It isn't about being "liked". The statistic is about the most popular SQUAD MATES (i.e who you choose to accompany you on missions. With that in mind it is obvious Vega and Liara are going to have an unfair advantage because for a couple of missions they are the only squad mates you have access too.I refuse to believe that Vega was liked that much. No way.
Amazing Add-on. One missing element that pissed me off:
Where the fuck is Kelly Chambers!?!?!?
It isn't about being "liked". The statistic is about the most popular SQUAD MATES (i.e who you choose to accompany you on missions. With that in mind it is obvious Vega and Liara are going to have an unfair advantage because for a couple of missions they are the only squad mates you have access too.
It's only a couple missions out of like 14 or so, and he's only fully there for one of them. It shouldn't be skewed that much. Plus people have to at least like him somewhat if they are bringing him around, especially since Ashley's power set is almost the same.
SheAmazing Add-on. One missing element that pissed me off:
Where the fuck is Kelly Chambers!?!?!?
Only 18% of players played as a femshep
Shedead. Either goo in ME2, or during the Citadel attack in ME3.
So this is actually worth the money? How long is it?
Hell when I first started playing ME 1 I didn't have any idea you could play femshep. It wasn't till ME 2 that I discovered you could play femshep and so I went back to ME 1 and did the whole game again as a femshep.
....How did you miss the option to play as a male or female. It was the first thing I noticed and changed.
If you take time to listen to everything people has to say, be it your squadmates or random people, in your apartment or outside, it could take you a whole evening to do. I remember starting at 6pm the first time, and i was still not done with it at midnight, although i did stop a few times to read some things outside of the game.
But since you hate the game, i wouldnt say its absolutely worth it for you, even if its one(or even THE best) of the best DLC of the series.![]()
Only 18% of players played as a femshep. And yet, if you read any forum, bioware or other, people were militant in their choice to have her afforded equal representation in the game. Going so far as to create a new cover that could be reversed to show a female Shepard on the cover.
And it's surprising, because you think of the time, money, and other development hurdles faced trying to accommodate all users. I mean, if only 18% of users are going to experience something, what's the point? And yet, if they don't do it, they get shit on by the vocal minority no?
Jennifer Hale probably took a lot of the voice over budget, then factor in all the cgi work needed for femshep in the main campaign, all the dlc and less than 18% of people used her.
Thoughts? Makes you wonder if the next game will largely remove some of the player customization? I mean they hated that they put themselves in a corner with the mass effect 2 ending, and had to account for like 10 different scenarios if certain squad mates were dead, if the next game, they focus on a single character, single class etc. Thoughts?
....How did you miss the option to play as a male or female. It was the first thing I noticed and changed.
Chris Priestly said:First panel secret: Tali was almost not included in ME3. Credit to @PatrickWeekes for convincing the team to include her. #pax #masseffect
On another note, Chris Tweeted this mini-revelation :-
I honestly believe certain people in charge of ME 3 really lost touch with the universe in the final game. I don't even like Tali that much but to not have her in a ME game is unthinkable.
The default character option is male soldier.
I asked because probably the only thing that was done well in ME3 are some of the interactions with squad members. It was cool going back to the normandy after every mission and exploring the ship for new conversations or listening in on two people talking.
Since this DLC seems to mostly be more of that, and good apparently, it has my interest. The asking price is a little high though so I want to make sure I'm not going to walk in on another Omega, 2 hours of nothing but combat almost.
I just can't see how someone wouldnt at least notice that you had the option to change the sex. I also find it even harder to believe that anyone could be unaware of femsheps existence, especially at this point. She's been a big part of the fandom and Bioware did their part to get the word out about her in ME3.
The vast majority of games I play do not have a customization option. In reality the ability to customize the main protagonist is extremely rare. Generally you play the character that is presented in front of you. I know customization is big in the RPG world but I was never that big a fan of RPG games when I first started playing ME 1.
As for Bioware pushing femshep, no they didn't not really. Sure they did a nice couple of things, we got a couple of femshep trailers a few screenshots here and there. However when the casuals came across promotional stuff for ME it nearly always featured John Shepard (because he had become the face of Mass Effect).
Yes Femshep is a fan favourite (hell I love femshep to bits) but for the casuals that make up the bulk of the game playing public the sad truth is most probably don't even know that femshep exists.
Character customization isn't a new thing or rare for WRPGs, MMOs and a few action games.
My point is they DIDN'T the only people that knew about the femshep trailer were femshep fans. The trailer and femshep stuff was fan service for those that already liked femshep. The main stream advertising was still done with male shep when Mass Effect 3 was advertised on telly it was Male Shep, advertisements in mags again maleshep.My point is they got the word out about her and it's not some big secret that she exists.
That's pure supposition. You have no actual basis for this conclusion other than your gut feeling. Is Mass effect even that popular among casuals? Anyone who visits a gaming board and has the faintest interest in Mass Effect is going to know about femshep simply because she gets talked about so much.
Shedead. Either goo in ME2, or during the Citadel attack in ME3.
Yes I know that is why I said "I know customization is big in the RPG world" but it is still incredibly rare with mainstream titles that casuals play.
My point is they DIDN'T the only people that knew about the femshep trailer were femshep fans. The trailer and femshep stuff was fan service for those that already liked femshep. The main stream advertising was still done with male shep when Mass Effect 3 was advertised on telly it was Male Shep, advertisements in mags again maleshep.
You assume most casuals visit gaming boards. The vast majority that bought and played Mass Effect 3 will be from the "oh cool look a new mass effect is in stock in my games shop I must buy that" (naturally all the promotional gear in the store will have been Male shep).
We could ping pong this back and forth all night if you want. I personally believe the fact femshep is so under utilized is a direct result of the lack of promotion she was given throughout the series (hell ME 1 and 2 they did literally nothing for femshep).
You assume most casuals visit gaming boards. The vast majority that bought and played Mass Effect 3 will be from the "oh cool look a new mass effect is in stock in my games shop I must buy that" (naturally all the promotional gear in the store will have been Male shep).
We could ping pong this back and forth all night if you want. I personally believe the fact femshep is so under utilized is a direct result of the lack of promotion she was given throughout the series (hell ME 1 and 2 they did literally nothing for femshep).
I'm not sure where else to ask this without bumping, so here goes
1) Does the PS3 disc version of ME3 come with the Extended Edition on disc?
2) Is Citadel post-game, so can I complete ME3, wait for a price drop on Citadel and then jump straight in with my completed save-file?
3) Are Leviathon, From Ashes and Citadel the pieces of ME3 DLC worth paying for? (as apparently shady as the first two are)
4) If I went straight into Citadel after ME3, would I lose out on the sense of nostalgia and 'damn, I missed these guys'?
1)I don't think the EC come with the disc, you can download it from free though.
2)Citadel DLC can be completed anytime after a certain major event happen there midgame. Once you complete the game, you get send back 2 missions prior to the end though, so it's not really "post-game" even if it acts like an epilogue.
3)Yes they're all worth it imo.
4)Um, not really i guess. Most of us played it after it completing ME3 since its release and we didnt lose any sense of nostalgia.
CharmingCharlie said:Tali's "unpopularity" is more down to the fact you only get access to her close to the end of the game. So by the time you can actually use Tali as a squad mate there are hardly any missions left to use her on. However Kaidans unpopularity is probably a result of .......... well it being Kaidan really.
I was at the panel, and the lesson I took away from it is that 90 percent of the good stuff in Mass Effect 3 is almost solely because of Patrick Weekes.
Tali's "unpopularity" is more down to the fact you only get access to her close to the end of the game. So by the time you can actually use Tali as a squad mate there are hardly any missions left to use her on. However Kaidans unpopularity is probably a result of .......... well it being Kaidan really.
Isn't it surprising to know 82% of all players played as a male Shepard? Kind of throws water on all those folks saying femshep was more popular.
The Tali thing isn't much of a revelation. They said it before somewhere, maybe in Final Hours. It makes sense, really - the Quarian/Geth stuff is super late game, and I was surprised she joined the squad, really. I expected her to pull a Wrex and remain with her people as an expert. I think she's a great character, but I wouldn't have been upset if she hadn't made the cut.
64% of players haven't met Wrex in the campaign? There is so much wrong in that!
thanksThere is one scene with Tali which is pretty funny, plus there are various bits n bobs of her at the party that you will regret missing. Personally I would do a speed run with the game on casual.
On another note here are some Bioware stats on the SINGLE player portion of the game :-
I am not embedding it in the topic in case it spoils anything from ME 3 for anyone. Oddly enough Bioware chose to NOT reveal what the split was for or blue
Mike Gamble just posted a youtube link to a video they just showed at PAX. It is a retrospective of the Mass Effect series that some might enjoy :-
Amazing Add-on. One missing element that pissed me off:
Where the fuck is Kelly Chambers!?!?!?
WTH 64% didn't meet Wrex![]()
FemShep doesn't surprise me in the slightest. We got similar data for ME2, I believe. Folk need to remember that news from the gaming world =/= news outside of forums and the internet. Doesn't really matter how well received Hale and FemShep have been. When the average consumer picks up their copy and goes home, there's probably a high chance they'll play as the dude on the front of all three games, and in all the screenshots and trailers. People like to think that because they feel FemShep is so much better, and people who like FemShep tend to be vocal about such things, that FemShep is very popular. I bet if you did a poll here on GAF you'd find a majority played as Sheploo.
I just finished the Citadel. I'm honestly sitting here feeling pretty nostalgic and sad that it was the last time I'll see those characters.
What a fantastic piece of DLC. It's honestly my favorite DLC I've ever played. I would play a whole game like that. I laughed so many times. Some of the best parts of Bioware games are the characters and this brought them center stage. I've always wondered what things would be like just shooting the shit with RPG characters. This was like a dream come true.
What a wonderful way to say goodbye.
Yeah, soldier dude-bro for the win. I just can't understand today's gamers. The male voice actor is just so mediocre compared to the female one, and to think most of the players went with soldier with guns blazing. CoD generation in all its glory, I guess.
Perhaps it's just me, but I can't comprehend who can relate with the default male Shepard. The game would have been far worse for me, if I had been forced to play with him.
Yeah, soldier dude-bro for the win. I just can't understand today's gamers. The male voice actor is just so mediocre compared to the female one, and to think most of the players went with soldier with guns blazing. CoD generation in all its glory, I guess.
Perhaps it's just me, but I can't comprehend who can relate with the default male Shepard. The game would have been far worse for me, if I had been forced to play with him.
I'm more or less the same. Mostly though I feel FemShep is (maybe even unintentionally) one of the most positively written female protagonists in the entire medium, one that remains relatively gender neutral and avoids the trappings of male fantasies and other tropes that tend to result from average male writers penning women.
I played as a customised male-Shep
I also went with Soldier because I thought the extra guns would be useful, and the game did nothing to tell you how useful biotics and tech would be
I'm more or less the same. Mostly though I feel FemShep is (maybe even unintentionally) one of the most positively written female protagonists in the entire medium, one that remains relatively gender neutral and avoids the trappings of male fantasies and other tropes that tend to result from average male writers penning women.
I just wish there will be an opportunity to play as fem-whatever in the next Bioware game, considering her unpopularity.