom Hearts appeared during the battle at the Keyblade Graveyard
The mushroom in Agrabah is the best place for both.
kairi clearly wants the D when they meet at TWTNW but apparently she's not the only one.
kairi clearly wants the D when they meet at TWTNW but apparently she's not the only one.
Worst is easily Re:CoM because of how many times you need to beat that game. Even with Chain of Memories being one of my favorite entries to the series, I could only play through it so many times before needing a break. None of the games were particularly difficult though. I'd say BBS would be the actual hardest if I was going to name a game. Some of the secret bosses can be a bit ridiculous compared to stuff in KH1 or 2.Well done. Which one was the hardest/worst? I imagine Chain of Memories being a huge pain. Did you really finish that game 6 times?
Watch it be Namine-related somehow in KH3.
Because Namine.
Hmmm interesting. Right now I can't level limit form since I don't have limits yet. Unless I can use the Trinity limit, which I can't figure out how to activate it, I'm with quick run.Dodge roll has more invincibility frames and it has a shorter recovery time than quick run. Trying dodging into attacks instead of away from them and you'll see why dodge roll is so good.
Can't wait until I achieve the same. I haven't used a summoning yet though. Drive forms all the time.All Drive Forms and Summon Gauge maxed out.
Feels good man.
Hmmm interesting. Right now I can't level limit form yet since I don't have limits yet. Unless I can use the Trinity limit, which I can't figure out how to activate it, I'm with quick run.
First door is simple enough, the Door To Darkness that came into being when the Seven Princesses (and their hearts) were brought together, completing Hollow Bastion's keyhole which (somehow) revealed the way to Kingdom Hearts, the light beyond the darkness.
The second door was a gateway created by the worlds tofollow Xemnas after he absorbed the broken Kingdom Hearts.
The two heart-shaped moons you see in KH2 and BBS are, according to Master Xehanort,artificial Kingdom Hearts created by gathering different types of hearts: the hearts of people (yellow), or the hearts of the worlds themselves (blue). Both Ansem SoD and Xemnas attempted to do just that, but the true Kingdom Hearts lies somewhere deep inside the Realm of Darkness and out-of-reach.
Don't ask me whybecause that part eludes me.the world's Kingdom Hearts appeared during the battle at the Keyblade Graveyard
Hmmm interesting. Right now I can't level limit form since I don't have limits yet. Unless I can use the Trinity limit, which I can't figure out how to activate it, I'm with quick run.
Hmmm interesting. Right now I can't level limit form since I don't have limits yet. Unless I can use the Trinity limit, which I can't figure out how to activate it, I'm with quick run.
Limit Form has its own Limits. Hold L1 and choose.
The limits you have to use are those available during Limit Form.
WOW I feel so retarded now. I had no idea I was supposed to hold L1. I missed the grinding opportunity with the 1,000 heartless. Thanks for telling me this.Limit Form has its own Limits available. Hold L1 and choose.
And yes, Dodge Roll is awesome. Its removal was my biggest complaint about vanilla KHII. Quick Run paled in comparison as a substitute. Feels great to have it back again, and I hope they never remove it again in KHIII or any other future games.
WOW I feel so retarded now. I had no idea I was supposed to hold L1. I missed the grinding opportunity with the 1,000 heartless. Thanks for telling me this.