Whatever happened to GAF club on EUW?
It doesn't show up...
Or am I kicked out?![]()
Asol was secretly nutty and had to be nerfed though.I feel like I've played with one taliyah since release. I don't think I've ever seen so much apathy towards a new champion. Asol was close though
What? No, you're in.
You're appearing as offline for some reason though.
Nida so broken she can make 3 adc no tank teams work.
Zyra dmg broken enough to deal more than the fed Nida, nice poke.
How do I get rank 6, I got two rank 6 shards for Jinx but ask me for another material for the upgrade I dont own
I feel like I've played with one taliyah since release. I don't think I've ever seen so much apathy towards a new champion. Asol was close though
I like Karthus.
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ok i have the thread pretty much done (rip my saturday afternoon) but i got a birthday party to go to and won't be able to post it until i'm back since i wanna review it a bit
if ppl wanna suggest titles that'd be much appreciated since i'm bad at it
dynamic q stuff i think would be very topical haha
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Welp, there goes 15 dollars.
how does a yasuo manage only 4.7k damage in 30 minutes?
That's hard to do.
how does a yasuo manage only 4.7k damage in 30 minutes?
That's hard to do.
being behind
fuck that. when Janna out-damages you, it's more than simply being "behind".
sorry I meant "picking yasuo" and "being bad"
lol better!
No I know why and you're right. He got behind against a comp that is very anti-yasuo. Diana can damn near 1-shot him. He fed the Wu (and we all know what Wu can do when ahead), Zyra roots...yea. It was just an awful pick, really. Yasuo and Yi are 2 champs I'd never pick into 3 or more strong CC abilities. They had 6 such abilities if you include Diana's crowd control and Aatrox' knock up. Just a good reminder to be very aware of "all in" picks and comps that can dumpster you.
I think they know I play adc
a few of these are discounted suspiciously just below the amount of RP I have available.
I like this.League of Legends |OT12| Send DQ on Vacation
Thanks rito.
I feel like I've played with one taliyah since release. I don't think I've ever seen so much apathy towards a new champion. Asol was close though
i don't get itLeague of Legends |OT12| Send DQ on Vacation
he doesn't?people still think fizz has grievous wounds in his kit
no, like
explain it for me