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League of Legends |OT9| Stealing Abilities From Inferior MOBAs since 2009

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They just need to make her ult a shorter cooldown (60/50/40), fix her passive so it's not so random and buggy, and make her Q scale more with AD or make it trigger her passive. Make it harder to hit if you want.

Quinn fixed.
Quinn would probably become one of the most obnoxious mid / top assassins with that ult change, even without the other buffs.
They just need to make her ult a shorter cooldown (60/50/40), fix her passive so it's not so random and buggy, and make her Q scale more with AD or make it trigger her passive. Make it harder to hit if you want.

Quinn fixed.
But that would make an ADC that can roam and that is bad because reasons!
Quinn would probably become one of the most obnoxious mid / top assassins with that ult change, even without the other buffs.
She wouldn't be much different from a visible Rengar gank but with like a third of the damage

People honestly overrate how much damage Quinn actually does at level 6. You don't ult at a full health opposing ADC unless you have a silly damage supp who just landed something.


Lol it's like people want Quinn to be gutted a la Twitch. Trying to make her a ADC/Assassin combo will just bring on the reddit whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance


60s cd on quinn's ult would make her broken lol
Yeah that 40% attack speed, movement speed buff, putting her in melee range, and 150 damage (before mitigation) finisher would be N U T S on a shorter CD.

Quinn does shit damage at level 6. Her ult is her only saving grace, and putting it on a 140 second cooldown is insane.
Twitch wasn't nerfed because he could assassinate people mid lane

Quinn is not a safe ish lane bully that also transitions to a hyper carry so she'll be fine
Velkoz is a fucking god
Hell yeah, he is. He kites out of this world, and his ult's range is constantly underestimated in range and power. It is amazing how much a combo of his ending with an ult can completely turn a team fight. Opponents always panic when that ult comes out, and they lose focus so damn quick just trying to get away from it.


Yeah, but Fiora was like level 10ish, so it's a far cry from that. Still, she probably had less than 100 bonus AD and completely whomped me.

She has other skills that deal damage like her 2 hit slow and crit attack. An early game crit is very frustrating.



New Blitzcrank and Riven splash art. Does this mean they plan to release four more arcade skins?
mobility is not lux's issue. lux's issue is being overpressured by pretty much all the mids in the game, which becomes super apparent when u see her in competitive. on regular games it's not that important cos ppl don't make plays on the map off a pushed midlane, at least not as decisively as they do in competitive

This is correct. It was considered a big weakness of AP Ezreal that he couldn't defend his tower against early pushes due to mana issues. Lux would be quite a bit worse without the payoff of being a broken hyper-mobile long-range assassin after 25 minutes.

Personally I want to see Anivia back in the competitive mid lane rotation more than any other champion (not every game, or even often, but just not completely excluded). Less Viktor.
This is correct. It was considered a big weakness of AP Ezreal that he couldn't defend his tower against early pushes due to mana issues. Lux would be quite a bit worse without the payoff of being a broken hyper-mobile long-range assassin after 25 minutes.

Personally I want to see Anivia back in the competitive mid lane rotation more than any other champion (not every game, or even often, but just not completely excluded). Less Viktor.

I've seen so many Lux (on other team and my team) that goes like 0-1 0-2 or 1-1 or 1-0 during lane phase in a very passive farm lane.

Buy Mejai's and just slowly end up at 14+ a couple minutes later. I've done it myself on Lux support a few times. Where I would end the game more damage than my ADC by a mile. Fuck there's been time I've done most damage in the entire game as Lux support especially if it goes super late and everyone at 6 items.
Let's play some Twitch tonight, why not. Let's see if I can hit late-game.

Best part of playing Twitch is either when you're like 4-0 in lane and you're already know the game is over. GG.

The other part is when you're like 1-3-2 or some shit and your team is like yelling at you because the other ADC is like 3-0-2. Then late game hits... and you win cause you stealth well and your ult hits both their ADC, and mid laner with your dps just shitting on the entire team. Then you tell them TO SUCK YOUR D*********


Welp, internet decided I'm not playing tonight, 400 ping. Good thing it was only an ARAM.

Fuck WiFi. If there's one thing good about going back to school, at least I'll be getting less than 80 there.


OT Hard Carry
Hey I just noticed the latest backup I had from my HDD (which died like a week ago) didn't include the extremely dumb fabulous OT I was halfway through, so I'll resort to a quick job again for OT10.

That being said, since Costy is unavailable I'd appreciate if someone else helped with, at the very least, updating/proofreading the text in the slides and planning. If any of you guys have time to waste please shoot me a PM.

As always I'm also open to ideas/concepts/croppable porn to make it entertaining.


Welp, internet decided I'm not playing tonight, 400 ping. Good thing it was only an ARAM.

Fuck WiFi. If there's one thing good about going back to school, at least I'll be getting less than 80 there.

My ping keeps randomly skyrocketing and it's so frustrating

Had the same problem a few months back, no idea what causes it


Yeah that 40% attack speed, movement speed buff, putting her in melee range, and 150 damage (before mitigation) finisher would be N U T S on a shorter CD.

Quinn does shit damage at level 6. Her ult is her only saving grace, and putting it on a 140 second cooldown is insane.
60s means that she gets her ult roughly twice as often as most mids, she'd be impossibly snowbally to play against midlane and she'd be ridiculously safe too

i like quinn, but 60s at lvl 6 is silly

for comparison, zed ult is 120s

New Blitzcrank and Riven splash art. Does this mean they plan to release four more arcade skins?
even if blitz skin is a pretty big stinker, that's a cool ass loading screen, love the pixel portraits

This is correct.
someone said i was right about something ;_;

someone pls take a picture ;_;

It was considered a big weakness of AP Ezreal that he couldn't defend his tower against early pushes due to mana issues. Lux would be quite a bit worse without the payoff of being a broken hyper-mobile long-range assassin after 25 minutes.
yeah what's interesting is that her winrate in solo q has always been pretty solid as a result of how straightforward she is (even if there's quite a bit of depth to properly laying down her combos and her being mostly skillshots and utility, compared to someone like malzahar who's like press all the buttons then r... or something...), so it's not like she's in dire need of a rework or anything

she's just really underwhelming when you play against a team that knows what they're doing and that can play off you being always auto'ing minions for like 25% of your games lol, and she's never played in competitive, which is a shame since i think she's a fun champion that deserves better

Personally I want to see Anivia back in the competitive mid lane rotation more than any other champion (not every game, or even often, but just not completely excluded). Less Viktor.
i would so too, i feel like riot could push her into viability pretty easily, actually, specially since viktor's getting pretty heavy nerfs

I've seen so many Lux (on other team and my team) that goes like 0-1 0-2 or 1-1 or 1-0 during lane phase in a very passive farm lane.

Buy Mejai's and just slowly end up at 14+ a couple minutes later. I've done it myself on Lux support a few times. Where I would end the game more damage than my ADC by a mile. Fuck there's been time I've done most damage in the entire game as Lux support especially if it goes super late and everyone at 6 items.
this is what i do most of the times, but i've gotten destroyed by coordinated teams in ranked 5s that would just destroy every other lane while i was either stuck clearing waves with autos for passive or just be stuck without an ult while other mid has theirs

Hey I just noticed the latest backup I had from my HDD (which died like a week ago) didn't include the extremely dumb fabulous OT I was halfway through, so I'll resort to a quick job again for OT10.

That being said, since Costy is unavailable I'd appreciate if someone else helped with, at the very least, updating/proofreading the text in the slides and planning. If any of you guys have time to waste please shoot me a PM.

As always I'm also open to ideas/concepts/croppable porn to make it entertaining.
i'm bad at writing but if u need help with photoshop or finding pictures im happy to help!


60s means that she gets her ult roughly twice as often as most mids, she'd be impossibly snowbally to play against midlane and she'd be ridiculously safe too

i like quinn, but 60s at lvl 6 is silly

for comparison, zed ult is 120s
Not sure how going into melee range is safe, especially against a champion that likely has longer range than you and can negate your bonus movement speed easily, but okay.

Also, her ult does about 2/3 the damage of Talon's, and his is on a 75 second cooldown.

Dunno. I've played hundreds of games as Quinn and I feel reducing her ult's cooldown is the easiest way to make her better without losing what makes her her. Reduce the base damage but increase the execute if you want, but she needs her ult because her damage is absolutely pitiful at level 6.
Not sure how going into melee range is safe, especially against a champion that likely has longer range than you and can negate your bonus movement speed easily, but okay.

Also, her ult does about 2/3 the damage of Talon's, and his is on a 75 second cooldown.

Dunno. I've played hundreds of games as Quinn and I feel reducing her ult's cooldown is the easiest way to make her better without losing what makes her her. Reduce the base damage but increase the execute if you want, but she needs her ult because her damage is absolutely pitiful at level 6.

I wish they would bring back the Ult Toggle changes to the PBE. Even if just for a day, I want to try it out.


Not sure how going into melee range is safe, especially against a champion that likely has longer range than you and can negate your bonus movement speed easily, but okay.

Also, her ult does about 2/3 the damage of Talon's, and his is on a 75 second cooldown.

Dunno. I've played hundreds of games as Quinn and I feel reducing her ult's cooldown is the easiest way to make her better without losing what makes her her. Reduce the base damage but increase the execute if you want, but she needs her ult because her damage is absolutely pitiful at level 6.
talon is REALLY dumb, so i don't think anyone wants for quinn to be dumb like talon. like legit talon is atrocious lol

i don't have solutions for quinn cos i played her very little, but someone with a 60s ult that lets her go super fast and murder you is ridiculous for midlane

i think fixing her bugs alone would go a long way for starters, duno much more than that

also ult would be safe cos it's an escape on a short cooldown but also reducing distance (going melee range) is actually very beneficial for someone like quinn

think it like this, every champion has a range where they want others to be. for instance, someone like caitlyn wants to be 650 units away from anyone, but someone like riven wants to be 150 units away at most. caitlyn can still shoot riven at 150 units, but it's way more beneficial for riven to be at that distance since she can't effectively do anything in the 450 units after that

quinn is the same way, she has like 550 range while most mids are in the 800-1000. her ult is great because it allows her to force that 550 range in which she can hurt mages back faster than they can hurt her. maybe not someone like syndra but think ori

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
When will Riot ever change eves ult from 15% of targets current health as magic damage to 15% of targets max health? You can get rid of the shield I just dont think its very good for adcs or assassins currently.


The problem isn't really in lane until she gets fed. The problem with a 60 s cd ult is that mid quinn will have close to TF/noc -like mobility on a short cooldown. Bot quinn might be balanced or weak or whatever after the changes, but mid quinn would be broken.


The problem isn't really in lane until she gets fed. The problem with a 60 s cd ult is that mid quinn will have close to TF/noc -like mobility on a short cooldown. Bot quinn might be balanced or weak or whatever after the changes, but mid quinn would be broken.
reason i didn't cite her roaming as an issue is that it's actually pretty decently tradedoff since her waveclear isn't too crazy to like just shove and roam and her ganks would still not be like a sure thing. like, quinn roaming is a positive thing, even tho like an entire part of her kit would like "be wasted" if she ulted just for the out of combat mobility. but i think quinn as a roamy midlaner is fine

60s in general is insane i think and something like 100s could be much better if they want to buff that cd


reason i didn't cite her roaming as an issue is that it's actually pretty decently tradedoff since her waveclear isn't too crazy to like just shove and roam and her ganks would still not be like a sure thing. like, quinn roaming is a positive thing, even tho like an entire part of her kit would like "be wasted" if she ulted just for the out of combat mobility. but i think quinn as a roamy midlaner is fine

60s in general is insane i think and something like 100s could be much better if they want to buff that cd
Her ganks are enough to tip the scales and then she would have her ult back once she gets back to mid lane. Sure, 100 seconds might be ok. 60 seconds is just ridiculous.


Her ganks are enough to tip the scales and then she would have her ult back once she gets back to mid lane. Sure, 100 seconds might be ok. 60 seconds is just ridiculous.
yeah 60s is crazy, there's no way to spin a 60s ult like that heh, i'm only talking about 100s and maybe that's too low. maybe like 120/100/80?

like the problem with her ult in lane is that unlike zed or whatever, it's just like an insane amount of instant burst that you can't dodge or easily get away with.

quinn is a tough one


The fact that i actually see people complain about the sion rework completely invalidates all the complaints i will ever see about riot reworking people's fave champs
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