YAY! I managed toat normal ^_^caius
now what u suggest to do? is it possible to do everything in the next 5 days before the end?
It's possible to do everything in 5 days regardless, so yes.
YAY! I managed toat normal ^_^caius
now what u suggest to do? is it possible to do everything in the next 5 days before the end?
It seems maximum strength is 5000, I think magic too. >_>
When you beat the game and start New Game + you can turn on a setting that allows you to go beyond those limits.
- story is ok atm but i keep asking WHY im doing these menial things prior to the worlds demise
- story is ok atm but i keep asking WHY im doing these menial things prior to the worlds demise
I'll take the side quests in this over the side quests you get in some games personally. At least these have a story, as crazy and medial as they sometimes are. That's better than having a load of side quests with no cutscenes or talking, just fetch x or kill y(like the canvas quests).I think it just adds to the overall ridiculousness of the game, one minute Lightning's rolling off her usual spiel about saving the world and her mission being of the utmost importance, worlds ending in 13 days and all that. 2 minutes later she's running around the town tasting food at all the restaurants in town... just because.
The models for cats and dogs really took a beating in this game man, damn. I encountered aand the cat looked nearly as bad as the dog several pages back. I really feel sorry for the animals in this game. On a more positive note, I have been enjoying hearing all the battle themes again as you travel around the world, that mixed with the battles have kept the game as a pretty solid experience.mission regarding someone trapped in a cats body
Despite my earlier concerns that I was going to run out of time to do everything, I'm now on day 7 (I think) and it shouldn't take me too long to polish off the remaining main quests.I've finished Noel, Snow and Fang's main quests so far. Attempted to beat Caius earlier and got a serious smackdown so he's waiting till after I finish Sazh's quest. I'm trying to avoid using guides but are there some special requirements for the 14th day beyond completing all the main quests, I'm thinking I'll just rest at the inn once I finish the remaining quests. I'm assuming Vanille's main quest auto-triggers during the last day?
I think it just adds to the overall ridiculousness of the game, one minute Lightning's rolling off her usual spiel about saving the world and her mission being of the utmost importance, worlds ending in 13 days and all that. 2 minutes later she's running around the town tasting food at all the restaurants in town... just because.
Anyone have any tips for Aeronite? I'm using the strategy described here under the section "Preparations for Aeronite". I can't even stagger him a single time. No matter what I do, I can only get off like 3 -ra spells before my combo finishes and then I have like a 2 second wait time before I can do anything else, during which his stagger gauge completely resets. I've made like 20 attempts so far, and have made no progress whatsoever![]()
Granted, (and I'm not saying its a negative) yet Lightning herself often raises an eyebrow in disbelief as if to say "you want to me to do what now?" I think those moments often contrast nicely with the primary plotline's seriousness.Actually, this game is one of the few times this conceit actually has a cogent in-universe explanation, as the end of the world is inevitable and Lightning's main goal is to preserve souls by solving people's lingering issues.
Actually, this game is one of the few times this conceit actually has a cogent in-universe explanation, as the end of the world is inevitable and Lightning's main goal is to preserve souls by solving people's lingering issues.
I'm not sure how you can save so little AP that you can only get off one -ra combo per bar. And, in any event, you should have stagger stuff on two or maybe all three schema.
Granted, (and I'm not saying its a negative) yet Lightning herself often raises an eyebrow in disbelief as if to say "you want to me to do what now?" I think those moments often contrast nicely with the primary plotline's seriousness.
And thanks for the answer, Zafir.
I do have stagger stuff on all 3 schema. I have Aerora on schema 1, Thundara on Schema 2, and Fira on Schema 3. Schema 3 is also equipped with the 75% stagger weapon.
So given this setup, in what order should I use my abilities on each bar in order to stagger him the quickest? I think I just fail at Staggering in general, becuase I've never been able to do it effectively the entire game. Like I'm missing some kind of trick or something. I fire off like 3-4 abilities, and then no matter how much AP i have left, I can't hit another spell because the combo is over, I have to wait for it to reset and by then his stagger bar is also reset.
Yeah, Lightning's general put-upon-ness doesn't help, but at least it makes a kind of sense.
I'm not sure what you mean by your combo being over; you should be using those three abilities essentially constantly unless you have to stop to guard. If you completely run out of AP on all three and his stagger bar is degrading, use Overclock; it will refill the bars on all three schema.
You can guard to stabilize yourself after the flip if you have the AP.Shoot off 3 -ra spells. On the 4th, she'll jump up in the air and do a flip while shooting it off. After that, there is a delay before you can take any other actions (no matter how much AP you have), during which time the stagger bar resets.
Final dungeon - any particularly good schema setups for this part of the game? I find myself needing to switch things up even though I've played most of the game with similar schema equipped. Now I need to equip some of the stronger stuff, it seems. Suggestions?
I need to go off and fight Aeronite ffs.
That's probably the reason it bothers some people, though. Sometimes if you blow things off and say it's happening just *because*, nobody questions it. If you start trying to explain things, but your explanation sucks, it could just call attention to the poor justification.Actually, this game is one of the few times this conceit actually has a cogent in-universe explanation, as the end of the world is inevitable and Lightning's main goal is to preserve souls by solving people's lingering issues.
Yeah, I've just spend ages trying to get one lol. Pain in the arse.elixir
I need to go off and fight Aeronite ffs.
Since the moment I've started I've been using a Saboteur/Sentinel, Magic Ravager and Commando type setup. Has yet to fail me as it really covers all the bases. Garbs in particular are Sacred Knight, Electronica and Soldier of Peace. Sacred Knight is my default garb and uses Heavy Guard, DeProtect and DeShell. From there it's just a case of building up stagger with the Electronica garb (as well as dealing insane damage) and finishing off with the Soldier of Peace garb due to its ridiculous Artemis's Arrows ability.
Shoot off 3 -ra spells. On the 4th, she'll jump up in the air and do a flip while shooting it off. After that, there is a delay before you can take any other actions (no matter how much AP you have), during which time the stagger bar resets.
That's probably the reason it bothers some people, though. Sometimes if you blow things off and say it's happening just *because*, nobody questions it. If you start trying to explain things, but your explanation sucks, it could just call attention to the poor justification.
You can cancel the combo before the end by switching or guarding if that helps, but the stagger gauge shouldn't be decaying that fast.
Well i also cant damage him while guarding, so that accounts for the rest of the stagger bar decay since he spams ga spells rather quickly. Does stagger power increase with damage? If i wait for a second playthrough would that help after i have better gear?
I was going to extinct the meonekton; good thing I looked in my guide.
Ok so I managed to get another day,now on day 10 last day...I think the whole Chocobo thing and meeting that guy in Wildlands and all gave me enough Eridia to bareley make it...
You guys think if I beat the Boss of Yusnaan along with a few random sidequests that it will be enough to get me another day...?
Oh they're extinctable, but you gotta kill 65,000 of them instead of the 100 or so.Why? I'm guessing they don't go extinct because they are automatons, correct?
Oh they're extinctable, but you gotta kill 65,000 of them instead of the 100 or so.
Does anyone have any tips for gliding with the chocobo?I've healed it to stage 2, and I follow the instructions to jump with circle and then hold circle to glide but I'm finding it impossible to do it effectively
Does anyone have any tips for gliding with the chocobo?I've healed it to stage 2, and I follow the instructions to jump with circle and then hold circle to glide but I'm finding it impossible to do it effectively
Well, I finally beat Bravely Default (game says 95~ hours playtime)... time for Lightning Returns! I'm still a little nervous about the time limit even though people generally say it's fine. I'm gonna be doing Normal, and if I somehow run out of time, I can't see myself starting over anytime soon... so I hope I make it through to the end or I probably won't beat it for months. I don't want to be forced to replay the game due to some stupid time limit.
Any tips besides spam Chronostasis? What's the best order to do areas that goes from easiest to hardest? Is the Cloud or Yuna garbs any good? Or XIII/XIII-2 outfits?
As long as you use Chronostasis consistently and are always using your time wisely you'll have no problems. I had all main quests and about 55 side quests done by day 8 or so. All on Normal difficulty.
I'll be honest though, once I started playing the game and felt overwhelmed by the time limit I went and looked up a list of side quests so I could see what times they were available and when I could access them. It really helped me plan accordingly so I could fill out my days and not waste any time running around aimlessly looking for them.
As far as main quests go, even though you can do them in any order they''re technically numbered 1 through 5.
1. Luxerion
2. Yusnaan
3. Wildlands
4. Dead Dunes
5. Wildlands
The fifth one you can pick up while you're doing the other Wildlands main quest and do it at your own leisure as there aren't any real strict requirements. The other four though I would recommend doing them in that order. It seems to be the natural progression.
As far as DLC outfits, I used both Cloud and Yuna at the beginning. I actually used Cloud for about the first 4-5 days because it's garb ability is really strong. Yuna can last you a few days as well but you'll typically find better garbs. Yuna's equipment is really strong for magic garbs though. I used the shield for my entire playthrough actually.
But yeah, as long as you aren't spending too much time wandering around doing nothing then you should be good. The first 2-3 days will feel really stressful just because there's so much to do but it lets up quite a bit. Also once you get to the Wildlands there are a lot more enemies that you can effectively farm for EP to keep your Chronostasis going. It makes things a lot easier.
If this game had the potential to attract a speedrunning community, the restrictive timing would have serious potential to be extraordinarily interesting.The main thing I dread are the npcs and gates/villages that are only open at certain times of the day. That just seems like such an annoyance.