Dandy Crocodile
That 150cc room was wild. Holding on to 7th place with all you've got.
I'm in the same boat lolI just picked up the game at lunch and am back at work for another 4 hours
I hate you all right now
I've gotta say I had minor concerns about using single joy cons for multi player but the shoulder buttons, slide grips adding that little bit more height and an analog stick (thinking in contrast to a sideways Wii controller, for example) make them spot on. Singlep player I'll still be going double joycon but they work perfect sideways.
Reposting for a new page with an edit:
"Anyone got a good crash-course on Kart and Part choices? I understand weight class, but have no idea when I'm screwing myself over with kart & part choices. Is it better to shoot for middle of the road? Acceleration? Grip? Speed? I'm having a serious paradox of choice here and it's stressing me out."
Addition --> I'm not looking for individual stat breakdowns to Min/Max, I'm just looking for general advice! With heavy characters should you stack a specific stat? What about medium or light?
Step 1: go to local store that sells Mario Kart.
Step 2: Buy it and save the receipt.
Step 3: Enjoy Mario Kart!
Step 4: When the Amazon copy shows up "return" it to local store as your purchased copy.
Trying to join friends in a full lobby is the worst.
Just have to mash the A button until someone leaves and it lets you join =/
"The target device cannot accept any more connections"
Trying to join friends in a full lobby is the worst.
Just have to mash the A button until someone leaves and it lets you join =/
"The target device cannot accept any more connections"
I picked up the joy-con wheels mainly for my 3-year old and it turns out they also make the individual joy-cons super usable as normal controllers. In addition to providing a better grip, they also provide real, normal sized shoulder buttons:
Yeah, this is easily my biggest problem right now
Yeah, this is easily my biggest problem right now
kepp trying there is a open room in the 150cc with me and 2 others.
Just played on a TV for the first time...
Literally my biggest complaint, megaton, now MK8 is nothing but greatness. There are many small, subtle fixes throughout. Love it. 10/10.
is online race 100cc, 150cc, or 200cc?
Mario kart is now the best selling videogame of the year on amazon.com, wow
I'm getting nothing but communication errors. Connection is fine, NAT is A. Any way to fix this? I just want to play online!