About the behemoth sword:
Secret DungeonIf you don't feel like killing all those behemoths, all the Last One Monsters are located in the secret 14th day dungeon, and drop their respective items as well.
I think there are actually only 30 reavers!
Oh really? Man, I wish it told you the number in the bestiary.
Good, thanks!I just got it yesterday. No specific time, seemingly. Though I did it before noon. There are a fuck-ton of those things that spawn in the narrow canyons to the east/northeast of the map. That place where there are a lot of ruins (and one of the Yuel flowers). I was just farming them up there.
Oh really? Man, I wish it told you the number in the bestiary.
Yes. I spent 8 hours before even reaching day 2 in the game because I spent so long min-maxing garbs and abilities in the menus. LOTS of customization, you'll like it.I did try the demo for LR. I thought it was meh, but I saw a lot of potential customization that was being held out of reach.
Given this info: should I take the plunge on this Lightning Returns?
Yes. Thumb rule, almost 100% consistently:
Big enemies (Reaver): 30 kills
Oh man, that's all it takes?? These guys are on the brink of extinction then. I've been using them to keep my EP up so I can take my time in The Wildlands.
It's pretty dumb that we did not get any kind of mandatory primer on the extinction system. I didn't even know this was a feature of the gameplay until I beat my first Last One. I mean, the game forces us into a tutorial on how to buy a potion, for christ's sake but nothing on managing and preserving the world's fauna.
They have a tutorial in the datalog, but you have to look at it. Since humans can't have kids anymore and no new life is born, the same thing happens to monsters too, and they go extinct.
I steamrolled him with Passion Rouge with Deprotect/shell and Thunder. I put Sparkstrike on my Sentinel (Silent Guardian) and spammed that in between. Once staggered, I Overdrived with Soldier of Peace and spammed Artemis Arrow (though Heavy Strike will probably work well w/o it). You can also buy an enthunder potion from the Wildlands to speed things up.
What day are you on? I believe if you fight him after a certain day Noel ends up on steroids.
This is just my way of going about things, but I think I used something like:
Physical attack garb with Sparkstrike
Defense garb with (Heavy) Block, debuffs, and Light Slash (to maintain Stagger if you're out of ATB)
Magic Garb with Thunder and Thundara.
I'd recommend using the Magic Garb to keep your distance, then switch to the Defense garb when he starts running at you. A perfect block will also drive his stagger meter way up, and most of his attacks are much slower than you'd expect.
Keep trying!
I feel really terrible at this game. Only barely managed to defeat the Shadow Hunter
Man I don't mind entire game having a time limit (like in Dead Rising 3) but having main quests as well as side quests revolve around time is bullshit ! I loved XIII and XIII-2 but I don't know if I can enjoy this game with a time limit on even the main quest.
Take the quest where you have to get 10 fireworks for example, I have to run across the whole map to get them and I missed out on the first two, I know I can buy them off the chocobo girls but for that I apparently need to find a poster which is God knows where (probably in the area where the quest started), how am I suppose to know about this with no cues other than, "Just try to find something around". How am I suppose to "ask around" especially when I only have half an hour of in game time to get to the places to get the fireworks?
It's annoying, am I doing something wrong or missing something here?
EDIT: Apparently I need to use chronostasis but still ,don't have enough EP to use it more than once.
How can I find a fight where I get 3 or more status ailments for the "A Testing Proposition" quest for the alchemist in Yusnaan?^^
So about how many sidequests do I need to do to unlock the extra day? I'm about to start day 7, and I'm sitting at 50 sidequests complete, and maybe 55 Canvas quests.
There's only 65 in the game, and I think 80-90 canvas quests. With as much time as you have left, you should be able to get a great portion of them.
Well some appear after you've done the 5 main quests.... But other than that....day 13 hahaWow, I'm starting to run out of shit to do, then. XD Hope some more quests pop up.
On what day does the story start moving again? I don't wanna spend the next couple of in-game days just wandering about sidequesting. Does anything new open up in the meantime?
Additionally I really think if this game had more time/money/talent/care/polish it could have been something far more special. And much more beautiful. Sigh. I'm enjoying the battles, garbs, and customization, at least.
I'd definitely save first. That formula isn't exact apparently. Missions will get you stat boosts and more points for the ending, so, up to you!
Waiting for the game to install.
I got the Soldier First Class outfit and the Lightning Samurai set.
Do any of them break the game horribly?
i did save, and lucky i did, as i didnt get the 14th day.
i went onto bunivelze anyway, and wow.. i'd be fucked if i didnt save earlier, im not strong enough at all.
and its not like i can level up there by fighting enemies cos it doesnt work that way.
so if i happened to save on the 13th day, how are you supposed to complete the game?
What costume is that?
Nope. It's actually hard to use them at the very beginning because you won't have many abilities to equip to it. Use them as much as you want.
Cloud's main move is using Heavy Slash after you land a stagger. Does massive damage.
The game was actually originally designed to be next to impossible to complete on one playthrough. It wasn't until late in development that they added Chronostasis and more time rewards for quest completion after getting some feedback.
So, in that situation you described, you would fail and start new game +.
but how do you "fail"? my 2nd save is in the area before the final boss..
I'm really enjoying this game, but one annoying thing I ran into was Hope stepping over his various lines over and over again. Was going through a section in Yusnaan and I kept hitting trigger points in conversation, but you keep moving forward (especially since time is important) and before he would finish the last thing he was saying, he'd say something else, and to make it worse he would then step over that with his annoying reminder speech. I don't get bothered often by games, but it just made that section so chaotic.
I just randomly got the Helter Skelter garb as an outerworld reward and it's kind of ridiculously good. Did anyone else get it? The message said it was from some sort of community challenge.
Outerworld Challenge #1 update, 20:00GMT LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII is out now! For those already playing, have you used outerworld yet? Outerworld lets players post screenshots to Facebook, and Twitter from within the game. Posts that you make can be “called in” by your friends on Facebook, to be sure to appear in their game. This is handy to ensure sharing of any items you may be looking for! That’s not all – there are four Outerworld challenges to complete (each lasting two weeks) which will unlock unique garbs for Lightning. Challenge #1 starts now: make a total of 100,000 Outerworld posts and we’ll unlock the Helter Skelter Garb for everyone!
So I never got Siegfried even though I definitely remember uploading my score. Already deleted the demo. Wonderful. Anyone else suffer this? Also anyone who has it, is it worth it?
Ah, cool. Didn't notice it in the store until I talked to the Outerworld NPC.
Regardless, it seems almost game-breakingly powerful. Weird to attach it to something like that.
also got these 2 little swords from monsters... on day2, making my live a lot easier![]()
Looks like the Death Halberd and Shard Sword, yeah? I just got both of those on my latest day too, I love how obscenely large the Shard Sword is lol.
Gonna make a comprehensive post with my set up later (only 3 days in), but my biggest regret right now is playing on easy.![]()
the big ass sword from the Behemot like enemy. It's not an easy, but not a hard fight either (and he awards 2 EP, good to keep the chronostasis up..forever...)
not regretting that I started on normal difficulty ;P
Ah. The Reavers give up 4 EP per kill on Easy.I've been able to keep up Chrono so easily on my end and just do tons of quests.
Regen Health outside of battle nulls my inventory restorative items. Admittedly I've only done one boss so far, but I've never had to use even a potion thus far. /:
Too much time invested though to start over though, guess I'll see how Normal fares on NG+.
Ah. The Reavers give up 4 EP per kill on Easy.I've been able to keep up Chrono so easily on my end and just do tons of quests.
Regen Health outside of battle nulls my inventory restorative items. Admittedly I've only done one boss so far, but I've never had to use even a potion thus far. /:
Too much time invested though to start over though, guess I'll see how Normal fares on NG+.
You'll be so strong you might just jump to hard mode if it'll let you.
Talk to any Outworld NPC? I can't seem to get the Garb to show up in my store![]()