Cant' settle on a character :/ Loving Rocket Raccoon's look but just don't feel useful. I'm not sure how I should be using him. Hulk is super fun! I love the physics when he finishes people off.
If I find a teasure chest, like in the room before Shocker in the subway, can I never get it again? I reset chapter 1 to level another character and it was empty.
Also, Boom:
Sorry for the big gif. (I'm playing with gif cam today as you can probably guess).
You like hopping all over the place, too?
I'll be playing 100% free mode, and stuck deciding between either Daredevil and Hawkeye. Those two are up there with Nightcrawler as my favorite Marvel characters, but I didn't have a chance to mess with either of them during open beta. I played about an hour with Thor, and he was OP as heck in the starting area.
Does anyone have experience with either DD or Hawkguy? I had read that Murdock was vastly underpowered but it looks like the patch might have fixed that.
Only got to about lvl 10 with daredevil but I did like that hes a very mobile character with getting a range closer at lvl 1 and a roll at lvl 4 (that gives a dodge buff and short stun). It seems like his defensive skills are based around dodge and from what I hear, can even reach upwards of 90% dodge chance with the right items closer to end game. I didn't get very far with Hawkeye but from what I saw of his skill tree, I think he relies more or high damage crits for damage and definitely a single target dps type of character.
Perfect, just what I needed to know. I love dodge-based melee characters, which is what I assumed they were doing with Daredevil. Daredevil it is!
The other characters I hope to try out later are Hawkeye (guess I could just start another free account for him), Black Panther, Deadpool, and the Punisher. Something tells me the RNG drop rates aren't going to answer my dreams for a long time.
Dodge is expected to have diminishing returns at launch. I don't think they'll give precise numbers, but I've heard they expect it to be capped at something like 60-65%, or at least start improving very, very slowly past that point.
DD is really mobile and jumps around a lot which I liked, but his damage was underwhelming. He did get a bit of love in the last patch, mostly making his abilities cheaper and synergize a bunch of them better, so I don't know where he stands now. I like his radar ping effect and he has a bunch of slows and knockdowns. He has poor AoE making his clearing times super slow for my tastes.
Hawkguy I had a lot of fun with too, I even leveled him a bit more than the others and found him super powerful. The problem I see with him is that he doesn't have that many abilities you'll want, so after a while he might get boring to play. I didn't get to that point yet but I can see it if people want more than 2 ways to do damage.
In most of these type of games dodge ends up with very significant diminishing returns past ~50% or so. You usually have to stack stats and skills like crazy to push it up past there. I like the random number generator aspect of it, though. If you get lucky, you can hit a string of 4-5 dodges in a row and it's awesome. He might even get cooldown based skills that you can hit to pump your dodge rate up higher for a short term burst.
I'm excited about the prospect of him, now I just have to wait it out.
Looks like Gazillion are starting to write some starter guides for the heroes. Here's DD's page
Excellent stuff, thanks. That's just what I'm looking for...can't believe the forums still aren't open to the general public. You'd think the exposure would only do them good.
Its baffling tbh that there isn't a public forum for this game, with skills not finalized yet, the wikis aren't even close to being complete. However, the bitching that goes on in that forum is as bad as WoW forums when it comes to QQ about nerfs, crying for specific buffs and such.
I'm still concerned that this game drops in a couple of weeks and still doesn't seem finished. It's F2P and I don't mind a slow growth and a smaller amount of content in the beginning, but it feels like they're cutting it pretty darn close on the deadline. I expect the game will be an unplayable lagfest at launch.
There's no way to prevent that. The game is lacking a bunch of features and polish, and many things just barely made it in. General audiences will not be as forgiving as some of we are about all the stuff that will not be there for launch or will be but only half-assed.
In other news, has anyone considered a Guild name yet? I can make it like I said before, but "GAF" is not going to do, because it is too short according to what I'm seeing here (I don't know what is the minimum amount of characters yet). If anyone is in a creative mood any suggestions are welcome. It can only contain A-Z characters.
Arrgh! I want to buy a Founder Pack for Black Panther but after playing the beta, the game is nowhere even near done and for $20, that's a steep price for a F2P game. Any thoughts?
oo another "Chronicles of Doom" is out
Gotta say, the animated graphic novel cutscenes are a huge selling point for me on this game
edit: I haven't tried it myself yet so if you use it could you confirm it works by plugging it into a marvel heroes account? said:Hey all,
We're going to have a patch today and we'll be bringing down the forums at 12:00PM PDT (in approximately one hour).
We will have an important announcement regarding today's patch with very specific instructions once the servers go down today.
Ryolnir said:I'm crazy and typed forums instead of SERVERS.The SERVERS are down for a patch.
Ryolnir said:This is actually a hilarious series of errors...
Ryolnir said:Now that I've confused the entire community, I'm going to close this thread until I have an update as to when the servers are back up.
As you can tell, I have forums on the mind and just tried to type it instead of servers AGAIN.
On another note, I hope you guys haven't missed the amazing adventures of Punchclops!!?highlight=punchclops
The first 2 are genuinely funny.
Here ya goCould you post it here for people without forum access?
Here ya go
Important – Reinstall Required
Since Early Game Access begins next week, we have to now ask you to install the final game client. What this means (unless you are playing through Steam) is that you must uninstall your client and re-install the newest version (our "shipping" version) from our website. We've detailed instructions below...
Please note: Steam users will not have to reinstall the game, but they will also have a very large patch today.
1) Uninstall the Marvel Heroes Beta client from the Windows Start menu. You'll be able to find it under "Marvel Heroes Beta". Click the shortcut to start the uninstall process.
2) Download the newest version of the client. You can find this at
3) Patch up to the newest version of the game!
Please note: Steam users will not have to reinstall the game, but they will also have a very large patch today.
Trying to avoid this process by moving files can corrupt your install. Please do not attempt this.
After this install process, you will only have to patch the game for launch (and beyond). If you have further questions please ask them in this thread. Thank you!
Content Additions
The S.H.I.E.L.D. Training Room has been added to allow you to test powers! This room is accessible via a waypoint after completing the Raft. Travel here to test powers, see damage being dealt via training dummies, and show off to your friends!
New artifacts have been added.
Motion comics have been updated with new visuals and 4.1 surround sound.
Portals across the game have been given a visual upgrade.
Added 3 new keybinds for 'Stop All Movement', 'Close All Windows', and 'Bodyslider'. The Spacebar and Shift keys can now be remapped.
Defeating Green Goblin (on the Raft) and Doctor Doom (in Latveria) now rewards you with an additional Starter Hero. If you already have the hero unlocked in your roster, you will be given a Fortune Card.
Lore missions now grant bonus experience orbs.
There is now an additional waypoint situated in Latveria before you encounter Doctor Doom.
Treasure Rooms: Respawn timers have been increased. Overall difficulty increased.
The Venom Event Mission has been updated in Chapter 2 (Jersey Docks) with improved symbiote spawning behavior and visuals.
The lost S.H.I.E.L.D. Patrol agents now have names and dialogue.
Doop will appear more frequently throughout the game.
The maximum number of members in a guild has been increased to 100.
The credit cost to buy a Guild Sanction item has been reduced to 10,000 from 25,000. (Yay me)
In-game store changes
Updated drop chances for Fortune Cards.
Fortune Card boost buffs are now extended in duration when an additional card applies the same boost buff, instead of stacking the effect.
In-game store boost buffs now apply to whichever hero you are currently playing, even if you switch heroes while the buff is active.
Enemy Changes:
Enemy health has been increased slightly at higher levels.
Chapter 5: Enemy density reduced. ]=(
Latverian Shieldbots: These enemies now punch more frequently and shield lunge less frequently. They will also now not use their shield lunge in the first few seconds when pursuing a hero.
Doctor Doom Changes
Rhino Changes
Pyro Changes
Kingpin Changes
Hero Changes
Tuned the damage of ranged basic powers to be higher at earlier ranks.
Wide Beam: Increased damage.
Optic Barrage: Increased damage of earlier ranks of the power.
Deadpool Changes (lots)
Iron Man Changes (LOL)
Automated Missiles: Damage increased.
Channeled Repulsors: Damage increased.
Hyper-Velocity Charge: Removed cooldown.
Jet-Assisted Slam: Damage increased.
Micro-Missiles: Damage increased.
Missile Salvo: Damage increased. Increased spirit cost.
Repulsor Barrage: Damage increased.
Rocket Raccoon Changes
Cunning Plan: Lowered dodge bonus.
Wolverine Changes:
Healing Factor scaling is now based on maximum health. This is a net buff, but not up to the same amount it once was. Additional healing is now built into basic power hits that will scale with Healing Factor.
Bug fixes (Lots)
Known Issues
Missions currently in-progress will be reset.
'Heals While Injured' boss affix heals for more than intended and is not interruptible.
Some crafting bugs still remain.
Statistics on gear may have changed slightly; we changed how they are calculated.
Spider-Man's Web Swinging may have "jittering" effects.
Iron Man's Ultimate Power "House Party Protocol" does not improve as ranks are added.
Rapid fire power sound effects are playing incorrectly.
Neverwinter has literally no end-game.Game doesn't feel complete, seems crazy to spend $200 on it now.
I liked Neverwinter a lot more than Mahvel.
Well they do do that. Many have a short, semi animated.cutscene too. Taskmasters is great.
Edited for speling.