Rocket's movie enhanced costume is really good, if I wasnt saving my Gs for Rider costume I would buy it
It looks so damn good, but I can't stand the voice acting for it. It's Deadpool's voice actor trying to do a Bradley Cooper impression, and he only sometimes gets it right. For the most part it sounds like Deadpool and Deadpool's voice is just completely grating on me.
that sounds like Starlord sounding exactly like Spiderman and it driving me nuts
I buckled and bought a new stash. It's nice to have all that space in my inventory again.
Hoarding uniques was killing me. I traded all dupes for relics.
It looks so damn good, but I can't stand the voice acting for it. It's Deadpool's voice actor trying to do a Bradley Cooper impression, and he only sometimes gets it right.
Dang you hate Nolan North as a voice actor? He's actually done a lot of major stuff in the video game industry I believe.
You could actually take a few elemental skills without loosing too much dps. The only things that make my build different from the cookie cutter is no ice grenade (not a main damage skill) and no empty the clips. I'm still using knife, strafe, incendiary and orbital strike. Both Water and Wind are pretty much free damage in a rotation, and If I wanted to I could just trade elemental blast for empty the clip.
Also an elemental build currently holds the best TTK (I know these aren't the best way to show raid dps) so those builds can definelty pull some weight. That being said the elemental gun tree could use some love.
Too much. He's over saturated, and I think studios try to play off his fame to the extent that they make him do his voice the same as in other famous parts so that he ends up sounding the same in a lot.
I'm a big fan of Nolan North and don't mind him doing multiple voices for the characters. I'd have bought RR if it wasn't for the fact I've already played him to 60. Might grab the enhanced costume down the line if/when I replay though.
Haven't put any time into MM event, feeling a little burned out with MH at the moment.
I think MH needs to do more events that don't punish you for not playing all day long. They're really just going to burn people out if they keep doing these and the collectathons. The login rewards are much better because they don't rely on how much you play every day. There need to be more events in that vein.
Man, I'm never posting a build on the official forums again. A guy just said my DD is most likely being carried by teamates and come red raids will be "a serious liability". This after I posted a video of a 3 minute cosmic kurse run with bounty.
Just post them here. Lead Marvel HeroesGAF on to glory!
And raids ruin games once again![]()
I still haven't raided. I just found the eye of demonfire npc yesterday.
And raids ruin games once again
Anyone seen inky around here lately? I only see him in the football thread
Rogue on TC tomorrow (Tuesday)
Man, I'm never posting a build on the official forums again. A guy just said my DD is most likely being carried by teamates and come red raids will be "a serious liability".
I find raids to be more fun than most of the content in the game at this point.
human torch is gonna get a firestar costume?
Man, I'm never posting a build on the official forums again. A guy just said my DD is most likely being carried by teamates and come red raids will be "a serious liability". This after I posted a video of a 3 minute cosmic kurse run with bounty.
How did you get that from what I wrote?
I was talking about models in game that are partially made / animated that could become costumes or heroes
profound sadness
oh well i'll level up HT real quick anyways, JUST IN CASE
You could always level Ghost Rider for when this hits
whoa is that an enhanced costume???
seemed like solid advice for me, even if it was a bit 'dramatic'. No telling what red raids will ultimately end up bringing, but also no denying that mixing in jump kick would be a pretty significant DPS upgrade over a heal (I mean, obviously...) if you can afford a little less healing of course.
(PS, I love street sweeper but DD's entire kit seems "wrong" for him, including his ridiculous sig).
I haven't really raided either. I just do man ape for the eyes of demonfire. Where is the npc? I've never seen it yet.
He's south of the STASH area in Odin's Palace.
where do you get those things besides raids, aparently I have 4 of them. and what do you spend them on?
shaerd quests and man ape i think?
shaerd quests and man ape i think?
it's almost like a game inside another game; a worse, more limited, but more important community-wise game inside a better game.
Ghost Rider on a horse? yeah its confirmed, they talked about it recently when talking about the Alejandra improvements
You just perfectly described what raids are and also why they appeal to a (smaller?) number of people.
do you also think youre better than non-raiders, like most raiders inevitabely end up thinking in every game that has raids?
im not judging, just asking
Edit: I think my problem with this raid is that it uses too little of mechanics that could be unique here in order to make something like a regular MMO, but without tanks and healers. Whatever Limbo's problems were (I never played it), the mechanics looked more on par with what this game is. My idea of a raid in this game would be what I hope Brooklyn Patrol will end up being, which are zone-wide goals.
Regardless, this raid just negates too much of what is everywhere else in the game. Crowd control is awesome everywhere, but in the raid; investing in defensive passives is awesome everywhere, but in the raid; area damage radius instead of damage is awesome everywhere, but in the raid, and so on. A build that replaces *one* attack with a heal is already too broken, need that DPS, always more of that DPS, anything else and you're breaking your character.
do you also think youre better than non-raiders, like most raiders inevitabely end up thinking in every game that has raids?
im not judging, just asking
I think MH needs to do more events that don't punish you for not playing all day long. They're really just going to burn people out if they keep doing these and the collectathons. The login rewards are much better because they don't rely on how much you play every day. There need to be more events in that vein.