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Mass Effect 2 |OT2| The Den Of Xenophiles


Metalmurphy said:

Intentionally ignorant? Or just trying to shit the thread up with fanboy nonsense? Don't worry, just because your version doesn't look better doesn't make it a bad game. They're very close, but anyone saying there's a significant gain either way besides the lighting is nuts, and the lighting is subjective. I refuse to believe anyone that actually looked at the screens or videos could genuinely think otherwise.


Neo Member

Has anyone checked if the Store version includes subtitles in other languages as Spanish or French?

Still 9 days left until its release date in Spain, and I want to play it NOW :(

Thank you guys.


protonion said:
Actually it starts after the intro gameplay and right before character creation. Just finished it.

It was quite detailed (never played ME1) and had about 5 choices to make.

Yeah.........not really.

Feros? What's that?
To people who have never played ME1 the comic covers enough basics, to those who know the real love of ME1 that comic was gimped completely, <3 ME1 forever.


anddo0 said:
I haven't played my copy.

Is the installation really longer than GT5? I've heard 57 mins.

What? Wonder what is up with some ps3 installation on my 360 I do a full game install in about 10 minutes, I think Mass Effect 2 both disks took around under 20 minutes total.


lucius said:
What? Wonder what is up with some ps3 installation on my 360 I do a full game install in about 10 minutes, I think Mass Effect 2 both disks took around under 20 minutes total.

I did the install and it was around a half hour. Eurogamer claimed it would take much longer.

It sucks that we have to purchase the weapon packs separately. Oh well, already paid for it :/


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
PSN is molasses slow or me today... barely 1 MB/sec.

Had a snow day today but this shit is taking forever! Haha :/


Metalmurphy said:
If you ignore the graphical upgrades yeah...

Go read the article mane, it is more like a downgrade rather than an upgrade

Some shaders effect toning down, no bump mapping on characters, shadows having less sampling, framerate less stable

Anyway I ll wait for the $20 pricetag


StoOgE said:
You are getting ~20-30 dollars worth of DLC for free that you would have to buy on the 360.

If this is your only access to the game (i.e. you can't play ME1 and import characters) you would be an absolute fool not to buy this game.

Besides, does it really matter if the game is a year old? It's the exact same game 360 owners were buying for that price last year. Isn't like the game has somehow gotten worse in that time frame. It's only dropped in price on 360 because most people who wanted it got it. It's was worth 60 bucks then, it's worth 60 bucks now.
Partially true. It is around ~$24 worth of DLC, so only a $16 price difference.

For comparison on the 360 and PC versions:
Kasumi: 560 points ($7)
Overlord: 560 points ($7)
Lair of the Shadow Broker: 800 points ($10)

Blood Dragon armor was originally a preorder bonus from Dragon Age and cannot be bought, so it's a freebie.

Demand never drove the price down. It was EA's DLC scheming which did so. They have over $30 worth of DLC for ME2 which is considerably more than the base game, and despite the one-day price drop on their additional content over Live, there have been hardly any sales.. So expect to pay full price every time for DLC. They're making a greater amount of residual income off the DLC (compared to the base game) by quite a bit, I can assure you of that.

I can understand folks who will wait for a price drop. It's a good idea. But even now, you're not overpaying on a newly released game. No one has effectively made that argument.


The Cerberus Network costs extra too on live, my 360 copy didn't have it do most if not all new Mass Effect 2 360 copies get a Cerberus code?


Stallion Free said:
Go look at the comparison pics. I actually preferred the original lighting on the characters most of the time.

Yeah, this. Its just strange how Bioware messed around with that. I really hope its not like that in ME3, even though the engines being used here.


I'd be in the dick
Grisby said:
Yeah, this. Its just strange how Bioware messed around with that. I really hope its not like that in ME3, even though the engines being used here.
I think it might just be an incompatibility between how the lights were used in ME2 being moved into the new UE3 SDK. They'll probably take that into account for ME3 since all the versions are going to be developed on the same version of UE3.
TheYanger said:
Intentionally ignorant? Or just trying to shit the thread up with fanboy nonsense? Don't worry, just because your version doesn't look better doesn't make it a bad game. They're very close, but anyone saying there's a significant gain either way besides the lighting is nuts, and the lighting is subjective. I refuse to believe anyone that actually looked at the screens or videos could genuinely think otherwise.
My version is the best version of the 3... Just like it was the best version of the 2 1 year ago.

It's just that Digital Foundry has a consistent history of downplaying every single positive aspect, or just flat out forget to mention it, of a PS3 version. I figured that after the FFXIII fiasco people would have learned by now.

Stallion Free said:
Go look at the comparison pics. I actually preferred the original lighting on the characters most of the time.
I did.

I prefer this:
to this:

For example. Did you also prefer the missing effects?

Jonsoncao said:
Go read the article mane, it is more like a downgrade rather than an upgrade

Some shaders effect toning down, no bump mapping on characters, shadows having less sampling, framerate less stable
The only thing true in what you said is the framerate. And it's not even less stable, it's just overall lower.
Double dipped but conflicted on how to replay it. I loved ME1 and my original playthrough of 2 with Male Shep but booted up a new run with female Shepard. Now, I can see the appeal of Jennifer Hale's superior voice acting but it just feels odd to me. I'll keep on trucking through though despite the fact that your love choices are limited.


MrMephistoX said:
Double dipped but conflicted on how to replay it. I loved ME1 and my original playthrough of 2 with Male Shep but booted up a new run with female Shepard. Now, I can see the appeal of Jennifer Hale's superior voice acting but it just feels odd to me. I'll keep on trucking through though despite the fact that your love choices are limited.
Yeah, Jennifer Hale does so much more convincing as Renegade Shepard too, the male voice actor still sounds too soft in my opinion to pull it off, but Hale just has this thunder in her voice. Case and point:
The renegade option for Tali's loyalty mission during the trial.


Subete no aware
Ultimoo said:
Yeah, Jennifer Hale does so much more convincing as Renegade Shepard too, the male voice actor still sounds too soft in my opinion to pull it off, but Hale just has this thunder in her voice. Case and point:
The renegade option for Tali's loyalty mission during the trial.
Replaying it again to finish up Shadow Broker and Overlord, I can see why some people think she's phoning it in for ME2. I think there are moments where she seems less than exciting... especially in the context of a suicide mission.

Still better than Male Shepard though. :p
Ultimoo said:
Yeah, Jennifer Hale does so much more convincing as Renegade Shepard too, the male voice actor still sounds too soft in my opinion to pull it off, but Hale just has this thunder in her voice. Case and point:
The renegade option for Tali's loyalty mission during the trial.

Cool oddly enough I was mainly worried about the love choices being limited but then I thought to myself "Gee I've never romanced a dude before" so here's to my bi-sexual adventure! ;)


Subete no aware
MrMephistoX said:
Cool oddly enough I was mainly worried about the love choices being limited but then again...I've never romanced a dude before and already know what Miranda's like so here's to my bi-sexual adventure ;)
Yeah, Shepard is straight as an arrow, much to the chagrin of people who care about things like that.


Miranda and Tali are so much hotter than the males though. ;) But in regards to the VA, thinking about it again, I feel Mark Meer works better as Paragon and Jennifer Hale works better as Renegade. Hale is much more emotional but Meer just sounds more of a typical saving the universe kind of guy. :p
Ultimoo said:
Miranda and Tali are so much hotter than the males though. ;) But in regards to the VA, thinking about it again, I feel Mark Meer works better as Paragon and Jennifer Hale works better as Renegade. Hale is much more emotional but Meer just sounds more of a typical saving the universe kind of guy. :p

Yeah and coupled with a superior character model it's hard for me to break the image of male Shepard. Regardless, I think I'm going to stick with fem shep once but will have to play through as manshep before ME3 arrives since he's my ideal.
The scene near the end of Mass Effect 1 when he emerges from a pile of rubble after defeating Saren with a cocky shit-eating grin on his face was one the most memorable story moments in gaming for me
Ellis Kim said:
She looks a lot like my character, only mine is blonde :p

I got my lovely ME2 Collector's Edition yesterday (I'm playing it on the 360) after completing ME1 last week. Man I got so stuck into the game and loving it that I forgot to put the milk and groceries I bought at my local shop in the fridge when I got back from work!

The controls are almost Gears of War quality, the graphics are stunning and I love the fact I could bring my character over from ME1.


I own a PS3 but not a 360 (PC instead) so please don't take this comment as biased. But basing this comment on history, whilst the PS3 version is running on the ME3 engine and looks nice, it is probably slightly worse looking than ME3 will look on the other platforms due to the fact UE3 and the PS3 aren't good friends.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
firehawk12 said:
Replaying it again to finish up Shadow Broker and Overlord, I can see why some people think she's phoning it in for ME2. I think there are moments where she seems less than exciting... especially in the context of a suicide mission.

Still better than Male Shepard though. :p

I like her voice even in the more stressful parts. To me it makes her sound level headed and not overly emotional. I like my Shepard as a strong female, willing to follow her head over emotions to get the job done.


sam27368 said:
I own a PS3 but not a 360 (PC instead) so please don't take this comment as biased. But basing this comment on history, whilst the PS3 version is running on the ME3 engine and looks nice, it is probably slightly worse looking than ME3 will look on the other platforms due to the fact UE3 and the PS3 aren't good friends.

Can we save the imaginary Mass Effect 3 graphics comparisons for later please?=P

There will be more than enough once it's out.
I thought the Terminus Armor and m-490 were supposed to be free on PSN. I got the m-490, but the terminus armor cost 1.99 or something like that.

Update: I'm not getting enough sleep since the new baby girl. It's the Terminus pack.

Also did anyone have a problem getting their promo credit from Amazon. I didn't get mine and was told they aren't offering one.


Ultimoo said:
Miranda and Tali are so much hotter than the males though. ;) But in regards to the VA, thinking about it again, I feel Mark Meer works better as Paragon and Jennifer Hale works better as Renegade. Hale is much more emotional but Meer just sounds more of a typical saving the universe kind of guy. :p

That's interesting. Because a lot of people feel the opposite: That if Meer shines anywhere, it's his Renegade lines.


HamPster PamPster said:
Speaking on love choices, does the comic let you make any to carry over into ME2?
Yes. You get to choose between Liara and Ashley/Kaiden or focusing on the mission (= no romance).
HamPster PamPster said:
Speaking on love choices, does the comic let you make any to carry over into ME2?

If you want a love interest to carry over into ME2, go with
Liara, it's the only good choice anyway. She is the only one you'll have a meaningful encounter with in ME2. That goes for both maleshep or femshep
Felix Lighter said:
If you want a love interest to carry over into ME2, go with
Liara, it's the only good choice anyway. She is the only one you'll have a meaningful encounter with in ME2.
Who's to say that Ashley won't be used in ME3 in some way? I would go with Ashley all the way. You get Liara anyway, and Kaiden sucks so.. yeah.


Revolutionary said:
Who's to say that Ashley won't be used in ME3 in some way? I would go with Ashley all the way. You get Liara anyway, and Kaiden sucks so.. yeah.
Yes I can't wait to see Ashley bitching!
Felix Lighter said:
If you want a love interest to carry over into ME2, go with
Liara, it's the only good choice anyway. She is the only one you'll have a meaningful encounter with in ME2. That goes for both maleshep or femshep

I asked that question specifically because I saw the scene you are talking about in the Giantbomb GOTY quicklook and was wondering if the comic gave you a way to make a love choice
Revolutionary said:
Who's to say that Ashley won't be used in ME3 in some way? I would go with Ashley all the way. You get Liara anyway, and Kaiden sucks so.. yeah.

I know she won't be used in any of my playthroughs. I'm not an Ashley fan.


Patryn said:
That's interesting. Because a lot of people feel the opposite: That if Meer shines anywhere, it's his Renegade lines.
I've heard some of the Renegade lines, he pulls off a very snide and cocky feel for the lines that required it, but I feel that when he's supposed to be angry or pissed off, his voice still comes off as sounding nice in most cases. I just feel like he sounds like a typical leading commander/soldier, so that's why I enjoy the paragon route with him.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Shinjitsu said:
Can we save the imaginary Mass Effect 3 graphics comparisons for later please?=P

There will be more than enough once it's out.
I'm not even sure why there are graphics comparisons when there are PC versions of a game. If you wanted the best graphics possible you would keep a decently upgraded PC and always go for that version.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Stallion Free said:
I'm not even sure why there are graphics comparisons when there are PC versions of a game. If you wanted the best graphics possible you would keep a decently upgraded PC and always go for that version.
If the PC version offered gamepad support, I would have selected that version. As it stands, the lack of pad support kept me away from it.
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