never thought of that
::scratches chin::
Yeah that looks pretty good, Im considering buy some now...
never thought of that
::scratches chin::
Just got an e-mail from Amazon saying it's being shipped on May 3rd now.
Amazon fucking sucks sometimes.
Yikes thats bad, mine was only delayed till tomorrow
Release-date guarantee my ass, CS reps gonna hear from me tonight.
I picked up the joy-con wheels mainly for my 3-year old and it turns out they also make the individual joy-cons super usable as normal controllers. In addition to providing a better grip, they also provide real, normal sized shoulder buttons:
Just got an e-mail from Amazon saying it's being shipped on May 3rd now.
Amazon fucking sucks sometimes.
Whelp...status still says it'll be delivered today.
Still hasn't shipped...
Well, Amazon lost my sale. My order was still listed as "Pre Ordered" with no expected arrival date. Canceled that one and will pick up at Best Buy today. Probably better that way, anyway, as I don't have to pay tax and the Best Buy is only a few miles away.
Damn, I kinda want that. Single joycon play with shoulder buttons that are comfortable to press. Yummy.Looks like just the one set of shoulders though, right?
I hope you're canceling then :lol:
Looks like just the one set of shoulders though, right?
Correct. They work like the strap and physically push down into the tiny buttons on the actual joy-con. They feel pretty good, though.
Best selling game of the year on Amazon? Am I the only person going 100% digital and just keeping my BOTW cart in the Switch?
I've still got 168GB free on a 200GB card with half a dozen games so far.
Damn this looks freaking incredible on the Switch screen, my god!
I played so much of MK8 on Wii U, why does this still feel so fresh.
You guys still in 150?
With auto accelerate, theoretically yes...Is this game playable using one hand with a joy con?
Looks like just the one set of shoulders though, right?
yeah let's throw a red shell...and another...and another when the person is still wrecked from the first two
I can just lay there watching the replays for the longest time, they're so well done. So much character and so many lil touches in the tracks and racer animations, what a beautiful game. Love how you can change replay speed with B and the sticks and how it affects the sound, it's so cool.
yeah let's throw a red shell...and another...and another when the person is still wrecked from the first two
how is the single player in the game? lots of tracks and various cups? I have no interest in multiplayer but I vouched to not let the switch be another 1 game system for me (as both the wii and wiiu were, and no that's not a slight on the systems, its a slight on myself, especially with the U which had plenty of good stuff to get that I just...didnt)