Does it fit in the Internal Memory (32GB model)?
No, I have a 2TB external w/ a basic Wii U.
Does it fit in the Internal Memory (32GB model)?
It does if you haven't really downloaded anything of substance on your hd already.Does it fit in the Internal Memory (32GB model)?
lol. Just got an email from Nintendo saying the game is out and lists the price as $49.99.
Never trust a date from Nintendo that isn't Sunday. The same thing happened not only with Fire Emblem: Awakening, but also Kirby Mass Attack and Professor Layton & the Last Specter. Pretty much, if the date isn't a Sunday, it's best to assume it's really just the ship-date and not the actual release date.
I started downloading just after the price drop. ETA 4 hours and 24 minutes.
For those who have already downloaded, did this estimate turn out to be accurate at all?
Oh, someone who is playing the game! That's nice for a change.As someone who loved starky and hutch, enjoying the game.
same here and this morning they wanted to say I clicked I agreed can't refund
Does it fit in the Internal Memory (32GB model)?
Was prob before they realize it was a mistake. Was it someone in charge, or just the low end person reading off a script?
honestly would not have even called if the game was done downloading but I was at 50% at 9am
so to me the product has not reached my hands yet lol
75% 4h22m left
it will be done at 6pm good god
Was prob before they realize it was a mistake. Was it someone in charge, or just the low end person reading off a script?
Super fast download!If I set it to power down when download completes, it shuts down after like five mins. What the heck.
If I set it to power down when download completes, it shuts down after like five mins. What the heck.
My Gamestop gave me my Lego minfig, but the game isn't even shown in transit. It's possible Nintendo is shipping this separately from UPS as they got their Wii U's that way, but it looks like it might be another Fire Emblem situation. Goddamn Nintendo.
Seriously, I'm getting sick and tired of this crap.
I already have a Chase Mcain from Target, so I may cancel the pre-order if I find it elsewhere.
In amusing news, there was already a guy waiting outside for GOW 11 a.m.
I totally get all the complains about the pricing mistake, and I really hope that Nintendo will come through, but why wouldn't you guys wait a couple of hours. I would be really scared to buy it now and spend an extra 10 bucks I might not get back.
What leads you to believe Nintendo isn't going to refund the difference?
I don't understand why people think this.
What leads you to believe Nintendo isn't going to refund the difference?
I don't understand why people think this.
You paid the price, knowing that it should be 10$ less. If you do that in a store and they change it later, there's no guarantee that you will get a refund. Same thinking applies to this, for me at least.
Unless the price was a mistake and 2 hours later they figured it out. In that case, most stores would refund you that money. This is not the case of a price drop or a sale. This was an error pure and simple and one that they should rectify for everyone overcharged.
This is ridiculous. I'm downloading at ~300KBPS from Nintendo when my connection is 20 Mbits per sec, down
Why is his hair brown!?
Well, I played it for 2 hours, and I'm throwing it online to get rid of it. The writing and humour is hilarious, everything else is crap. Vehicles control like crap, the .....loading......loading........loading........loading........loading........loading.........loading.........loading........sorry, the rest of my message had to load thereSeriously THE WORST loading times I have experienced since Crash Bandicoot on PS2. YES THAT BAD. Does it to boot up the game, load a cutscene, load a mission, go in a building.....anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute plus. Absolutely ridiculous. And the game itself is bog-standard boring lego fare. I can see having fun with it because it has a great personality, but the loading is too much for me!
Probably this crazy thing called division.Hey, serious question.
How are you able to see that?? I was trying to look at my router settings to see what the Wii U is downloading that file at and I couldn't find that. The Wii U doesn't tell you so it's frustrating.
Probably this crazy thing called division.
Well, I played it for 2 hours, and I'm throwing it online to get rid of it. The writing and humour is hilarious, everything else is crap. Vehicles control like crap, the .....loading......loading........loading........loading........loading........loading.........loading.........loading........sorry, the rest of my message had to load thereSeriously THE WORST loading times I have experienced since Crash Bandicoot on PS2. YES THAT BAD. Does it to boot up the game, load a cutscene, load a mission, go in a building.....anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute plus. Absolutely ridiculous. And the game itself is bog-standard boring lego fare. I can see having fun with it because it has a great personality, but the loading is too much for me!
Not there today at the target I frequentAnyone check Target today? I was hoping to include this in the B2G1 deal today. Uhhhh, Nintendo WHY?!?
Because nobody really cared about games like Kirby Mass Attack and Professor Layton (and especially not getting them day one), so people think the first time this type of thing has happened with a Nintendo game was for Fire Emblem: Awakening, and so people come to the idea that it must have something to do with digital sales or something. Of course, this really isn't a new trend at all--it just seems that when Nintendo gives a game a release date other than Sunday, the date they give is really just the date they start to ship it out to stores, and so that's why most stores probably won't have it today. Why do this? Well, considering the other titles this has happened to (like I mentioned, I've previously had this issue with Kirby Mass Attack and Professor Layton 4), when Nintendo decides to date a game any date other than Sunday, it seems to be an indication that that's a title they don't expect to exactly set the charts on fire or anything, at least not out the door (that is, they're either games expected to bomb/will be able to get by on just mediocre sales or only end up selling well through legs).Why are we already in conspiracy theory mode?
Lego City has more going for it than the rather boring Lego Batman 2.
Can you invert the camera? Thanks in advance for any help.
Yes you can.
Awesome! Was not expecting that answer. Thanks!