ill get it after they patch the 30 second load times
You can't install the game to the hard drive?
ill get it after they patch the 30 second load times
You can't install the game to the hard drive?
I thought this game already had Zelda and Mario references shown in some old vids?
Just ran into a cool Nintendo-related hidden... thing in LEGO City Undercover.
I thought this game already had Zelda and Mario references shown in some old vids?
Just ran into a cool Nintendo-related hidden... thing in LEGO City Undercover.
90% is too good of a score. Official Nintendo Magazine has an agenda and is biased.Just came back from uni and my copy of Official Nintendo Magazine has arrived. They gave the game 90%, and there main issue with the game is the lack of multiplayer, either on or offline
I thought this game already had Zelda and Mario references shown in some old vids?
Just ran into a cool Nintendo-related hidden... thing in LEGO City Undercover.
You can't install any Wii U retail game to the hard drive.
30 second load times for what? each mission? only at startup?
Most things, sadly.
You can't install any Wii U retail game to the hard drive.
Wow, it really is last gen.
Yeah, I wouldn't put much trust into ONM's review. Unfortunately, I'm gonna lower my expectations for this game.It might to be one of those games that looks fun but may no be that much fun to play. After playing Lego Batman, I'm concerned Undercover is going to suffer from the same general issues as most of the other Lego games in terms of disconnected and weightless combat, floaty platforming, and loose driving controls as some of the bigger issues.
Considering cancelling my preorderI was really hoping for a big city. I might wait for a price drop.
Neal Ronaghan
Are you looking forward to LEGO City Undercover? You should be. It is pretty damn good.
Most other open-world games like GTA4 know better than to try to cram in platforming to the extent that TT seems to. I'm in the middle of Lego Batman 2 and it really suffers from too much platforming and too little of everything else. It's a very mediocre platformer with a very basic open-world aspect tacked on that overall gets by through it's good use of license.Otherwise, it keeps sounding like the quality of the game is on par with the latest Lego games, which is to say pretty good, and reasonably polished. The joke here to me is that stuff like platforming can't be worse than the character handling in many open world games, like GTA4 or Saints Row 3. The standards for certain things in the open world genre aren't that high. Such games usually trade resolution of quality for scale.
I haven't seen much to indicate that the apparently minimal gameplay improvements can overcome the loss of established assets. The Superman elements of LB2 are pretty bleh/buggy in gameplay but I'm not going to pretend that the John Williams music kicking in doesn't make the experience a lot more fun that it would be otherwise.In the end, I think the game is probably just this: TT's best Lego game, due to scope and their freedom to write their own story and construct their own universe. But it's still a Lego game. Nothing more or less.
The disc drive speed is higher/faster then the PS3 so the Wii U doesn't need to install games. I thought the reason for the installs on the PS3 was because of how slow the blu-ray drive was. Thought the same was true for the 360. If the drive is fast enough installing shouldn't be needed.
who said it's small. it takes 15 minutes to simply go around the city without doing nothing.
I am curious if random crimes will be taking place as you drive around the city. So there is something to instead just driving around.
"However, Cork felt that the game could have done a better job with its world so that players could be more motivated to participate in additional missions. Other than citizens involved with Undercover’s critical path, you won’t come across strangers on the streets in need of help."
From the Game Informer review link in the OT
Love the header image!
Early reviews be damned, nothing will stop me from buying this game. My Wii U has sat unused for TOO LONG. Been anticipating this for months.
It's only $49.99, too. Though like most LEGO games it should drop in price fast and be on discount frequently
I've enjoyed the LEGO games up till now... and I'm sure this will be no different... but I gotta say, as an aside, LEGO has really lost their way when it comes to these games. They really need to create a building game, after Minecraft they have no excuse not to go all-in and leverage their brand towards that market which has shown itself to be there and in large numbers.
The Ps3 is a 1X bluray, the Wii U is 2x or 4 x?
Well size depend on the vehicule and walk speed. Walking around GTA 4 islands must be around 30 min? In car its maybe 7-8 min?
For information sake, the maximum size for a Minecraft world is 9 258 235 times the size of the planet Earth.
Most things, sadly.
I don't think it's 720p, btw. Looks upscaled to me.
According to the latest ONM, the game features lego versions of the following Nintendo characters -Bob-ombs, Bullet Bills and Wigglers. The magazine has pictures. They all look suitably lego-y.
According to the latest ONM, the game features lego versions of the following Nintendo characters -Bob-ombs, Bullet Bills and Wigglers. The magazine has pictures. They all look suitably lego-y.
but then again it would be on wiiu so probably not.
lego nintendo (as actual toys and as video games) would rake in millions right?
but then again it would be on wiiu so probably not.
According to the latest ONM, the game features lego versions of the following Nintendo characters -Bob-ombs, Bullet Bills and Wigglers. The magazine has pictures. They all look suitably lego-y.