Tri-ace had no involvement this time.
Well, shit. So they've basically done nothing but part of FFXIII-2 and that one 3DS game since Resonance of Fate until that Phantasy Star Vita spin-off? That's kind of depressing.
Tri-ace had no involvement this time.
Tri-ace had no involvement this time.
Tri-ace was involved with FF?? Just XIII-2?Tri-ace had no involvement this time.
I thought Tri-ace helped with the visuals?
This game is what happens when SE puts out a game from announcement to release in a years time, so I'm really expecting XV to be massive.
And yet oddly enough it feels like a Tri-Ace Prototype that was taken and painted over with Lightning and pals with a time limit thrown in for the heck of it.
It's shit.Do they have any other $DLC up yet besides the Lara Croft costume? And is the Tomb Raider set OP?
It's shit.
I think they should have had a clock, but done away with the time limit to be perfectly honest. I like that there is time in the world, it makes the world feel more real. However the time limit just creates problems, you feel like you don't have enough time in the beginning, and people seem to suggest you have too much time at the end.
Yeah this concept of time passage and a clock can really be immersive at times in this game.
I love it.
So they could next make a game with time passage as such but without the overall time limit.
The music in Yusnaan is so good. On day 4 and loving it.
I hope they do it to this kind of detail though. It's something I do really like and appreciate in games. I mean a lot of games have day/night cycles, but very few actually do something with time passage, and give people schedules and stuff. I know Xenoblade did it, though due to the scope of the game, the world was a bit less detailed.It's interesting that you say that....
....because that is exactly what FFXV has. Day/night cycles were confirmed a long, long time ago.
Any time, you can just go into the triangle menu and choose the "Rewards Barter Shop".I think I am going to start this tonight, any hot tips I should know? Also, can you redeem the codes for pre-order bonuses in the middle of a playthrough or can you only get them at the beginning? I might give mine to a buddy since he cares about that stuff way more than me but want to make sure they are usable.
It's interesting that you say that....
....because that is exactly what FFXV has. Day/night cycles were confirmed a long, long time ago.
I hope they do it to this kind of detail though. It's something I do really like and appreciate in games. I mean a lot of games have day/night cycles, but very few actually do something with time passage, and give people schedules and stuff. I know Xenoblade did it, though due to the scope of the game, the world was a bit less detailed.
Any time, you can just go into the triangle menu and choose the "Rewards Barter Shop".
Hardly restrictive unless you do what Lightning Returns did and give a time limit. Skyrim has a wait feature for a reason, you know.Time passage sure but schedules? If I wanted that I would go outside and do something productive instead of playing a game that tells me when I can and can't do things depending on the in game time. That is so restrictive.
Hardly restrictive unless you do what Lightning Returns did and give a time limit. Skyrim has a wait feature for a reason, you know.
Hardly restrictive unless you do what Lightning Returns did and give a time limit. Skyrim has a wait feature for a reason, you know.
Each to their own I guess. I'm not a big fan of Skyrim either, but that's for other reasons. I just like it because it makes the world feel more alive if people actually seem like they have their own lives, and aren't just stood in the same spot doing nothing all day every day. I guess I can thank playing Shenmue when it came out for it, although due to no wait feature it could be rather annoying, I just loved how immersive the world felt for it's time.I am gonna sound like such a douche right now but I don't like Skyrim either. The feature you posted is exactly one of the reasons why I don't like it. :/
Yeah, exactly. It can be done in a way that isn't restrictive at all.I really liked the convenience of Xenoblade's system.
This NPC only shows up at 6-9am at this part of Colony 9? No problem! Just pull up the clock anytime you want and skip straight to sunrise. Easy.
Monsters at night kicking your arse? Switch to the day instantly.
Each to their own I guess. I'm not a big fan of Skyrim either, but that's for other reasons. I just like it because it makes the world feel more alive if people actually seem like they have their own lives, and aren't just stood in the same spot doing nothing all day every day. I guess I can thank playing Shenmue when it came out for it, although due to no wait feature it could be rather annoying, I just loved how immersive the world felt for it's time.
I am gonna sound like such a douche right now but I don't like Skyrim either. The feature you posted is exactly one of the reasons why I don't like that game. :/
If it's done like Xenoblade where you just pass the time to get to a specific point without consequence then I won't mind.
Wildlands is mostly a walk in the park. 3-1/3-2 are very easy, and chapter 5 just revolves around getting fragments from other maps.Finally finished Yuusnan and Luxerion... Only 5 days left tho so no idea how I am for time
Which quest is easier Dead Dunes or Wild Lands?
Wouldn't have been so bad if doing battles had more meaning, aka leveling through them... but no.
Finally finished Yuusnan and Luxerion... Only 5 days left tho so no idea how I am for time
Which quest is easier Dead Dunes or Wild Lands?
WTF reallyWow that is stupid... I wasn't considering this til a drop this summer or something but a JRPG where battles don't matter... smh square
It's hardly thrown in for the heck of it, it is basically Lighting, placed into a VP game framework, with the various myths and terminology adapted for the FF13 world. I thought duckroll was trolling a few months back but clearly not.And yet oddly enough it feels like a Tri-Ace Prototype that was taken and painted over with Lightning and pals with a time limit thrown in for the heck of it.
Admittedly, I'm not sure if I'll be going for the plat for this very reason. The thought of having to do all the side quests again on a second playthrough puts me off it.I think my biggest problem with the game is actually the nature of the sidequests. While I'm not minding all the sidequests now, they're not something I look forward to on replays. That's one aspect that I think should carry over if you fail; having your stats and whatnot transfer is one thing, but the idea of having to do those quests again bugs the shit out of me.
Really good game though so far.
Admittedly, I'm not sure if I'll be going for the plat for this very reason. The thought of having to do all the side quests again on a second playthrough puts me off it.
anyone know the name of the track that plays during the morning in Yuusnan and Luxerion?
don't want to blind search in case I encounter spoils!
WTF reallyWow that is stupid... I wasn't considering this til a drop this summer or something but a JRPG where battles don't matter... smh square
yeah. thanks!
so relaxing. definitely the best track in the game so far.
It has a bit of a steam locomotive effect in the background.
Definitely a very beautiful and appropriate track.
It has a bit of a steam locomotive effect in the background.
Definitely a very beautiful and appropriate track.
Any tips for beating?Caius
Haven't had much difficulty up until this point.
Not experiencing this at all. Battles give gil, EP, and drops. All of these are important, especially EP in the short term. Besides, the battle system is so fun that I want to fight every battle. The fact that battles don't give XP mainly serves to deter objectiveless grinding, imo.
What are y'all's impressions of the Area Sweep ability? The knockup is cool, but the damage is so low that I'm struggling to find a situation where I actually want to use it.