Ghost is Bad
nami is getting pushed out because annie/blitz/leona have become extremely popular again and absolutely wreck her. i would not blind pick her or even pick her period.
nami is getting pushed out because annie/blitz/leona have become extremely popular again and absolutely wreck her. i would not blind pick her or even pick her period.
nami is getting pushed out because annie/blitz/leona have become extremely popular again and absolutely wreck her. i would not blind pick her or even pick her period.
Nami is so good as support now, while Sona is still having identity issues as support or duo adc in bot lane
almost everything early on until he has items and becomes an ap hypercarry. zed is one exception as vlad shits all over him by kit design
if ur playing like a fucktard u have 0 right to flame others.
It's still not a nice thing to do. Summoner's Code and all that!
nami is getting pushed out because annie/blitz/leona have become extremely popular again and absolutely wreck her. i would not blind pick her or even pick her period.
Almost 30 now. I don't know if my heart can take ranked. ;-;
mid usually plays mages or assassins, while top is a good place for tanks, duelists and lately, different kinds of mages
the champions that play in solo lanes do so because they can make the best use out of levels and gold compared to junglers or supports, and don't necessarily need the constant babysitting like an adc (tho adcs are also often left on their own as supports start roaming)
mid is the place for mages and assassins, for a few reasons:
* mid allows for the best roaming, which is great for roaming champions like ahri or lissandra
* mid is close to blue buff, which junglers give mids so they can constantly push waves and poke and harass around objectives. mages are the best champions to receive this buff since they use up a lot of mana and can take really good advantage of the cdr from the buff
* mid is a short lane, which helps squishy low mobility mages escape from ganks
* assassins are played mid to counter and kill those mages
if you tried to play a tank in mid lane you could, but it wouldn't be the best distribution of your champions, as tanks can be easily pushed to turret (not all of them) which allows for mages and assassins to freely roam while tanks last hit under turret
top instead is mostly for tanks and 1v1 duelists for other reasons like:
* top laners usually take teleport, so while they're in the lane with the least action (far away from the duo lane and far away from dragon), they can make tp plays around the map
* duelists like riven are picked to bully out weaker laners like ryze or mundo. they often take ignite instead of teleport and try to do their thing by destroying the tank laner and becoming splitpushing monsters
* long lane is better for tanks that fight longer wars of attrition and that survive ganks longer than squishies and reach their turret faster
* tanks are really good in 2v1s, which doesn't apply to normal play but it's very important in competitive, since duelists can be easily shut down in 2v1 lanes. tanks like mundo or maokai or whatever have ranged spells that help them farm a bit even when 2v1, while riven or tryndamere or whatever just cry in a corner
* mages like lulu and lissandra are pretty popular top lane too at the moment, which can also bully out tanks, but also 2v1 fairly well. these do play with tp tho
there's other reasons but those are the ones i can think of right now
basically mid = mages and assassins, top = bruisers, tanks and mages
If you're in Coop vs AI, and their kills were so rare, they may have been excited about getting a chance to actually rack up another one. Your kills were very common so they didn't mean much to you, but they're a rare prize for that person. If it's just bots might as well let the low players get their kill.Only in Coop vs AI by some low bronze will you be called a "killstealer" when you are Caitlyn 36/0/8 (85% kill participation) by a Malzahar 4/3/5.
It's always funny how most toxic people underperform so much and look to blame everything on everyone else lol.
"A normal with this team? fuck that" were his last words.
I didn't bother replying but damn lol, it sucks because he was in a premade (the premade buddy was level 11) and he will probably perpetuate this toxicity onto the new player.
that's fine, there's a lot of diversity in ranged champions' range too, so learning how to manage that is important. like sivir vs caitlyn or lissandra vs xerath. if you're low range, you need to use all the tools you have at your disposal to close that gap so that their higher range is no longer importantI just realized I said mid tank instead of top tank, whoops.
I never considered using Lulu in top lane, though. Maybe I'll give that a shot.
I think I have some sort of problem playing non-ranged champs because I have a tendency to not want to get in another champ's face because death.
Man, I love playing tank against an AP team in ARAM as long as it wasn't horrible lopsided. I could stack HP regen (Horn, Targon, Visage, Glory, Aegis) and recover 30HP per second. It's nuts.
Has sunfire finally become a situationally useful item like thornmail? I seem to recall thornmail used to be universally mocked, then became occasionally acceptable or used by pros.![]()
Shy is really good vs Sion. Land E, sit on him with sunfire and W to juke his shit, Q and auto and there goes his health. At 22 minutes I had sunfire/thornmail/giantsbelt/cutlass. At 32 I had Sunfire/thornmail/warmogs/BORK. I was sitting on motherfuckers.
If you're in Coop vs AI, and their kills were so rare, they may have been excited about getting a chance to actually rack up another one. Your kills were very common so they didn't mean much to you, but they're a rare prize for that person. If it's just bots might as well let the low players get their kill.
By low I mean low-kill, not low-level.? I worked my kills on my own lol. Not like it takes more than half a brain to get kills in a bot game, if you are at least 30. It's not like I was taking "his" kills in any way, and in fact I let most people get their kills if I could (like the J4 in my lane). I stayed top/mid, where I was. They were bot.
He was not low, he was a douche. His premade friend was the low-level guy.
Play Garen and regen 100hp per second.
I like it a lot.
Shy is really good vs Sion. Land E, sit on him with sunfire and W to juke his shit, Q and auto and there goes his health. At 22 minutes I had sunfire/thornmail/giantsbelt/cutlass. At 32 I had Sunfire/thornmail/warmogs/BORK. I was sitting on motherfuckers.
By low I mean low-kill, not low-level.
They may be a jerk in real life, I don't know, but I am just saying I can sympathize with someone playing a bot game and wanting to practice their lane and occasionally get a kill, and having someone else who's farming tons of kills start cruising in and picking up the few I had a chance for.
*edit* Oh, I see you mention you were top and they were bot. I guess I don't understand how you were interacting then, unless you both went to a common location.
Was one of the 2 you killed in the bot lane jungle the one they were complaining about? That's at least next to the lane so it's understandable.sigh
Check here at the map and filter by my kills and his kills.
I don't know why you are even trying to defend him.
is there anything more stressful than being chased down by Sivir and Nidalee while running over Teemo shrooms along the way? This was one of those exhausting matches where everyone was just constantly dying.
Almost 30 now. I don't know if my heart can take ranked. ;-;
Was one of the 2 you killed in the bot lane jungle the one they were complaining about? That's at least next to the lane so it's understandable.
I think I'm not trying to defend the person (as I pointed out, maybe they're a jerk in real life, who knows, hard to tell from just one game) as much as I'm trying to say, I can understand why someone can find it annoying in a bot game when someone is very good at the game and racking up a ton of kills, and gets near other people puttering along. Putting yourself in their shoes, and all that.
How about "no" with everything adding up against it. It being "core" on Shyvanna is also unfathomable considering she doesn't have problems pushing waves as it is - while also ignoring that the cape has a smaller area-of-effect radius than her W - and her being in much higher need of actual sticking power instead of a negligible damage boost.Sunfire has always been a non-troll item. It's just crab milkey being unreasonable.
Nice hunts, Wolf! I launched you into the air more than you launched me into the air so I guess you're the better hammer user.
At least I got the chilling beaks I needed, and some plates I didn't need.
Edit: was it a coincidence that we got into the same room or did we have each other on the friend list already?
It's tough, but it happens. I thought I knocked you away way too many times! I used to be a lot better at not knocking people away in tri.Nah, I know I knocked you a lot with super pound. I think we only once managed to triple pound Gore's head together without knocking each.
I really want the Gore set. Seems to be a great set for hammer.
I was looking for a Gore room but couldn't find good ones that were still in the Hall. I checked my Friend List and saw you there. How many hours do you already have?
Not gonna lie, if you go into ranked with that number of games you'll be lucky to place into bronze 1.
Evilore picked IreliaWhat happened to DeadNames lol?
Isn't bronze 1 like the highest of that tier? If normals are any indication I'd probably be in the bottom half. But I'm pretty dedicated to learning the game now.
Hopefully the game is still popular by the time I get good.
Game 1 of promos - get in game and Graves says he can't ADC. Proceeds to feed the fuck out of lane.
I don't understand people like this. Just take the -3lp and wait 5 min instead of losing 20 minutes...
your use of the word "unfathomable" amuses me lolHow about "no" with everything adding up against it. It being "core" on Shyvanna is also unfathomable considering she doesn't have problems pushing waves as it is - while also ignoring that the cape has a smaller area-of-effect radius than her W - and her being in much higher need of actual sticking power instead of a negligible damage boost.