On the contrary, I've read the Ultimate Lair has a strict timer, time still passes through battles, and you can't use chronostasis.
Sounds pleasant.
On the contrary, I've read the Ultimate Lair has a strict timer, time still passes through battles, and you can't use chronostasis.
Okay thanks... wonder how hard it is to do that. When you unlock the 14th day is there still a timer?
I would love a mode where you don't have a timer. They should have did that, maybe an unlock after meeting some crazy requirements.
Yeah, pretty much sums it up.
Never would have thought I'd have so much fun with this gameI'm addicted, right now.
Oh, and I still don't know why I can always use "Arise" even though I don't have 3 EP. Anyone knows why?
And I am likewise addicted! It's been a long time since I was this excited to play a game. I'll wait to pass judgment until I've finished it, but right now it's seeming like a top-tier game for me despite the occasional technical hiccups.
well reached two major stumbling blocks.
wildlands -caius kicked my ass out of oblivion
dead dunes - can't beat that fat monster blocking the doorway before you get the final things to get to the boss
no idea what to do to get stronger. lack of levelling sucks.
dead dunes - can't beat that fat monster blocking the doorway before you get the final things to get to the boss
You can save anywhere, so make sure you save before you take on bosses. That way you can just reload instead of escaping and losing an hour.This is the part I don't like about this game...I ran out of time for the Luxerion Boss,came close once so I escaped a few times trying over and the day ended...same thing happened in Yussan but that was a blessing,I was down to 2 potions and one Pheonix down and initially,you can't teleport out of there and there's chaos Infestations on the way etc the day ended there as well...
Now I say great,when I go back to Lux,I can probably beat the Boss...but nooo I have to wait 12 hours,because there is a gate that only opens at night...not even sure what will happen when I retry the section for the Yussan Boss,so I head to the Wildlands and im greeted with a bunch of time consuming sidequests with no direction on where to go to complete them probably....this section seems even more confusing since it's wide open...but I need to kill time right,so here I go...Synth and Forging is confusing as well.
I will probably finish the 13 days without even beating a single Boss is way too hard for its own good most of the time...oh well,might as well keep on trying at this point.
They aren't worth the effort of beating them though. I think the only benefit I got out of killing one, was I happened to get a prayer thingy for the item that dropped.If the fat thing is an Earth Eater, then I found they were much easier once I started using more Wind attacks. It makes them stagger faster.
Also, Block everything!!!
Try some sidequests maybe?
I was about to give up but luck was on my side by the third time.
So seems like a lot of people are liking this game. Why is it reviewing so average?
Complaints for in the XIII series are very weird for me, seems to me that people don't like one aspect in one game and when the next game completely does away with it, they still don't like it. All three games are quite different from each other in the way they play out and the way the progression works, more so in case of LR.
Yet they all get the exact same complaints, it doesn't make any sense to me.
So seems like a lot of people are liking this game. Why is it reviewing so average?
really really regret choosing normal.
only chose it because even on normal XIII-2 was a piece of piss
fuck the difficulty spike and the lack of changing!!!!!!!!!1
I need help finding Zaltys, does anyone know where I can find him? Against my better judgment I'm finishing all the Canvas of Prayers (done with Luxerion and Dead Dunes), and I have just one quest left in Yusnaan but I need Firewyrm Scale, which is dropped by Zaltys.
I was intrigued since his locked move turns something different with a stagger. Too powerful.It's terrible.
Wish I could buy Cloud DLC since I heard it's overpowered as fuck.
Yusnaan - Patron's Palace
Yusnaan - Dead Dunes Highway
So seems like a lot of people are liking this game. Why is it reviewing so average?
Complaints for in the XIII series are very weird for me, seems to me that people don't like one aspect in one game and when the next game completely does away with it, they still don't like it. All three games are quite different from each other in the way they play out and the way the progression works, more so in case of LR.
Yet they all get the exact same complaints, it doesn't make any sense to me.
It's terrible.
Wish I could buy Cloud DLC since I heard it's overpowered as fuck.
It's terrible.
Wish I could buy Cloud DLC since I heard it's overpowered as fuck.
If only the game let you fast-forward in some way.holy shit i dont care about your lives npcs. there is very little actual story here its just yap yap yap yap boring npcs saying shit i dont care about
Because most people in here saying that were going to like it no matter what. Stepping back and looking at the game's flaws as well as its positives... yes, it's definitely an 'average' experience.
If only the game let you fast-forward in some way.
Started playing Friday. Today is Saturday night (monday, basically)...:
Wow, mines like half, and I started on the same day, lol.Started playing Friday. Today is Saturday night (monday, basically)...:
All mobs get a stat boost after day 7, so yes, it will be harder because you're on day 8.Dammmn, the Wildlands Temple boss () is so effin' hard, especially if you already used up your Recovery Items on the way :/ Argh, I might skip 3h so I can at least go to the Arc and refresh my EP.Caius
Anyone here beat him? Is he harder because I'm on Day 8?