I'm dissapointed in you guys, I'm seeing some really ignorant posts.
yeah but being a programmer myself I knew Riot was sort of full of it from the beginning. SoloQ would've been so easy to implement.
[edit] I regret this post- I dont work at Riot for all I know their code base is utter craptastic.
What's the point of ARAM if someone leaves the champ select screen if they don't get something they like?
For the same reason people create ARAM only accounts with only good champions.What's the point of ARAM if someone leaves the champ select screen if they don't get something they like?
This Yasuo is top 40 NA.
NA is BO3 nowWait NA starts tonight? And runs through Sunday?
Shaq is great, i would agree best tweet.
Teemo (unranked), Yi, Zyra (me!), Jhin, Leona
Garen, Warwick, Fizz, Caitlyn, Morgana
Damn my refusal to dodge...
Edit: Teemo is currently 0/5/0
anyways, one thing is certain, riot's already lost me to overwatch
Trying to claw my way out of Bronze Hell, one Swain massacre at a time.
BumpAnyways, inhouse today, here's the timer.
There's well reasoned arguments against dyn q. Check out the Sky and Gbay videos if you want to go more in depth into that.
There's well reasoned arguments against dyn q. Check out the Sky and Gbay videos if you want to go more in depth into that.
Or the Xpecial video which is loads more informed and coming from a position of someone with expertise on matters of high rank as well with experience in different regions~
Skys video is emotional appeal with a misunderstanding of why high elo rank sucks, and gbay, well, I havent seen his so I cant comment.
Protip: dont stack double catalyst items on swain. Dont build hextech either, go for haunting guise or rylais for 2nd offensive item. If you need defense, zhonghys or spirit visage depending on enemy comp.
I don't mind.Mind if I stream it? Trying to setup so I can but let me know (BWLzero)
Xpecial's video really has nothing do with dynamic queue anyways.
The point is, is that many people including me, Talents, and I'm sure more people have had to play against premades as full solo teams. They moved in the right direction by reducing the max premade to 3, but it was only because people gave them this feedback.
Anyways all Riot has to do to make Newt happy: diamond + queues have a premade restriction of 2.
Rito posted a graph of how playrate of certain champions correlate with other champions.
If you select a champ in the graph you can see more details, and actual ranks. For example if someone plays a lot of Zyra their next most played champ is likely to be Nami. If someone plays a lot of Heimerdinger their next most likely champs are Teemo and Blitzcrank. Draven correlates a lot with Vayne and Kalista.
Nobody likes Vel'Koz. Or is it that if you play Vel'Koz, you play few other champs?
We get two unique people right away. Tough times.
I like Yorick's main correlations: Urgot, Maokai, Galio, Mordekaiser, Taric. All the bulky, tanky and clunky people. Also a lot of 'screw the meta' in there.
My preferences fit very well with the graph, with a few exceptions.
costy pls, I just posted that