Intriguing. I like the changes in general, but I don't see this being the big change needed to make him more relevant. He's still the same Garen, just more of a problem in the Top lane.
They were simple buffs that shouldn't break anything further and they had to hotfix Yasuo anyways so might as well give her the changes instead of having her simmer until the Juggernaut patch ships. She still needs bugfixes anywaysHotfix buffs seem unusual.
Because it helps her chase people down. Plus Rylai is super strong nowWhy do Akali players build Rylai on her for?
Because it helps her chase people down. Plus Rylai is super strong now
What? No, she gets the full slow on Q and RIn her case it would apply a slow for 1 second from her abilities right?
In her case it would apply a slow for 1 second from her abilities right?
Oh, Fiora actually got her buffs hotfixed yesterday. Sweeeeeet, gotta try them out today
You call a 12k+ gold build "not super fed"? lol
But yeah, getting an ult heal off while you have like 400 AD is bound to make you nigh unkillable for 5 seconds
Steve is banned again
edit: wrong thread, yet still somewhat relevant here
Steve is banned again
edit: wrong thread, yet still somewhat relevant here
May I direct your attention to the runaans hurricane reksai
No you just don't get the unique X only passivesI legitimately thought, until just now, that "ranged only" or "melee only" items were actually locked away from being bought unless the champion met the specific requirements. Never even occurred to me to try just to see if it was possible.
What? No, she gets the full slow on Q and R
What's there to figure out? It's right there on the tool tipOh OK then. I'm still having a hard time figuring out which of the new slows Rylai would apply using certain abilities![]()
What's there to figure out? It's right there on the tool tip
Akali Q and R are single target spells so they apply the single target slow. Her E is an AoE spell so it applies the AoE slow. It's not rocket science
Has anyone upgraded to windows 10 and has any issues with the client?
Mine seems to crash a lot during champ select and only been like this from when i changed over to Windows 10.
Hey any thoughts on Rengar? Thinking of buying him on sale. I love the way he looks and he looks fun to play. But I know common sense dictates I should wait til free rotation. it's hard for new players. They throw all these champions in your face w/o anyway to try them out. I'll probably wait to try Rengar on free rotation then catch him on the next sale I guess
I don't get this. How is 150 before mitigation damage insane? Because that's all it does. Her Q and E do the same and are almost as easy to land.yeah 60s is crazy, there's no way to spin a 60s ult like that heh, i'm only talking about 100s and maybe that's too low. maybe like 120/100/80?
like the problem with her ult in lane is that unlike zed or whatever, it's just like an insane amount of instant burst that you can't dodge or easily get away with.
quinn is a tough one
I don't get this. How is 150 before mitigation damage insane? Because that's all it does. Her Q and E do the same and are almost as easy to land.
interview was all like "for the tenth time, marc, i don't know who this zkylewd person is"The reason I didn't really like the Riot Costy jokes before (especially in other threads) was mainly because I didn't want it to hinder my chances in case people thought I was impersonating a Rioter or something. Silly I know, but I couldn't help it.
You can make all the jokes you want now, though I don't think I need a thread named after me lol
Also hopefully getting my Riot name soonish? I'll let you guys know when I get it so you know who to add, though you could probably guess it anyway.
yeah that's cool. i think the w change was really good but q feels really shit now and her ult still feels kind of ehhAka time for her ult to fuck shit up again
that's at 100% hp dood, can't look up the exact numbers right now but iirc it's 100 base at 6 that can go as high as 200, plus it makes her super fast, gives her a super fast gapcloser that doesn't have a long animation like regular e, she gets attack speed from w i think (and quinn is an ad champion so every auto she lands means a lot of dmg) and extra undodgeable dmg from q too.I don't get this. How is 150 before mitigation damage insane? Because that's all it does. Her Q and E do the same and are almost as easy to land.
Hell, her E does less damage because it doesn't mark the target.
yeah, i agreeWhat Quinn needs is the Fiora treatment to be honest
Keep Harrier and Vault which are the unique fun things about her kit, throw everything else in the trash. Make Valor an actual pet and then give her a new default skin that doesn't look poopy
Rengar is fucking stupid right now as far as solo Q goes
give quinn a new ult
What Quinn needs is the Fiora treatment to be honest
Keep Harrier and Vault which are the unique fun things about her kit, throw everything else in the trash. Make Valor an actual pet and then give her a new default skin that doesn't look poopy
What Quinn needs is the Fiora treatment to be honest
Keep Harrier and Vault which are the unique fun things about her kit, throw everything else in the trash. Make Valor an actual pet and then give her a new default skin that doesn't look poopy
Focusing more heavily on the ranger aspect would be a really neat way to go.
Personally, I like the idea of Valor being a separate character that Quinn can send out to act as a ward and reposition on a longish CD, but the drawback is that Valor is also a big part of her damage potential, so that if she gets caught out without Valor she's in deep shit.
Could even make a neat minigame where Valor can be spotted by the enemy champion as it hovers around an area, like Kalista's ghosts except viewable at a longer distance, and the enemy champions hop from bush to bush when out of sight to evade detection. And of course when you're spotted you get the big fat MGS style "!" over your head with corresponding SFX.
how about this
valor has his own health, like 5 hp like a pink ward. every action u order valor to take costs 1 hp and enemies can attack valor with autos for 1 hp too. u can call valor back to u and he'll heal, but if he dies he takes longer to revive. and like i said before, u can order him to scout like ashe w, or like peck at someone for a bit of dmg and soft cc or like give an ally a short speed boost and even attack wards!
so like visage from dota
knowing how dota to lol transitions work, that would be op lol
visage and his (5-8?) summoned flying minions doesn't sound similar at all to that.
3 flying minions~
It's like a restrained visage of sorts. Acts as a ward, can 'soft cc', can attack others, and if he dies he takes a while to come back.
In concept it'd be pretty strong. Having a free ward that can attack/slow but it would also be weak for an ultimate or even a skill. So it would put quinn in an odd position~
It seems he has received some sort of minor rework then. When I played he raised them from corpses on a short cooldown and could have at least 6 of them.
how about this
valor has his own health, like 5 hp like a pink ward. every action u order valor to take costs 1 hp and enemies can attack valor with autos for 1 hp too. u can call valor back to u and he'll heal, but if he dies he takes longer to revive. and like i said before, u can order him to scout like ashe w, or like peck at someone for a bit of dmg and soft cc or like give an ally a short speed boost and even attack wards!
yea my idea would be like, really long range for scouting (like old ashy w) and then like ori ball range for attacking/supporting stuffs. so he has like scout mode and combat mode depending on how far away from quinn valor isI dunno, I like the idea of him just flying around when he's sent out without dealing damage. Kind of like that flock of birds in Lord of the Rings and how everyone finds a place to hide.
Pecking at someone etc. would be for when Valor isn't out scouting.