just2good reviews 10684 Supermarket Suitcase:
A lot of people are going to pass on this set because it is from the Juniors theme (and comes in a bright pink suitcase), but it is a goldmine for rare and exclusive prints.
This set feels like "what if Friends had gone with minifigs?"
Oh man, awesome. I was just noticing that tonight while stocking, didn't LOOK at it just noticed it was a new suitcase. They're like $19.99 right? $24.99? Seems like the cheapest way to get a cat (without BrickLinking), but those 1x1 bricks with the milk/orange juice carton prints on them are brilliant. Gotta add that set to my wish list.
Speaking of cats, I've become increasingly obsessed with Lego animals. Is there a list somewhere of all the animals they've ever made?
Off the top of my head:
Dog (dalmatian, german shepherd, husky, great dane)
Standing Cat (tabby, grey)
Other Pose Cat (white)
Rat (grey)
Monkey (CMF version and old Minifig version)
Crocodile (dot eyes & printed eyes)
Bear (polar, brown)
Snake (green, red, CMF cobra)
Bird (grey, parrot colored)
Shark (grey, white, grey with printed eyes, saw-tooth, saw-tooth with printed eyes, black?)
Octopus (black, red)
Stingray (black)
Crab (orange)
Fish (silver)
Pig (pink, muddy)
Cow (brown)
Horse (white, black, brown)
Chicken (white)
Are there more? Have there ever been [non Friends] rabbits? Sheep, goats, ducks?
And of course there's also dragons and dinosaurs but I'm talking just about existing present-day regular animals.
Time to MOC me up an Ark!
Edit: OMG THERE IS A GOAT why is it so expensive!?!?!