Uh... What? Coded is "Data Sora" but DDD Riku is Riku.
Not objectively the same power level as real Riku.
yes i know how the ending goes
Uh... What? Coded is "Data Sora" but DDD Riku is Riku.
I almost took that personally, for some reason.your faith in your friends is yours
Only petting the pokemon is shit, otherwise they give some fun offensive abilities during combat and provide an ok way of character development/ability managment. Flowmotion is a fun way to get around levels and gets progressively less broken (at least combat-wise) by the end of the game.Come on, DDD is not that bad!
The story is shit, the pokemons are shit and flowmotion is broken but... well, yeah it's a somewhat shit game.
But you get to play as Riku and use Dark Splicer, so it's totally OK.
I feel like Dream Drop Distance fails to do anything particularly better than any other game in the series... which is odd, since the other games do that, too.
KH1: the OG
KH2: the gameplay/speed/bosses
KH:com: unique gameplay
KH re:coded: diverse gameplay
KHdays: story/multiplayer
BBS: Aqua
DDD: ???
It really has nothing.... unless you were really into Nintendogs.
I feel like Dream Drop Distance fails to do anything particularly better than any other game in the series... which is odd, since the other games do that, too.
KH1: the OG
KH2: the gameplay/speed/bosses
KH:com: unique gameplay
KH re:coded: diverse gameplay
KHdays: story/multiplayer
BBS: Aqua
DDD: ???
It really has nothing.... unless you were really into Nintendogs.
I feel like Dream Drop Distance fails to do anything particularly better than any other game in the series... which is odd, since the other games do that, too.
KH1: the OG
KH2: the gameplay/speed/bosses
KH:com: unique gameplay
KH re:coded: diverse gameplay
KHdays: story/multiplayer
BBS: Aqua
DDD: ???
It's perhaps not the best in anything, but even the craziness of the end is way preferable to the endless sea salt icecream of Days and pointlessness of Coded, the combat is (almost) on par with BBS and it has some neat worlds (TWEWY, Fantasia, Tron) + it actually does have the best OST in the series.I feel like Dream Drop Distance fails to do anything particularly better than any other game in the series... which is odd, since the other games do that, too.
KH1: the OG
KH2: the gameplay/speed/bosses
KH:com: unique gameplay
KH re:coded: diverse gameplay
KHdays: story/multiplayer
BBS: Aqua
DDD: ???
It really has nothing.... unless you were really into Nintendogs.
Finally got this and started!
Holy shit is the intro more terrible every time I play it. This should be a crime.
Finally got this and started!
Holy shit is the intro more terrible every time I play it. This should be a crime.
I feel like Dream Drop Distance fails to do anything particularly better than any other game in the series... which is odd, since the other games do that, too.
KH1: the OG
KH2: the gameplay/speed/bosses
KH:com: unique gameplay
KH re:coded: diverse gameplay
KHdays: story/multiplayer
BBS: Aqua
DDD: ???
It really has nothing.... unless you were really into Nintendogs.
The problem I have with the KH2 opening is the fact that it takes too long, and yes, I know I will not be using Roxas for long so I just want to start using the character that I will be using for the remainder of the game and start leveling up and fighting enemies/bosses. And also, I hate with a passion, forced mini games.
The Roxas sections really aren't bad at all... and probably offer up the best "world" experience in the game. Twilight town could arguably be considered the most lively world in the series, and that only comes about because of Roxas' ability to interact with Twilight Town in so many ways: He has friends, rivals, his own secret hang out, jobs, actual town residents, the functioning trolleys, the tunnel system, the town's lore/urban legends, and recreation in the form of struggle battles.
I think the real issue people have with it is how disconnected it is from the rest of the story since you don't actually get to continue using Roxas. Imagine if KH2 was a stand alone game, where Roxas was the main character and went off on his own journey. There would be no disappointment because the prologue would flow into the main story in a familiar and seamless way. It kind of reminds me of Final Fantasy X, and how Tidus has his prologue section with blitz ball and Zanarkand or Cloud in Midgar. You start in these places, get introduced to the characters, experience their "normal" lives for a moment, and then you're thrown into the real game. The only difference here is that you go from Roxas to Sora, with nothing that happened in Twilight Town having much weight.
Think about this: The Kingdom Hearts 1 prologue is far more boring and tedious than the KH2 prologue, yet no one complains about it much. I think it's because you transition into the main game with the character you started with.
in order to get the last orichalcum+ from moogle I need to finish all the mushroom challenges if I'm reading things right?
also I just did the run on TWTNW 2 times and went from 47 to 54, with both experience boosts equipped. now if there are no more experience boosts I have to say that it's pretty fucking slow to get at lvl99.
You make a great point; if we played a Roxas for at least 1/3rd of the game, the transition from him to Sora would have been a bit more smoother. Besides, your level, items and stats all carry over to Sora anyway after his section, so maybe it could of been set up like this:
-Prolog happens like it does but Roxas leaves instead of fusing with Sora
-Learns he can travel to worlds via Keyblade, but winds up in The World that Never Was
-You fight your way through that world (with his goal being the same as it was at the end of Days; destroying Organization XIII
-Roxas losses his first fight with one of its members but Mickey or Riku jump in to help out.
-They defeat that member and explain why he has to go back to Sora
-He understands and agrees to do so; they go back to Twilight Town and he goes into Sora
That sounds like a bit of a normal transition; Roxas has a reason to go back to Sora (he isn't strong enough to fight the Organization on his own; needs Sora's powers to stop them) and it gives the player enough to work with understanding why Organization XIII needs to be stopped (with Roxas explaining what happened in Days when in The World that Never Was). I think that would have been a good idea.
well, you do have to play them, more than one time, to get 800 munnies. that's probably what he meant and it is pretty annoying. I did the faster one over and over again but still.There are only 2 forced mini games in the Roxas prologue. One of which you can beat by mashing triangle. :/
There are only 2 forced mini games in the Roxas prologue. One of which you can beat by mashing triangle. :/
well, you do have play them, more than one time, to get 800 munnies. that's probably what he meant and it is pretty annoying. I did the faster one over and over again but still.
This is a great idea actually. Some of the tutorial stuff could have been replaced by more plot heavy things.
how do you get the money then?no u don't
how do you get the money then?
Miiiiight be the other way around. =/Saix was just as bad. Like honestly, what am I even looking at? Now, onto BBS.
Doing this shit in critical has been insane, I consider myself very good at games but this has been testing my limits. Tell me that pleasing the damn Mushrooms will not be this crazy. -___-
I spent so many hours trying to defeat the Data Org battles, I'm terrible at it and Axel was the one that took me the damn longest, I have defeated 10 of them and all I have left is Xenmas, Zexion, and Xaldin.
Doing this shit in critical has been insane, I consider myself very good at games but this has been testing my limits. Tell me that pleasing the damn Mushrooms will not be this crazy. -___-
falk plsDREAM RIKU
Not objectively the same power level as real Riku.
yes i know how the ending goes
I don't know why they called it Limit Form tbh (well it uses limits, yes). Considering you basically transform into KH1 Sora.
I don't know how it is called in japanese though.
In french they chose something that could be translated as Remembrance Form and I kinda like that better.
falk pls
Splitting hairs. It's nothing like Data Sora who got reset when everything was said and done. It's like saying Mer-Sora or Cub-Sora isn't the real Sora. His abilities were limited or wildly inconsistent in those forms but he's still Sora when all is said and done.
You're not inspiring much confidence in me if the data org battles are giving you a hard time. I feel like I'm going to regret going for the plat on a critical run ;_;I spent so many hours trying to defeat the Data Org battles, I'm terrible at it and Axel was the one that took me the damn longest, I have defeated 10 of them and all I have left is Xenmas, Zexion, and Xaldin.
Doing this shit in critical has been insane, I consider myself very good at games but this has been testing my limits. Tell me that pleasing the damn Mushrooms will not be this crazy. -___-
Eh? If anything, it gets better as you remember where to go and what to do and, thus, can get to the good parts faster (and there ARE good parts in the Roxas intro). It also gets better because, as much as people hate KHs stories, the story of Roxas' last days is actually quite decent in many ways (dialogue can still be kind of bad, but the events themselves that start taking place are pretty good, imo) and you know exactly where the story is headed for Roxas, so you can kind of appreciate the sadness of it all a bit better.Finally got this and started!
Holy shit is the intro more terrible every time I play it. This should be a crime.
Actually its not that bad, though getting the munny for the trip was indeed annoying. I like the story bits.
iirc that doesn't work with aqua, yeah? how do you grind Aqua?
nice I didn't know that, it solves one problem at least.You just have to do one job then they get disappointed but they get enough money anyway. I figured that out my 2nd play through years ago. Still annoying to do though.