Should I play and finish XIII and XIII-2 first?
Is there any benefit to having completed save files? I have XIII and XIII-2 on 360, but can get PS3 versions if there is any reason to
Oh I see. I don't think so as it is not going to be available as a DLC. It is completely free.What I meant was: If I avoid the demo, am I still able to get Siegfried any other way?
Just wondered, but does the full game start like the demo? Just wondering if anything is before that.
No recap of XIII-2 or anything?
Only recap you need of XIII-2 is that the ending is AWFUL.
Only recap you need of XIII-2 is that the ending is AWFUL.
Really? So the explanation as to why Lumina looks exactly the same as Serah, Hope is young again and Snow now owns a strip club. Will follow later in the game?The demo is the start of the game.
Really? So the explanation as to why Lumina looks exactly the same as Serah, Hope is young again and Snow now owns a strip club. Will follow later in the game?
The demo is the start of the game.
No recap? I guess once you get in control of lightning you brush up in the datalog. I know what happened basically, so I should be good.
After the demo part ends you get some silly monologue.
Ugh. I know I have mentioned this in an older thread, but I really do wish the game had started with Lightning, meeting up with Hope, and finding out her mission and what was going on in the world. It would at least feel like it was connected to the previous game. When you start LR, everything feels so bizarre. There are characters you recognize, but only in their appearance (their personalities are wildly different). It would have been better (imo) to slowly introduce these elements than to throw you into the middle of things. They made this mistake with XIII, too.coming out of crystal
Ugh. I know I have mentioned this in an older thread, but I really do wish the game had started with Lightning, meeting up with Hope, and finding out her mission and what was going on in the world. It would at least feel like it was connected to the previous game. When you start LR, everything feels so bizarre. There are characters you recognize, but only in their appearance (their personalities are wildly different). It would have been better (imo) to slowly introduce these elements than to throw you into the middle of things. They made this mistake with XIII, too.coming out of crystal
Ugh. I know I have mentioned this in an older thread, but I really do wish the game had started with Lightning, meeting up with Hope, and finding out her mission and what was going on in the world. It would at least feel like it was connected to the previous game. When you start LR, everything feels so bizarre. There are characters you recognize, but only in their appearance (their personalities are wildly different). It would have been better (imo) to slowly introduce these elements than to throw you into the middle of things. They made this mistake with XIII, too.coming out of crystal
Xbox got some LR stuff
I'm ok with stories starting in media res but Toriyama just doesn't do it well. The 3rd Birthday is another great example of his great writing.
Anyways, not bothering with the English release since I've played through (but not fully done everything yet) the Chinese release already. Shall repurchase when the price gets low. Too many good games coming out in the mean time. I shall bravely default from LR ()no product placement intended
First FF since I started with the series back in 2001 that I won't buy at release.
The demo did absolutely nothing for me, sadly.
Toriyama isn't a very good director.
All their top men suck to some major degree.
requiem of the goddess is a fantastic ending![]()
Only recap you need of XIII-2 is that the ending is AWFUL.
I own XIII...loved FF X, XII, and what played of XIV. Should I pop in XIII and try to play through the trilogy?
I wouldn't say that. Everyone has a flaw. It's human nature. But that's why we have other people to be able to help circumvent these flaws. Unfortunately when a company gives too much power to a few, it damages the checks and balances that creative endeavors need. I just feel Kitase is better suited to being a designer/director and Toriyama is better suited to be regulated to any lesser role than director. He has no directorial ability like Sakaguchi said all those years ago.
I am willing to admit that even Nomura has a flaw in that he gets too wrapped up in his own work and that his perfectionist ways can stall production. It's a good problem to have if kept in check.
Everyone has an outward flaw even if it's not readily apparent.
Even I can't say/type this with a straight face.
It was either this or a joke OT so be thankful.
After the demo part ends you get some silly monologue.
Loved XIII but found XIII-2 terrible. Maybe I'll pick this up some day. Are all previous characters in this game?
I just hate Serah when she's with Snow. He just ruins everything. I cringed in that one paradox end, you know, that one.
Biggest problem I have so far:
Lightning: "I feel nothing. I'm not even angry about Serah when I should be furious. It seems that "God" took my emotions"
Also, Matsuno is in fact an excellent story writer.I've been saying all along the reason why these developers are struggling is because they're trying to make a movie and attempting to come up with the story themselves.
Western developers hire actual writers and creators, like comic books, where a artist, editor, and writer work together. I think Japanese RPG developers try to do it like manga, which is write, draw, create. and edit themselves.
Which explains why FFXIII has been a mess as far as story and storytelling goes. Gameplay-wise, they have something there like the battle system, etc. But because they're trying to be so cinematic, they can't help make it more linear since it's easier to do than make a actual game!
Matsuno was never a good story writer but he's a master with making a good game, which is why FFXII and his tactics games are RPG treasures.
SE needs more game designers not wannabe filmmakers! And this includes Nomura! Sorry Nomura fans, but he's kind of like this as well.
I don't get this.
Snow was dumb, but the man was honest, and he was loyal to Serah, he loved her and went to the end of the world for her, hell he even gave up and cursed himself again to find the one person that she missed the most.
I will never understand how people can honestly call for Serah to cheat on a man who gave any and everything to see her returned and happy.
irl that's how women tell you they aren't interested