Im amazed how I haven't played in like a week.
Man LoL is some Anime Bullshit.
Yea use to average like 2-3 games a day. Now I have days where I play 4-5 but followed by like 3-4 days with 0 games total.
Im amazed how I haven't played in like a week.
Man LoL is some Anime Bullshit.
You're not fucking over anybody though lol
You're centralizing as you should be. Just because it's always been this way doesn't mean it's right or smart
If there is going to be a single server to cater to the greatest player base it should be on the east coast if anything. The idea that anyone is getting fucked over by normalizing ping is absolutely fucking ridiculous
Oms really?that's pretty awesome.Found this on reddit.
thats pretty hilarious.so apparently if you're a support who doesn't auto attack a lot, you can build the new tank item and get a perma 60 flat movespeed on top of your mobis.
wat. legit wat riot.
so apparently if you're a support who doesn't auto attack a lot, you can build the new tank item and get a perma 60 flat movespeed on top of your mobis.
wat. legit wat riot.
Oms really?that's pretty awesome.
Pretty sure that map is the amount your ping will change by after the server move so those areas shouldn't see a change at all
haha yeah, that's my ranked 5s teamEl equipo osito HD??? lol
so apparently if you're a support who doesn't auto attack a lot, you can build the new tank item and get a perma 60 flat movespeed on top of your mobis.
wat. legit wat riot.
i duno, i've been wrong before but to me that item sounds like shit compared to locket/banner or aegis, selfish stats + 60 out of combat ms is pretty useless imoarmor, HP, and +60ms out of base and a slow when you hit something
seems okay to me
it's an entirely selfish item yes but it seems like it has its applications
also panda where are you it's duoq IP grind time
haha yeah, that's my ranked 5s team
we all used to wear the tibbers icon in-game cos we all liked it so we created a team called "equipo osito" cos it sounds cute and silly but then they replaced the icon for a new one all shiny and hi res so we had to rename it to "equipo osito HD" to keep up with the times
also my friends called tibbers "osito" cos they didn't know his name haha
cos she got gutted with nerfs to the point she doesn't excel at anythingBought Lissandra and tried her out. She has good waveclear as long as you can spam her skills so cdr is definitely needed. She has good one shot potential like an assassin. I think she's fine right now. I don't get why nobody uses her anymore.
yeah haha, it's pretty nicehaha that's pretty awesome actually
cos she got gutted with nerfs to the point she doesn't excel at anything
she's a bad mage cos her range is short and her sustained aoe dmg is low. she can waveclear but it's not as easy as other mids and her short range means she can clear from a safe enough distance not to get poked out
she's a bad assassin cos her burst is really low and her mobility is super telegraphed and slow. there's just no build u can do to one shot people like u used to with dfg
she'd bad early game cos again short range and low base damage. everyone outranges you
she's also bad late game cos her scaling is crap
only thing they have to do for lizzy to be viable again is to revert her q nerf
yeah haha, it's pretty nice
these past few weeks my friends have been on tf vs graves icon hype so tibbers icon has been missing but he'll be back haha
we get teased a lot during games because of our name lol
The liss buff seems weird and misguided af
Dodge Udyr.
I skipped rank again. Plat dream is alive.
bronze lyfeSupp taric forgets to get red trinket after getting sightstone.
Rito why
Rito why
40 mins. and not a single red trinket or my team buying the 250 g trinket upgrade
rito why
Seriously why is it 2015 and some people don't have a proper idea of what to buy...
bronze lyfe
YessssssssssssssWith those results in hand, were now ready to confirm that were planning to move all NA game server activity from our current Portland servers to our new Chicago installation within the next few weeks
220 ping sounds like hell, how is it possible to aim and dodge skillshots with that delay.Fuck that, the reason I'm stuck in gold is because I'm on 220 ping, now there will be nothing shackling my true potential
if you elect me as president of riot I will nerf all the op champions and put servers in every state
breezy 2016
riot costy is real? :O
hey! i love you guys
Heyo guys! I promised Costy (I popped on LoL to congratulate him) I'd pop up here to say hi! I'm sorry I disappeared out of the blue, summer and a bunch of things got in the way and kinda lost interest in LoL in favour of XIV (although I've always played each side by side).
Anyway, thanks for the interest and hope I didn't worry people too much! All is well and will try to pop back more often. I've been kinda wanting to get back into LoL (in fact, I've kept it updated) just been a bit skeptical about me being able to juggle both haha.
Hope you're all well! I have a lot to catch up to, but I hope you're all up to your usual shenanigans. <:
With your mind's eye, of course220 ping sounds like hell, how is it possible to aim and dodge skillshots with that delay.
All green, baby220 sounds like garbage though tbh lol. Is your dot yellow in loading screen?
Heyo guys! I promised Costy (I popped on LoL to congratulate him) I'd pop up here to say hi! I'm sorry I disappeared out of the blue, summer and a bunch of things got in the way and kinda lost interest in LoL in favour of XIV (although I've always played each side by side).
Anyway, thanks for the interest and hope I didn't worry people too much! All is well and will try to pop back more often. I've been kinda wanting to get back into LoL (in fact, I've kept it updated) just been a bit skeptical about me being able to juggle both haha.
Hope you're all well! I have a lot to catch up to, but I hope you're all up to your usual shenanigans. <:
With your mind's eye, of course
Seriously tho it's not that bad as long as you're not used to playing League in a lower ping. Complicated stuff like Headbutt Pulverize and Riven combos are perfectly doable, Kalista is a bit annoying to play but that's about it. This is the ping I've played with for 4 years now, at worst I had 280ish ping when my old connection went to shit, now THAT was hell.
All green, baby