The comic must be downloaded for PS3 owners too? I thought that extra Blu-ray space would come in handy for storing that thing. That just seems sloppy.
cjtiger300 said:I'm sorry but it is a big deal. Every other company gets it right. I mean they have been fucking this up as long as I can remember. Seriously, I had the same issue with The Saboteur, which was the first game they did this with.
I understand why they have the codes, but have the DLC up for those who get it day one or even midnight.
Shinjitsu said:I can't even get the game because it's not up on PSN yet. I'm not freaking out about it.
Sorry that it's bothering you so much though man.
Project ten dollars at work.LumpOfCole said:The comic must be downloaded for PS3 owners too? I thought that extra Blu-ray space would come in handy for storing that thing. That just seems sloppy.
AlStrong said:And this is a huge problem with the PS3's built-in wifi? It just sounds like you're complaining for the hell of it. Besides, how did you think you were going to access all the downloadable content anyway? :s
englishbob said:
"From a technical perspective, if it is running the Mass Effect 3 engine as the developer suggests, players are not getting any tangible advantages over what has already been released on the Xbox 360. BioWare's heavily modified Unreal Engine 3 probably did require a substantial overhaul to accommodate the Sony platform for the multi-format Mass Effect 3, so it would have made sense to use that work for the ME2 conversion rather than simply port over the existing 360 code. However, this does not manifest in a better game as the marketing seems to be suggesting. "
"Between the consoles, the gap narrows. Technologically it still feels like the Xbox 360 version has the edge, but occasionally lower frame-rates and mostly unnoticeable graphical compromises on PS3 are not going to have much impact on the fun you have playing this game. Scored today, this would still be a 10/10 game on both platforms."
My guess is that those reviewers are just enjoying the different look/lighting of the PS3 version running on the new engine. It also doesn't hurt that it supports LPCM surround sound, yet I doubt that actually helped the reviews in any way, but eh.lucius said:A bit weird a couple other reviews on metacritic say ps3 is the best version and not because of just the DLC or comic.
lucius said:A bit weird a couple other reviews on metacritic say ps3 is the best version and not because of just the DLC or comic.
Jonsoncao said:Go watching the framerate comparison during combat on eurogamer, constantly framerate dropping up to 15-20fps, many reviewers on metacritic being ignorant is not some kind of news I guess
Jonsoncao said:Go watching the framerate comparison during combat on eurogamer, constantly framerate dropping up to 15-20fps, many reviewers on metacritic being ignorant is not some kind of news I guess
Equus Bellator Apex said:Does anyone know when psn will update?
Snuggler said:Unfortunately, they can't deliver at a set time, but it tends to update anywhere between 5:00 to 7:00 PM, eastern time.
Snuggler said:What.
Earliest update ever?
Shinjitsu said:I guess so? I'm downloading the game from the PSN store as we type.
Ellis Kim said:I'm rather quite proud of herThough after seeing the ME2 preview trailer thing on PSN, with male Shepherd removing Tali's mask, I am almost tempted to go and play ME2 w/ a male character :x
(This was done in the demo, I don't have the game yet :I)
It's not about the WiFi, it's about the fact that there's no reason why this content has to be downloaded. I'm sure you have a great internet connection with no limit (or a huge d/l cap), but others have very slow internet and download caps. Downloading more than 600MB takes me about two hours. I know your internet is probably faster, but the majority of people on this planet don't have access to high speed internet.AlStrong said:And this is a huge problem with the PS3's built-in wifi? It just sounds like you're complaining for the hell of it.
Why does it even have to be downloadable?AlStrong said:Besides, how did you think you were going to access all the downloadable content anyway? :s
Metalmurphy said:If you ignore the graphical upgrades yeah...
AmericanNinja said:wow, Amazon said they weren't doing release day shipping for ME2 PS3 so I got 1 day shipping and they said it wouldn't be here until the 20th, the UPS guy just showed up with ME2. lol sweet!
darkjedi187 said:I ordered mine with 2 day shipping. This morning it said I would get it on the 21st. Now it's been shipped and stats I should get it tomorrow.
Nope, it's the same price. Just checked right now.CyberChulo said:How much is it on the PSN Store? Is it like $10 cheaper?
TheYanger said:Did you watch the videos or look at the screens, or even read the article? It looked largely the same, SOMETIMES better, mostly worse (Opinion). The lighting was VERY different. PS3 version looked like they added spotlights on everyone's face any time it goes into a close up, while the 360 version has deep shadows almost all the time. I prefer the shadows.
ScrabbleBanshee said:It seems the only thing published on PSN so far is ME2 related stuff. I guess they will publish the rest later tonight, I didn't see anything else new.
There is a full game trial for Plus members. I didn't know they were going to do that. Not going to bother I'm going to pick the game up shortly. I want a disc if it's going to cost the same, sheesh.
Felix Lighter said:All and all, the lighting was definitely different but it didn't always seem better, at least from that short sample.
protonion said:Umm, where the hell is the comic? I installed the pack but it's nowhere to be found!
shwimpy said:the comic starts up soon after you start a new game.
Can this wait? i'm in the middle of some calibrations.AmericanNinja said:where do i download the comic at?
Register the Cerberus CD on Biowares website.kai3345 said:So I know this is a mostly PS3 focused thread, but I just bought this on PC, which was supposed to include all of the cerberus stuff and I just got to Omega and Zaeed isnt there.
you need to DL that stuffkai3345 said:So I know this is a mostly PS3 focused thread, but I just bought this on PC, which was supposed to include all of the cerberus stuff and I just got to Omega and Zaeed isnt there.
The graphical upgrades are more a matter of taste rather than technology. There's not much "upgraded" according to DigitalFoundry.Metalmurphy said:If you ignore the graphical upgrades yeah...
Yeah...Mastperf said:The graphical upgrades are more a matter of taste rather than technology. There's not much "upgraded" according to DigitalFoundry.