then do it like stone and unleash your true potential.
Heyo guys! I promised Costy (I popped on LoL to congratulate him) I'd pop up here to say hi! I'm sorry I disappeared out of the blue, summer and a bunch of things got in the way and kinda lost interest in LoL in favour of XIV (although I've always played each side by side).
Anyway, thanks for the interest and hope I didn't worry people too much! All is well and will try to pop back more often. I've been kinda wanting to get back into LoL (in fact, I've kept it updated) just been a bit skeptical about me being able to juggle both haha.
Hope you're all well! I have a lot to catch up to, but I hope you're all up to your usual shenanigans. <:
u have to think that the cast animation is fairly slow on top of the projectile not being awesome either. and lizzy in general is a slow champion too, so range differences really hurt herI could never get a grip on the range of Liss' Q. It feels shorter than it looks.
Remember when doto players slammed leeg for having skins that aren't thematic to the character?yeah as much as i love chocobos, kpop and anime skins trumps chocobos
you met a bronze legend today son
clarity is great in arams for spammy poke champions
not really, but if they did it was sillyRemember when doto players slammed leeg for having skins that aren't thematic to the character?
Neither do doto players.
Remember when doto players slammed leeg for having skins that aren't thematic to the character?
Neither do doto players.
why is clarity even a summoner spell option
and clairvoyance too
I'm surprised Riot hasn't just removed them
I'm guessing you started league after the phase where clairvoyance was a must have on every support.
Remember when doto players slammed leeg for having skins that aren't thematic to the character?
Neither do doto players.
There was a time where a common topic was that doto had cosmetic stuff that made sense with the lore; that way of thinking caused Alpine/cowboy/whatever Ursa cosmetic stuff to get pulled from the store and become super rare due to doto fan backlash.zkylon said:not really, but if they did it was silly
I agree with you, it more just seem like skins are trying to be fun or reimagine the character. The only times I don't like skins is when it is makes it hard to see me it's silly, league is such a crazy mix of art styles and aesthetics that skins just make it all the more fun. this is not an immersive first person stealth game or whatever where someone wearing a cute sailor outfit would ruin the mood, crazy stuff like skins just improve the mood in league!
also it's just a cool way to rediscover/reimagine characters, much more interesting and fun than being obssessed with making stuff that fits a very specific artstyle
and it's not like the stuff riot makes isn't cohesive with itself
it's just win win for everybody
Then doto got cat ears on drow
All of Season 1 and 90% of Season 2 aren't a "small phase"
No, been here since beta.
The CV meta was just a small phase, and even then they've made irrelevant through the introduction of the trinket that does the same thing but better.
All of Season 1 and 90% of Season 2 aren't a "small phase"
It's two years that shaped the League competitive scene dude
It wasn't small, it wasn't negligible. CV stopped being used because it needed to be nerfed and the meta changed like any other.
Splash arts for the school skins are on pbe
This is for zkylon
dang that's cute, pink hair + cool skirt, works for me
im so buying that skin
it's weird cos ahri's not my favorite character in the game, even if she's probably my most played and most succesful champion, but everyone associates me with her
edit: oh shit didnt see the poro
need to get home quick to see the full splash
Hi, what's up DV?
Now that Zky has schoolgirl Ahri, next thing he'll be asking for is topless Sona or something.
Sorry "Pool Party Sona".
haha i guessGee i wonder why.
you so not get me that it's embarrassing nootaNow that Zky has schoolgirl Ahri, next thing he'll be asking for is topless Sona or something.
Sorry "Pool Party Sona".
i still don't get why ppl care about some random c9 sub :T
Is that skintight DJ sona not enough?Don't get my hopes up.![]()
Is that skintight DJ sona not enough?