Hah, yep. I like Star Wars but Disney is the worst thing to happen to it in a while.Funny thing that, a lot of my friends who love Star Wars have choice things to say about how Disney is handling Expanded Universe stuff.
Hah, yep. I like Star Wars but Disney is the worst thing to happen to it in a while.Funny thing that, a lot of my friends who love Star Wars have choice things to say about how Disney is handling Expanded Universe stuff.
Kinda funny that he asks if movies would require you to do homework to comprehend the story, when the Star Wars prequels and just about every other entertainment media that uses the transmedia approach does that shit.It's really absurd. Watch Spoony's FF 13 review / playthrough. He read them just to get the gist of it. Also, FF13's story is the stupist thing ever if you think about it. All they had to do was: NOTHING. x)
Great watch. It's a bit too nitpicky in part one, but the later parts really point out some OBVIOUS flaws - gameplay-, and story-wise.
Kinda funny that he asks if movies would require you to do homework to comprehend the story, when the Star Wars prequels and just about every other entertainment media that uses the transmedia approach does that shit.
Spoony's reviews are even more childish than everything Toriyama ever wrote. I don't understand how people can stand so much blablabla. The power of the internet I guess.
Wait what?
Pretty sure he meant FFIV.
FFV did have a sequel though. A nice but waaaaaay too much short anime.
I don't think you'll ever ask your friend about the next star wars movie if that friend of your doesn't like star wars to begin with. Right?
i read your post just now, some good tips. thanksno one commented on my detailed gameplay post... Guess people are more interested in the story and Perfo hate ._.
My guess is they're going to go into FFX-3, considering Toriyama directed X-2 and they're hinting at X-3 pretty damn hard.
So yeah, after spending 30+ hours with the demo I pretty much acknowledged a lot of things. I know all of this is pretty much known already for the people who have played the retail game but it's good info for those who haven't seen much of the game.
- Blocking at the same moment as the enemy hits gives you a "perfect block". It reduces the damage taken by 100% if it's a melee hit, and gives your enemy a debuff (Debrave, Defaith, etc, depending on the enemies weakness). If you perfect block magic attacks, 90% of the damage will be reduced and the enemy will -not- get a debuff.
- By spamming the block button, you'll be pretty much guaranteed to perform a perfect block. However note that your ATB gauge on that specific paradigm will go down the drain really fast.
- If perfect blocking isn't your thing and you want to stick with the regular block, make sure to block with the paradigm that has the most block stat. Trust me, it makes a huge difference (for example: blocking with the blackmage deals 250 damage while blocking with the heartstealer deals 40 damage). Imagine the numbers you'll be mitigating when the enemy hits you for 5000+.
- The final attack in the combo, be it through regular attacks or magic casting is almost never worth it, because they take way too long time. Experiment with your abilities and figure out how many button presses you need to press for it to become the final attack. Just before the last attack, cancel out of the combo and switch paradigm. You'll gain tons of more ATB and you'll get more dps throughout the entire thing.
- ATB recharges faster with a specific paradigm if you're not currently using it.
- Performing a perfect evade/roll recharges your ATB with 80% of the initial evade cost. It's always a good idea to try perfect evading in order to get the max out of your ATB, which essentially is your battle tempo.
- I figured out that having block/roll/any-defensive-move on one button (for example, circle) is A LOT easier for the brain to acknowledge that you need to go into some sort of defensive maneuver. You'll be paradigm switching very often in this game, and by having the defensive stuff on one button, you'll adapt to it much quicker.
I got plenty of other stuff in my mind but I've got to do other stuff for now :lol
I would. An alternate perspective to something you're excited about can give you interesting new ideas you haven't considered.I don't think you'll ever ask your friend about the next star wars movie if that friend of your doesn't like star wars to begin with. Right?
There's no question the kind of budget on a Tales game doesn't compare to the kind spent on even spinoffs of FF mainlines. Tales is budgeted to the point where even sound effects are reused across multiple unrelated games (world wise).I was watching this typical cutscene from Tales of Xillia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Kjft0wDDlY and I was wondering, but if LR: FFXIII is considered a low-budget jRPG, how you'll rate that? Cutscene direction is basically non-existent, boring, static, with those strange pauses for every line...
Is S-E really the only one producing big (or -mid if you will) budget jRPGs nowdays? Or is just a matter of talent and not budget? I would like to compare the size of the team behind ToX with the one of LR and find out if it's a matter of having a better team or just more budget at disposal.
Hah, yep. I like Star Wars but Disney is the worst thing to happen to it in a while.
It's really absurd. Watch Spoony's FF 13 review / playthrough. He read them just to get the gist of it. Also, FF13's story is the stupist thing ever if you think about it. All they had to do was: NOTHING. x)
no one commented on my detailed gameplay post... Guess people are more interested in the story and Perfo hate ._.
no one commented on my detailed gameplay post... Guess people are more interested in the story and Perfo hate ._.
So yeah, after spending 30+ hours with the demo I pretty much acknowledged a lot of things. I know all of this is pretty much known already for the people who have played the retail game but it's good info for those who haven't seen much of the game.
- Blocking at the same moment as the enemy hits gives you a "perfect block". It reduces the damage taken by 100% if it's a melee hit, and gives your enemy a debuff (Debrave, Defaith, etc, depending on the enemies weakness). If you perfect block magic attacks, 90% of the damage will be reduced and the enemy will -not- get a debuff.
- By spamming the block button, you'll be pretty much guaranteed to perform a perfect block. However note that your ATB gauge on that specific paradigm will go down the drain really fast.
- If perfect blocking isn't your thing and you want to stick with the regular block, make sure to block with the paradigm that has the most block stat. Trust me, it makes a huge difference (for example: blocking with the blackmage deals 250 damage while blocking with the heartstealer deals 40 damage). Imagine the numbers you'll be mitigating when the enemy hits you for 5000+.
- The final attack in the combo, be it through regular attacks or magic casting is almost never worth it, because they take way too long time. Experiment with your abilities and figure out how many button presses you need to press for it to become the final attack. Just before the last attack, cancel out of the combo and switch paradigm. You'll gain tons of more ATB and you'll get more dps throughout the entire thing.
- ATB recharges faster with a specific paradigm if you're not currently using it.
- Performing a perfect evade/roll recharges your ATB with 80% of the initial evade cost. It's always a good idea to try perfect evading in order to get the max out of your ATB, which essentially is your battle tempo.
- I figured out that having block/roll/any-defensive-move on one button (for example, circle) is A LOT easier for the brain to acknowledge that you need to go into some sort of defensive maneuver. You'll be paradigm switching very often in this game, and by having the defensive stuff on one button, you'll adapt to it much quicker.
I got plenty of other stuff in my mind but I've got to do other stuff for now :lol
So yeah, after spending 30+ hours with the demo I pretty much acknowledged a lot of things. I know all of this is pretty much known already for the people who have played the retail game but it's good info for those who haven't seen much of the game.
- Blocking at the same moment as the enemy hits gives you a "perfect block". It reduces the damage taken by 100% if it's a melee hit, and gives your enemy a debuff (Debrave, Defaith, etc, depending on the enemies weakness). If you perfect block magic attacks, 90% of the damage will be reduced and the enemy will -not- get a debuff.
- By spamming the block button, you'll be pretty much guaranteed to perform a perfect block. However note that your ATB gauge on that specific paradigm will go down the drain really fast.
- If perfect blocking isn't your thing and you want to stick with the regular block, make sure to block with the paradigm that has the most block stat. Trust me, it makes a huge difference (for example: blocking with the blackmage deals 250 damage while blocking with the heartstealer deals 40 damage). Imagine the numbers you'll be mitigating when the enemy hits you for 5000+.
- The final attack in the combo, be it through regular attacks or magic casting is almost never worth it, because they take way too long time. Experiment with your abilities and figure out how many button presses you need to press for it to become the final attack. Just before the last attack, cancel out of the combo and switch paradigm. You'll gain tons of more ATB and you'll get more dps throughout the entire thing.
- ATB recharges faster with a specific paradigm if you're not currently using it.
- Performing a perfect evade/roll recharges your ATB with 80% of the initial evade cost. It's always a good idea to try perfect evading in order to get the max out of your ATB, which essentially is your battle tempo.
- I figured out that having block/roll/any-defensive-move on one button (for example, circle) is A LOT easier for the brain to acknowledge that you need to go into some sort of defensive maneuver. You'll be paradigm switching very often in this game, and by having the defensive stuff on one button, you'll adapt to it much quicker.
I got plenty of other stuff in my mind but I've got to do other stuff for now :lol
They said there won't be any story DLC, but you never know.There's also this "Art of War" costume. I also meant from a story perspective. Everything is wrapped up and there isn't anything else to be explored?I feel more comfortable in buying games that has superfluous day one DLC than games with expected story DLC in the future.Maybe a Animal House style ending DLC?
Not sure why Perfo is suddenly comparing Tales cutscenes to Lightning Returns cutscene quality....
It was just a curiosity of mine, when I think about people blaming LR to be low-budget I wonder what Tales of are. Perhaps LR is not that low-budget if they at least can afford to have proper cutscene direction in the game and all the chracters voiced. The hate for this game during all these months really distorted reality many times imho. Luckily there's one savior here that will expose such fantasies in 6 days.
A novel or some story X-2.5 was released that pretty much strongly hints at a continuation.what hints!? i haven't really followed any FF news lately.
I'd rather play Xillia three times over than play XIII-2 or XIII again even if both games have better cinematography and visuals.
Not sure why Perfo is suddenly comparing Tales cutscenes to Lightning Returns cutscene quality....
That was not the point. But if you want to have fun giving out personal opinions, I could say I absolutely dislike tales of seriesso much that I forced myself buying Tales of Vesperia and I resisted 2 hrs before selling it back. An game for kids with a decade old mechanics. No thank you
... but that was not the point.
Alright. We can jump ship back to the original argument. Low-budget is only a classification deemed in the light of other SE titles. Not sure why you felt the need to bring in Tales of Xillia when its set production values and presentation are within the realm of what they're aiming for in respect to understanding the fanbase. LR is NOT.
Before talking of LR as a lower budget titles I'd like to know how many people worked on it compared to XIII-2, Type-0 and other major releases from S-E JP from 2010 onward. No one got a clue?
We can have a basic idea of how the staff size but the staff size does NOT mean always something. It can have almost 0 relevancy to this discussion.
Staff size counts definitely something.
Are you trying to justify that the quality of the game is good if not alright if only 50 people worked on this title? A staff size should NOT be used as a justification for how good or shitty a game is.
Having played 13-2 after purchasing it in the last sale, I must say I greatly enjoy it, despite all the haters. I am now looking forward to the next game.
You scared me, thought I had got a new one :lol this one's at least 4 months old!I didn't notice your new tag ahah XD
And I noticed just now that on amazon.co.jp it gets similar results from the votes of the community. My suspects were right, for XIII "fans" (that means, the only probably that bought this last entry in Japan) LR: FFXIII is the best entry in the trilogy. That's why I was never interested in the opinion of those people that never liked the series yet forced themselves in buying one last chapter. I always wanted opinions from people that actually bought the game because they loved the first two, same case as me. Now finding out that for them this is better than the previous two is what I was looking for. I can now expect an epic closure to one of my favorite series in the "series" (lol) and dismiss anything and anyone saying the contrary. For Toriyama, for Lightning, for myself!
But that's normal, it's equal to the amount of sales dropping with each iteration. Same happens on amazon, with 3k for XIII and 400 for LR: FFXIII. Doesn't change a thing, it actually reinforce the fact that the people that bought LR, or most of them, are fans of the series and are rating this very high. That's all I wanted to hear from fans like me. I'm not here to listen to an hater of XIII saying to me XIII is a shit. An opinion that will never click with me. I need people I can trust that have same opinions of mine in regards to this.
You scared me, thought I had got a new one :lol this one's at least 4 months old!
Perfo's an ideologue. The ideology being "FF games are always sublime".
Not sure why Perfo is suddenly comparing Tales cutscenes to Lightning Returns cutscene quality....
FF13's story is the stupist thing ever if you think about it. All they had to do was: NOTHING. x)
He's spent years shifting the argument to "every other JRPG ever is shit" this shouldnt be a surprise,