I still perma ban Zed. He's probably the champ I'd least like to play against in mid lane. People say he takes "skill" but he really doesn't. All he has to do in lane is W E Q to chunk your health, and when his skills are back up, all in you and unless you're prepared to blow all your CD's, good luck getting out alive.
zed is complicated. his laning is among the best of any midlaner, with him being able to poke, waveclear, dodge spells and escape ganks, buy 3 potions and sustain and kill you at different points of the game. he even has that crazy last-hitting passive. i'd say his laning is one of the easiest for an assassin, because even if using his ult properly takes practice to pull off reliably, all those tools make him an extremely safe laner.
the problem is later on
in teamfights and lategame, zed really does take skill to play, as the number of possible options for him get smaller and smaller as people buy zhonyas and qss and generally assassinating someone gets harder, as you still gotta make sure you ult, bjork, land your q and e, maybe use an extra shadow to follow up, land a few autos, etc. and if the other player had zhonyas they'll ignore a lot of your damage, since it's resistances + the active
compare that to katarina who's damage can't be easily zhonya'd and who also doesn't take any mechanical skill to pull off (just mash all the buttons when off cd)
splitpushing also isn't easy to pull off as a team, since you need good vision and zed needs to be a strong threat already
i'd say he's a nuanced champion for sure, not one you can just pick up and play
No, but really how do I get better at this game? I'm sick of getting called useless every single game.
what classes do you like playing? that might help giving you tips
general tips:
* focus on csing
* don't run blindly to your lane every back. if it's 20m and you're adc and your midlaner's bot, then just go mid
* watch the map as often as you can
* think before you buy (don't always get the same, if you're against an ad midlane, for instance, don't buy chalice on your first back)
* buy lots of wards, including pinks
* don't flame, mute people as soon as you think they're being toxic
* watching streams is alright
* don't play too many champions, just focus on the few you find more fun/are more succesful at
* know what your champion is good and bad at and what they're supposed to do at the game. if you're ahri roam, if you're xerath farm, etc.
* don't be greedy. if you can send someone to base that's usually a big win, no need to tower dive or take risks to get the kill. be aggressive, just not stupidly so!
* focus on objectives, if you get a kill, immediately think "what can i get from this?". it can be dragon, baron, a turret, a buff, even a jungle camp or just shoving the lane down.
* use pings a lot, send mias over everything and ping going to and all that crap. it's annoying but it's useful i think
did evilore just perm deadnames?
do we hold elections for new pariah of lolgaf?
i vote zkylon and his waifus
i resent this post
I can get behind waifus in general, I like zkylon though!
thank you
zkylon for class rep!