Ghost is Bad
nah she was a sloot that started to not like being a killer vagina (literally) so she joined da leeg.
nah she was a sloot that started to not like being a killer vagina (literally) so she joined da leeg.
Garen: "How many souls have you stolen to obtain that look?"I thought she was one.
Can't wait until he gets inevitably benched.
what.So based on the new Taric retexture...Pink Taric isn't black?
So based on the new Taric retexture...Pink Taric isn't black?
So based on the new Taric retexture...Pink Taric isn't black?
So based on the new Taric retexture...Pink Taric isn't black?
what.So based on the new Taric retexture...Pink Taric isn't black?
So based on the new Taric retexture...Pink Taric isn't black?
So based on the new Taric retexture...Pink Taric isn't black?
noI'd let that vagina kill me any day
Man, I gotta figure out how to have better starts with Sejuani. I end up recovering pretty well but I keep putting my team in holes with really bad starts. I don't know if its a bad jungle path or awful early gank attempts or what.
So based on the new Taric retexture...Pink Taric isn't black?
So based on the new Taric retexture...Pink Taric isn't black?
Oh, the nightmare has just begun. You think you were even a nightmare before huh? That's a good one.The nightmare is over. Finally...
Pantheon's Arrows! All one of them!
The nightmare is over. Finally...
Pantheon's Arrows! All one of them!
...He looked black to me!
The nightmare is over. Finally...
Pantheon's Arrows! All one of them!
Man, I gotta figure out how to have better starts with Sejuani. I end up recovering pretty well but I keep putting my team in holes with really bad starts. I don't know if its a bad jungle path or awful early gank attempts or what.
So based on the new Taric retexture...Pink Taric isn't black?
No comment.He looked black to me!
i mean they've done it before with nidalee, in reverse
strong independent shapeshifting darkskinned girl who don't need no man whitewashed with a skin
and let's not even begin to DISCUSS what they did to Zac
"Look, just move over. I can do this better."
Yeah, they def messed up. Altec one of the best ADs NA, Gleeb the best support NA. Their botlane was wfx the new xdg
wtf altec is like one of the best ads in na
Her early game is pretty rough. I will typically go krugs w/leash -> red -> smite wolves for the vision by your blue -> back to buy stalkers blade. After that I grab blue then try to pull off a gank with stalkers smite to help out.
Sejuani doesn't have the best early ganks or clears. She gets better with time for sure but without a high damage laner to back up your gank, it's probably going to fail. She has one gap closer and a minor slow early with very little damage herself.
I use an AP/attackspeed runepage and I do the half jungle start - krugs (smite), red, crab (if it's not contested), raptors. You might have to juggle the red buff a little bit to avoid getting TOO low. Back and buy rangers, couple pots and a ward then do the other half of the jungle.
I don't try to force early ganks as Sejuani. I'll take one if there's an opportunity but forcing one is asking for trouble. Counter ganking is potent. I use the trinket and ward to try and get a couple of deep wards depending on the enemy jungler. Knowing where they are going will help me determine if I'm going to power farm to 6 or try and get some ganks/counterganks.
The real key is that level 6. Chain her CC and you're in for some real easy ganks. She's especially good in 3v3 or greater situations.
I haven't really settled into a build path yet. I kind of like the Meteos approach where he builds juggernaut and a sightstone. You're basically a mobile tank that wards the hell out of the map, sweeps like crazy and has a ton of CC. I've also gone magus into haunting guise before and it's worked out well. Depends on the teams.