Spam Chronostasis, manage encounters as your resource for refilling Chronostasis (e.g. don't run around killing a bunch of Behemoths you don't need since there's a finite number)
Latter probably isn't necessary seeing as most people finish -everything around 4-5 days in if they really, really want to. What this implies, though is that it's definitely possible to 'catch up' if you're running severely behind.
Staggering has 2 characteristics. You have attacks that stabilize the staggering and attacks that increase the staggering. After a big increase you need to stabilize it with something like attack or light slash or that increase will go away. You knew about this by seeing the attack's descriptions and their ranks from D-A on Stagger Power and Stagger Time, I think that's what they are called.
And yap guard is a big deal, you are supposed to guard everything and eventually perfect guard with precise timing. It's not very hard with a few hours of practice to get the timing down, by the end of the game guarding should be 2nd nature.
As far as the ending goes:
They are reborn in the new world but they don't keep their memories of each other, they just live normal lives and maybe "destiny" will make them meet again. Lumina is a part of Lightning's psyche that she was shutting down, it was her emotions and and Light perceives those emotions as "weaknesses", in the end she embraces that part of her as fundamental and blabla, I suggest rewatching the ending on youtube or looking up a more indepth explanation on the interwebz if you are still confused
To the bolded in the spoilers: Where exactly was this mentioned? I have never seen anyone else say this, and after forcing myself to rewatch the CGI ending, it's never mentioned (in fact, the whole "All I know is that we'll be together soon")
It was not said anywhere outright but that's the impression I got after playing the game. I guess it's partially open for interpretation. Also, you need to watch the last scenes before that CGI thing, that's where I got the hints.
You really need to stop stating your assumptions as facts. It gets annoying. Even prefacing with "I think" or "I believe" works wonders.
I rewatched an entire hour before the CGI, not one line of dialogue hints at it that I can see. What is said is this:
Lightning: "Then you'll do it all over: Rebuild the world, the sky, even the people. But with no memories or feelings... and no past."
Bhunivelze: "The perfect people for my perfect world. Free. Knowing only joy. Unfettered by grief and grudges."
Lightning: "What you're describing isn't human. They'll be puppets that look like people"
And since Lightning wins, this seems diametric to what you're saying. The entire reason Lightning has to kill Bhunivelze is because he is trying to take away memories and emotions. And again, since Lightning wins, we can't say either way what really happened to them.
It's fine to believe this, but to state it as fact to someone who is asking questions isn't okay when it is admittedly simply an interpretation.
Sorry...It's an assumption and I should have made that clear.
I don't think I did it enough times for it to be "annoying" but whatever. In any case I believe I have an acceptable case for my assumption(case I failed to provide in the original post) but I recognize it's just that, an assumption and will make sure to highlight that the next time I make one. I was simply answering the question to the best of my ability and part of my explanation was my own interpretation and I failed to present it as such, it was not a malicious attempt at passing off my own beliefs as facts but a simple oversight.
I believe when she refers to "with no memories or feelings.. and no past" she is referring to how the future would be for the existing souls in the old world, they would be stripped of the right to have memories and feelings like they did in the old world(I don't think it directly implies that they will migrate to the new world with everything they knew about the old world, my biggest evidence being that the "Age crystal" is referred to as just a legend and that probably means people only have faint recollections of it and therefore don't remember all the bonds and friendships they had in the old world), the last scene before they go onto the new world also has a "Goodbyeish" vibe to it and that's why I assumed what I did. At the same time, I think it's weird that the last scene only has Lightning and doesn't refer to the other characters or her connection with them
There are translations of the Ultimania online which state that the original ending was for the entire crew to be together and the only reason they didn't do that was because of some stupid idea that "It began with Lightning so it had to end with Lightning".
As per the other stuff, I just don't see it.
Ah, I'm wrong then. Meh, I'll take either side anyway, won't change my opinion of the game.
I'm still a little salty over the ending we got.
If nothing else (there was little I liked about the ending), after all we went through with the characters, the least they could have done was let us see all of them happy together. But no, "Began with Lightning, has to end with Lightning" (NO IT DIDN'T)
Yeah I too was a little disappointed that we didn't get to see that.
However I really liked the ideas and implications of the ending in the game world and because of that it still ended up being a positive ending for me.
Staggering has 2 characteristics. You have attacks that stabilize the staggering and attacks that increase the staggering. After a big increase you need to stabilize it with something like attack or light slash or that increase will go away. You knew about this by seeing the attack's descriptions and their ranks from D-A on Stagger Power and Stagger Time, I think that's what they are called.
And yap guard is a big deal, you are supposed to guard everything and eventually perfect guard with precise timing. It's not very hard with a few hours of practice to get the timing down, by the end of the game guarding should be 2nd nature.
Yeah I tried to follow the concept of 2 ravagers, 1 commando from the previous games to get stagger. But it felt at times, I wasn't even close to get the opportunity to stabilize the stagger meter. I don't know, I guess I sort of enjoyed watching a number bar fill up, and see how close or far I am to staggering.
When I did stagger, I would overclock and go to the FF7 outfit to get slayer and do tons of damage. Sometimes The stagger ended like 1/4 of the overclock and I had no real indication of when the stagger was going to end.
To me at least it felt extremely random. Maybe I was just a huge noob to the combat overhaul. Personally I loved it at first, but realized I enjoyed the other two systems more.
And not having any party members at all, felt almost this game was like a huge side story and not an actual sequel.
In reply to the spoilers:
Okay, I understood that Lumina was lightning's weak side, but at the end she kept saying she was a fake. She was created and yet she was Serah. (She even took on the image of Serah multiple times.)
So from the way the dialogue played out, I thought Lumina was saying, Serah isn't even a real person and Lumina was her the whole time (the whole series). Serah was the embodiment of Lightning's feelings she discarded. From what I was taking away, when Serah died, Lightning's old self went back to her goddess as memories and feelings in the crystal. (the dlc of 13-2) And when Lightning was resurrected, Bhun made a new body for those old feelings that Lightning had then accepted, which was Lumina.
I guess I got really confused when I actually saw Serah come greet her at the end.
I must be a complete idiot cause I didn't understand shit that was happening then.....
And the "secret" ending made it seem like Lightning remembers everything. She says "the journey is over. But we'll all see each other someday" or something like that.
You know, looking at the broad spectrum of the story, it actually was very interesting to me. I mean 500 years of never aging, but still afraid to die. People have gone through some weird things, lost loved ones, trying to figure out how to live their lives. It was sort of refreshing take of a unique storyline. Also Lightning battling god himself, as he's given her divine strength to become the goddess of death and can actually match him in power. There is just too much randomness going on. It didn't even feel like it was a story at all.
Thankfully, three follow up novels have been announced in the Famitsu 12/6 magazine
Thankfully, three follow up novels have been announced in the Famitsu 12/6 magazine. I'm a happy man today.
Unsure if this is sarcasm.
I just want this storyline to be done with. I enjoyed 13 and it's story. 13-2 was just sort of interesting, but that's it. Nothing impressive. I thought Lightning Returns was the worst out of all three. I just couldn't get into the setting and feel for the characters while doing the quests or anything.
If you did actually enjoy LR's storyline. What was the appealing point really? Just asking out of general curiosity. Literally running around collecting stuff, felt like I was doing stupid errands and then I "saved" their soul. I didn't feel any sort of connection to any side quest.
I think everyone is ready for something new.
I felt the closure given in the ending was rather poor.
Thankfully, three follow up novels have been announced in the Famitsu 12/6 magazine. I'm a happy man today.
Novels that will never come out of Japan, I'm guessing.
I preferred 13 to both 13-2 and LR, but I prefer LR over 13-2.
I didn't think the plot of LR was very good tbh, a lot of the characters didn't react in ways they were supposed to, and it was generally very poorly paced and the story felt tacked on together because they were trying too hard to give player the freedom of choice in which quest they want to do first.
But anyway, I'm sort of a fan and I honestly felt the most insulting part of the story was thatthe ending didn't offer good closure to the characters. After 3 games.. We're not going to see Snow&Serah get married? What's going to happen to the other characters? What are they doing now that it's all over, etc. At least I'll have some answers now. I was b****ing about this since the Japanese release last November...
I'll just leave my tumblr here...Remember to click on "Read More" for the first portion!/selfpromotes
Credits to their respective sources.
Guys, I need help if I'm going to finish this game. I'm about 3 hours in, and I feel like I've done nothing but get my butt handed to me by fodder enemies. What makes it infuriating though is that I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. I block, stagger, and use libra religiously yet anything aside from the penguin and hairball monsters is effectively a guaranteed waste of an hour. Stagger seems so ambiguous in this game compared to the others, some of these guys I stagger yet it still feels like I'm poking them with a stick.
I've played plenty of RPGs and action games, so I don't think it's a genre thing. I really don't want to drop down to easy mode, but everything is taking my lunch at the moment.
What am I doing wrong?
Guys, I need help if I'm going to finish this game. I'm about 3 hours in, and I feel like I've done nothing but get my butt handed to me by fodder enemies. What makes it infuriating though is that I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong. I block, stagger, and use libra religiously yet anything aside from the penguin and hairball monsters is effectively a guaranteed waste of an hour. Stagger seems so ambiguous in this game compared to the others, some of these guys I stagger yet it still feels like I'm poking them with a stick.
I've played plenty of RPGs and action games, so I don't think it's a genre thing. I really don't want to drop down to easy mode, but everything is taking my lunch at the moment.
What am I doing wrong?
Is there a specific or optimal order I should be tackling the content in? The enemy HP and damage ramped up significantly (to the point that I'm doing what looks like nothing to them) after I initiated code quest in Luxerion. Usually this is a sign that I'm in the wrong neighbourhood. I figured out the stagger conditions, openings and patterns of some of the enemies but even then the battles take a really long time.
This game is really good but as with FF13-2 they improve some things and take a few steps back in other areas. The time management aspect is clearly an innovation in FF history. I hated it at first but now I am beginning to see its pros and impact on the whole game structure. Designing this game had to be a nightmare, tho.
Check the job boards each day; in addition to new ones appearing based on completing other quests, there are several that don't become available until later days. A couple new garbs also become available for purchase on either day 7 or 8 from several outfitters (a couple of which are also locked until you complete the various roadworks quests that pop up on day 9). Though fyi the endgame doesn't begin until time runs out and you reach the final day. So you can finish the Sazh quest earlier if you want without triggering anything. But there's no rush - it's basically a semi-main quest. Nowhere near as big of a reward boost as the other main quests.
Spoilering this next part to be safe, but it's relative to a minor spoiler in terms of time management and later-game stuff.If you're not aware, if you complete 40+ sidequests (your quest menu has a counter for how many you've done), you get a bonus day before the endgame (the game itself doesn't tell you until it comes) where an optional dungeon becomes available. The dungeon itself is a gauntlet of Omega/Last Ones (ones you've already made extinct are absent). You're able to leave and return to it to stock back up on items, but you can't use chronostasis in the dungeon and time's constantly ticking, including when you're in a battle. The final opponent is one of the game's two superbosses.
I really enjoyed the Dead Dunes as well (I'd say I'm a fan of desert locations in general). Lightning Returns' art direction really shines when you start looking into the construction of all these areas and how they managed to do quite a lot with what's really very little.