Game is hard as hell at first. Focus on learning to guard and focus on weaknesses. It's more dependent on skill and preparation than past FFs that were more focused on grinding.My first day just ended.. I am oddly sucking at these battles. I've died 3 times already, wasting 3 "hours"
Just because they haven't done it yet,doesn't mean it's not possible.Because FFX-2 and FFXIII-2 and LR:FFXIII all had good story that didn't ruin the main game's ending? many said,I am trying my best to like this game but what a god awful mess it is sometimes...I will not go into the whole time thing,it's been mentionned to death but the vagueness of it all is just too much for me I for example,what's with the auto ability thing,I press the R2 that say auto switch or something but it always says no auto...also why do some of my attacks/magic etc,etc suddenly have a little lock icon besides them...I wanted to switch the auto slash from my Red Mage and put Aero there instead but I can't...?
Also why when I go to the Ark that it says Day 3,4days left...? isn't it 13 days..? shouldnt it say 10 days I am trying to do the first main quest in Luxerion,that got interrupted because I ran out of time,but I have to go there at a certain time because the gate is locked otherwise...fine,I will to Yussan and start something there while I wait...but the main mission there gets way too hard at a certain points,with the few things I have...
Does this mean that I need to finish Lux first before going to Yussan...Wildalnds would be even harder as well,even though I can go there if I want...? there is no way of knowing where you need to go,or do or whatever...the maps and marking are awful,the schemata stuff is confusing as hell...bah,maybe I should start over now that I know a little more but still confused lol...
Alright so for pressing R2 to view the auto ability, you have to be highlighting the piece of equipment that has it. You cannot change an item's autoability. As for the little lock next to the ability....certain garbs have certain abilities that are locked to the garb. You can only assign abilities to the free slots that are left, and you cannot remove the locked many said,I am trying my best to like this game but what a god awful mess it is sometimes...I will not go into the whole time thing,it's been mentionned to death but the vagueness of it all is just too much for me I for example,what's with the auto ability thing,I press the R2 that say auto switch or something but it always says no auto...also why do some of my attacks/magic etc,etc suddenly have a little lock icon besides them...I wanted to switch the auto slash from my Red Mage and put Aero there instead but I can't...?
Also why when I go to the Ark that it says Day 3,4days left...? isn't it 13 days..? shouldnt it say 10 days I am trying to do the first main quest in Luxerion,that got interrupted because I ran out of time,but I have to go there at a certain time because the gate is locked otherwise...fine,I will to Yussan and start something there while I wait...but the main mission there gets way too hard at a certain points,with the few things I have...
Does this mean that I need to finish Lux first before going to Yussan...Wildalnds would be even harder as well,even though I can go there if I want...? there is no way of knowing where you need to go,or do or whatever...the maps and marking are awful,the schemata stuff is confusing as hell...bah,maybe I should start over now that I know a little more but still confused lol...
No time,plus there is no way to know where to go to do just stumble on it by chance...but you have to hurry up before you get zipped up to the
I didn't even realise they were offering a pre-order DLC. However, that always happens. I had a pre-order for FFXIV 2.0 which I then cancelled to order through flubit, still got the early access code from Amazon.Anyone from Amazon UK get codes for the Samurai garbs without buying the game? I had it pre-ordered but then cancelled it later on. I got 3 codes a little while ago, and after checking my Amazon account to make sure, I never bought the game
Game is hard as hell at first. Focus on learning to guard and focus on weaknesses. It's more dependent on skill and preparation than past FFs that were more focused on grinding.
It's really rewarding when you finally figure it out. I also suggest saving the game before hard battles, and then reloading until you get it. Saves time.
I'm getting the hang of it now, I'm very limited atm with the abilities I have. Currently searching for the 4 codes. It's a struggle, since I don't like hide and seek type of 'puzzles.' Wish I could open up some sort of map
Giolon said:
- Some enemies are clearly designed to be avoided for a while. Once I stopped trying to fight those, and getting obliterated, I felt less stressed.
- EP refills at the beginning of each day (at least to 5 points, I don't know if it fills higher as the limit increases), so spend all of it before 6AM
- Abuse the hell out of Chronostasis. Some areas are so dense with enemies that you can beat relatively easily, that you can run Chronostasis constantly w/o any net EP loss.
- Unless you REALLY must beat a fight, sometimes it's often more valuable to take the 1 hour loss for Escaping vs using 2 EP to cast Curaga in the fight. Why? b/c by escaping, you get your items back, you health is reset, and you lose 1 hour BUT you can cast Chronostasis to essentially get that time "back". Doing this too often is obviously bad, but it means you don't necessarily need to reset if you died in combat just b/c of the time loss.
- Blocking is the #1 most important thing in combat. Prioritize it over all else. If it means you miss out on attack windows, so be it.
- Staggering is the #2 most important thing in combat. Once you're sure you can block all the requisite enemy attacks, figuring out their stagger conditions and getting them there is crucial.
- Press Square for a shortcut to the map. Why did they change this from the Select button?
Amazon screwed up and gave me Samurai Set clothes even tho I didn't buy it from them.
First 5 to quote get one. Europe only.
Yes please?Amazon screwed up and gave me Samurai Set clothes even tho I didn't buy it from them.
First 5 to quote get one. Europe only.
Aye, thanks.^^ PS3
Still good?
^^ PS3
Still good?
This is unacceptable.
That one chaos side mission in Luxeriam, the one by the Arcade is insane! I probably can't do it again but why is it so early in the game when it's so insanely difficult? One guard and a quarter of my hp is gone!
I'm guessing a new game +?
Whelp, my Lightning Returns finally arrived! Will play it in a few days probably (after beating Bravely Default). Hopefully it will be worth the $60.
Did anyone else read this in Agnes' voice from Bravely Default?![]()
Haven't felt very motivated to return to this, which usually doesn't happen. Difficulty is wildly uneven, some enemies just destroy me yet spawn along other enemies that are a cakewalk.
For staggering, is it similar to the other games? I understand the red lines meaning the stagger is near, but is it draining in the background like before where I need to mix in physical and magic attacks? I can't tell, but it doesn't seem the same.
And that hunting for the four numbers quest is pissing me off.
So how are the Lara Croft and FF X-2 Yuna costumes? Any victory fanfares, or is Cloud's the only one?
And that hunting for the four numbers quest is pissing me off. Spent most of a day and got 3 of them, but the fourth is in the northern slum area of Luxerion so I need to wait till tomorrow while it's open.
The Aerith shield is CE exclusive right? Don't have that. I do have Cloud though. Maybe I'll give it one more go although I may have to use a previous save.I had some of the DLC outfits, but Cloud with Sparkstrike totally crushes it. The green dragon in the chaos infusion? Yeah, he is tough.
Aerith's shield is also super strong. Guard 200, and it heals you all the time. I didn't even have to use a potion and I was on normal, near the beginning of the first day :/
The Aerith shield is CE exclusive right? Don't have that. I do have Cloud though. Maybe I'll give it one more go although I may have to use a previous save.
Thanks for the info. I dunno, I'm usually all over dlc like this but the game is practically drowning in outfits already.Lara is actually pretty cool. She gets heavy bonuses when under 50% HP, and again at under 15% HP, playing up the "sole survivor" part of the games. She has a skill fixed to the garb called Fatal Sweep that can attack in a dash in any direction you hit the left stick to, so it can be used as a fast dodge even if you want.
Yuna X-2 has very powerful sword and shield. Shield casts brave and faith on you if you guard for a long period of time (holding it for almost your whole ATB bar). You also get +200 STR from one of them. She has a fixed skill called Crashing Waves that has attack modifier x2.00. Normal attack is x0.5 I think. It also can be used to launch enemies in the air and attack them in the air I guess. Not sure about the victory pose, but I'm sure you get one.
Here's some info on them.
Thanks for the info. I dunno, I'm usually all over dlc like this but the game is practically drowning in outfits already.
Looks like the Aerith dlc is even more rarer! Hope it's dlc later.Yeah, for now I think it is. Hopefully they're all available later. I still don't have the original Yuna one. And they're putting out those weird ones later, like the moogle suit.
It took me around five tries to beatbut then the round when I won, I won by... quite a bit. Makes me think I don't fully understand the combat and such. I'm also horrible at blocking. It makes me want to play this like I would a Platinum game, but I don't think it's as responsive or fine-tuned so I suppose I need to learn it the way this game wants me to learn it.Noel
This.SE I'll pay good money to get rid of the time limit in this game.
It took me around five tries to beatbut then the round when I won, I won by... quite a bit. Makes me think I don't fully understand the combat and such. I'm also horrible at blocking. It makes me want to play this like I would a Platinum game, but I don't think it's as responsive or fine-tuned so I suppose I need to learn it the way this game wants me to learn it.Noel
Yup.Got my copy today. Played it for around 5 hours, and although I liked the combat in the demo I don't really like it in the full game. Staggering seems completely random. But I'll get over the combat part.
I liked FXIII-2, I could leisurely stroll around and solve everything at my own pace. Never did I felt rushed while I understood the rush needed(story wise) to fix the timeline. No time limit was needed. Now with the time limit in LR I'm rushing everything and I still barely make it. Even with spamming the Chronostasis. I'm not enjoying the game at all. I want to stroll around at my own slow pace while completing every side-quest, sadly SE made this practically impossible.
SE I'll pay good money to get rid of the time limit in this game.
Amazon screwed up and gave me Samurai Set clothes even tho I didn't buy it from them.
First 5 to quote get one. Europe only. PS3
Got my copy today. Played it for around 5 hours, and although I liked the combat in the demo I don't really like it in the full game. Staggering seems completely random. But I'll get over the combat part.
I liked FXIII-2, I could leisurely stroll around and solve everything at my own pace. Never did I felt rushed while I understood the rush needed(story wise) to fix the timeline. No time limit was needed. Now with the time limit in LR I'm rushing everything and I still barely make it. Even with spamming the Chronostasis. I'm not enjoying the game at all. I want to stroll around at my own slow pace while completing every side-quest, sadly SE made this practically impossible.
SE I'll pay good money to get rid of the time limit in this game.
... Also, yeah, good catch SoraanTribal![]()
I think they're all fine to use honestly, because most of them won't even be useful on the first day because you won't have any abilities to fill them out.So, which DLC and bonus outfits seem OK to use at the beginning on Normal Mode (but which aren't overpowered)?
Do you still have a code available?
Yup. 3 remaining not including the one I'm about to send you.
Do you know the name of the outfit?
If it's Flower of Battle, I'd love to have one. I don't have that.
Yup. 3 remaining not including the one I'm about to send you.