Fortunately he threw the gameThat looks like madness.
Fortunately he threw the gameThat looks like madness.
When I auto with Cass, I feel like I'm caressing minions.
You should max E first on Cass anyway. Easier farm, stronger trades.
Switch champs and switch back.I hate the bug where the lock in button is grayed out during champ select. Not a huge deal, but annoying.
Sounds like me.Nothing like a 3/22 Draven who says "I'm gonna keep playing aggressive" and "You guys need to play the right way, don't be scared." to make you hate duo bots forever.
Riftwalk (R) !
Range reduced from 550 to 500 [Air Client only? Will need to check it out. Live range currently 450.]
Mana cost reduced to 50 from 60
Cooldown changed to 6/4/2 from 5/4/3
Titan's Wrath (W ) shield value scaling increased to 9/11/13/15/17% of his max health from 7/9.5/112/14.5/17%
Titan's Wrath (W) damage increased to 30/40/50/60/70 from 15/30/45/60/75 [Note: Still reduced vs the live value of 40/55/70/85/100]
Riptide (E) cooldown increased to 7/6.5/6/5.5/5 from 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 [Note: Still lower vs the live value of 10 seconds at all ranks]
Decimating Smash (Q) mana cost lowered to 45 at all ranks from 40/45/50/55/60 [Note: Lower than current live value of 45/50/55/60/65 mana]
Soul Furnace (W) mana cost reverted to 65/70/75/80/85 from 60/65/70/75/80 [Note: Reverted back to current live values]
Keanu Reeves would be wearing a black shirt, not black-on-white.![]()
Why would a squid monster explode when it dies?
Sounds like me.
My next game featured a top lane thresh, who disconnected for 10 minutes, during which we built up a decent lead. Then he came back and we lost.
I'm at 29 LP in Bronze V. Is there anything lower?
Annie burst is NUTS
cool ahri in theory tho i'm on 1600x1200 stretched to 1920x1200 so can't confirm
it's made by a rioter
Youve NEVER watched kaiju or toku series before have you?Why would a squid monster explode when it dies?
How does skipping divisions work?
I went from 0-3 to 7-3 in placements and landed in silver III, now I'm 10-3 and close to being promoted. Will this (epic) winning streak do anything?
jinx da bess
It's because his E mana costs are getting nerfed. He's balanced beyond E spam in lane, no need to mana gate him as a whole.I don't think Sion needed that buff.
i think you can see it from your lp gains
if you constantly gain over 25 you should skip. at least thats how it went for a friend of mine
I remember back when I was in Gold V I went on a 22 winstreak with Achtius that got me to Plat II. I didn't skip a single division.How does skipping divisions work?
I went from 0-3 to 7-3 in placements and landed in silver III, now I'm 10-3 and close to being promoted. Will this (epic) winning streak do anything?
jinx da bess
I just faced a good Zed player for the first time.
I'm speechless...
You have such bad taste.I love playing Viktor. Can't wait to see him in the LCS tonight
You have such bad taste.
Did he go faker on you?
I love playing Viktor. Can't wait to see him in the LCS tonight
Nah, post-rework Viktor is clearly a more viable Viktor. Pre-rework he only had his E, the rest was trash. His new E got a bit less damage and too bad he lost his DoT, but his Q... His Q is so godly now. Also, that 168 AP on his Augment and the free mana!Viktor is love. Viktor is life.
Pre rework Viktor is still best Viktor
Use OP.GG.Does Lolking suck at updating now, or is it just me? It seems to have like a 2-3 day lag and updating always fails. The site needs some maintenance something fierce.
Use OP.GG.