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Mass Effect 3: Citadel |OT| The best.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Well, to be fair, she doesn't really have a whole lot tendencies/lines that I can think of off-hand that distinguish her from her male counterpart, as Shep is pretty gender-neutral to begin with. Been a while since my Sheploo run, so I'm probably missing some differences. Definitely enjoyed Hale's performance moreso than Meers' tho.

That's why I noted it was probably unintentionally good. To satisfy both a male and female protagonist with one script, BioWare was forced into a position to write a largely gender neutral character that avoid gender stereotypes and tropes. It would have been two expensive and time consuming to write two totally different scripts.

The end result is a script that is written as if Shepard was, surprise surprise, a normal person no confined to dumb writing tropes and bad characterisation. Gender does not define the way people speak, but so many writers fall into the trap of making this so. Even when they're trying to avoid such entrapment they often make it obvious they're doing just that, like with the cliche "touch chick" female who doesn't play by the rules.

Shepard was written as a neutral person, not a gender, if just for a more economical and logical development process. The reward is a female protagonist (if you're playing FemShep) that fits no particular characterisation or archetype. FemShep is one of the most strong willed, confident, and charismatic female protagonists in the entire medium. It's like...it's so good the fact she is a woman doesn't matter in the slightest to her character. Which in turn matters a whole lot to the fact she is a woman.


I've completed ME3 and only have From Ashes.

Say I was to buy all the other story DLC, could I just load up my game and continue from an earlier point (before the final assault on Earth) or would I have to start a new game?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I've completed ME3 and only have From Ashes.

Say I was to buy all the other story DLC, could I just load up my game and continue from an earlier point (before the final assault on Earth) or would I have to start a new game?

You could load up a save as long as it was before the point of no return:
assault on the Cerberus HQ
. After that point you cannot complete DLC, but if you've got a save before that you can do it all.


Meer is getting some unwarranted flak imo, his voice acting was fine, pretty good actually. Sure, Hale is a bit better, she's the female VA superstar of the medium, but as a guy, Sheploo is more relatable for me.

Also, I could've done without Tali as a squadmate, although I was glad she was there. Find it really amazing that more people chose the Geth over Tali, seeing as the latter was a part of your team for so long. The thing that really annoyed me was the complete absence of Miranda, who was the most important character and canonical LI of the second game. Then she was just gone.


Finished the main story of this thing.
Loved it. Silly, cheesy, absolute fun.
Also a bunch of interesting stuff.
Very much recommended (along with Leviathan, Omega's not worth it really).

I did make a mistake of starting the DLC before recruiting Tali... But then my current Shepard has made many mistakes*...

*I still remember how ME1 Renegade ending felt kinda... evil. And it feels that ReneShep gets just meaner as the series goes. ME is about the only series where i feel bad about doing something questionable.
My next-in-import-queue-Shepard is Paragon. I'm tempted to start playing with that one already, want to be a good guy for a change.


Well what do you know, turns out this DLC was actually as good as people were saying. It feels good to remember what loving Mass Effect was like and it's a credit to the whole series that something like this actually works. What's also nice is not feeling like you're getting exploited. A lot of the Mass Effect DLC, the stuff for ME3 in particular, has been a questionable value proposition at best, but when in this one you hope that it will keep going a bit longer it actually does. This is how you do DLC right, but I don't want to think about how much they must've had to fight for the approval to do it.

The only thing I didn't love was when they give you a sliver of health, no medigel and limited ammo. On Insanity that was probably the hardest combat sequence in ME3, which I guess is a bit refreshing since half the time it's hard to tell the difference between Normal and Insanity in the regular game. Playing through Omega right before this reminded me of, well two things. First that the people who made Arrival don't know what they're doing, good job creating easily the worst pieces of content for both ME2 and ME3. Ugh, I don't even want to think about "ME4" with these guys at the helm. DON'T BUY OMEGA.

Secondly it reminded me that I might be a crazy person because I vastly prefer the combat in ME2 over the combat in ME3. Knowing how much the multiplayer took off I doubt anyone will agree with me. Between the arena based encounter design and the practically instant cooldowns it just has a drastically different feel. Half the time it doesn't even play like a cover based game. It's frantic where I thought ME2 was tactical, it's non-stop power spam where in ME2 you had to be deliberate. As an Adept you never run out of ammo because you rarely even fire your gun. I know ME2 could get a little tedious on higher difficulties, but I took a liking to that and the combat pace in ME3 is just so radically different.

I also think that the single player in ME3 suffers from a severe lack of enemy variety. Not that the different merc gangs in ME2 were drastically different from eachother, but they did all have their own flavour. If you add up all the enemies, Eclipe, Blue Suns, Blood Pack, mechs, Collectors, Geth and Reapers there was actually an impressive amount of them. In a game with as much combat as Mass Effect I think that's necessary. In ME3 it just feels like you're fighting the same enemies all game long and I think they're less interesting than any of the ME2 factions. This feels like such a silly thing to complain about, but the Reapers are just ugly monsters with guns and the Cerberus troops are completely dehumanized to the point where they almost feel like monsters as well. They're just bland, they have no personality or flavour, they could be from any game and don't feel like the come from the Mass Effect universe.

They did a slightly better job with the Reaper troops I guess, the Banshee and Brute are both recognizable, but having your biggest bullet spunge(s) be a charging enemy is a weird choice. The only new enemy I like is the Ravager but I thought the Scion was more interesting than any of them. But hell, even when they bring back old enemies they misuse them, Husks for example tend to come at you in relatively open areas where they're easy to avoid, if they weren't easy enough having no armor on any difficulty. I don't think I've ever died to a Husk in ME3.

It's not like they didn't try new things, smoke grenades, riot shields, grenades, enemies deploying turrets, I just don't think it meshed well. And I just can't get over how god damn bland the design of the Cerberus troops is.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Secondly it reminded me that I might be a crazy person because I vastly prefer the combat in ME2 over the combat in ME3. Knowing how much the multiplayer took off I doubt anyone will agree with me. Between the arena based encounter design and the practically instant cooldowns it just has a drastically different feel. Half the time it doesn't even play like a cover based game. It's frantic where I thought ME2 was tactical, it's non-stop power spam where in ME2 you had to be deliberate. As an Adept you never run out of ammo because you rarely even fire your gun. I know ME2 could get a little tedious on higher difficulties, but I took a liking to that and the combat pace in ME3 is just so radically different.

You know that the reason they did that was that because people complained that the global cooldown was too long in ME2 right? That they wanted something closer to ME1.

I also think that the single player in ME3 suffers from a severe lack of enemy variety. Not that the different merc gangs in ME2 were drastically different from eachother, but they did all have their own flavour. If you add up all the enemies, Eclipe, Blue Suns, Blood Pack, mechs, Collectors, Geth and Reapers there was actually an impressive amount of them. In a game with as much combat as Mass Effect I think that's necessary. In ME3 it just feels like you're fighting the same enemies all game long and I think they're less interesting than any of the ME2 factions. This feels like such a silly thing to complain about, but the Reapers are just ugly monsters with guns and the Cerberus troops are completely dehumanized to the point where they almost feel like monsters as well. They're just bland, they have no personality or flavour, they could be from any game and don't feel like the come from the Mass Effect universe.

They did a slightly better job with the Reaper troops I guess, the Banshee and Brute are both recognizable, but having your biggest bullet spunge(s) be a charging enemy is a weird choice. The only new enemy I like is the Ravager but I thought the Scion was more interesting than any of them. But hell, even when they bring back old enemies they misuse them, Husks for example tend to come at you in relatively open areas where they're easy to avoid, if they weren't easy enough having no armor on any difficulty. I don't think I've ever died to a Husk in ME3.

It's not like they didn't try new things, smoke grenades, riot shields, grenades, enemies deploying turrets, I just don't think it meshed well. And I just can't get over how god damn bland the design of the Cerberus troops is.

If you think Cerberus is bland, i can't imagine what you think of the mercs of ME2 who were basically all the same thing : Enemies with different skins shooting at you and that's it. Nothing making them special, except the rare pyro guy. You said "In ME3 it just feels like you're fighting the same enemies all game long", what were you thinking during ME2 when you were fighting against mercs? Fighting Blood pack, Blue Suns or Eclipse mercs... there was no difference at all.

But, the best would be fighting mercs like in ME2, but with different abilities like Cerberus has in ME3 though. Maybe we'll get something like this in the next Mass Effect.

And i think you judge the Montreal team too quickly... Arrival was their first experiment and Omega was a misson set on a station occupied by Cerberus troops and we always knew the goal was going to take it back... lots of combat was to be expected. But i think the lack of your usual Normandy crew didn't help either in making this DLC worth the money. There is little to no replay value without them. You play it once or twice to see the Paragon and Renegade sides and you've seen everything there is to see. Personally, i'm going to wait for the first previews before going "Oh it's gonna be disappointing like Arrival & Omega!". They're going to have a much bigger (and experienced) team for the game than they had during the DLCs.


I mean bland aesthetically.


In ME2 you fought pretty much every race they've come up with, Krogan, Vorcha, Asari, Turian, Salarian, Batarian, Huma and then stuff like Varren too or the FENRIS mech dogs. I know they're not functionally different from eachother, but I just think the faceless soldiers in power armor with robotic voices are so uninteresting.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I mean bland aesthetically.


In ME2 you fought pretty much every race they've come up with, Krogan, Vorcha, Asari, Turian, Salarian, Batarian, Huma and then stuff like Varren too or the FENRIS mech dogs. I know they're not functionally different from eachother, but I just think the faceless soldiers in power armor with robotic voices are so uninteresting.

You're right for this part, which is what i'm hoping will happen again in ME4, fighting mercs feels just right, but i still vastly prefer the combat in ME3. At least enemies are unique, cooldowns are affected by gun weights, powers are varied and more customizable, there is gun mods, more choices in weapons, heavy melee, dodging, need i continue? There is nothing ME2 does better than ME3 when it comes to the actual combat. Unless... you really hate how taking down an Atlas or Banshee can be too long, which i could understand.
Chances are short of some ME1-like side missions we'll never really fight Cerberus again anyway. I imagine the next game will be predominantly mercs and mechs, unless it's set in a period when the Geth are still hostile.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Chances are short of some ME1-like side missions we'll never really fight Cerberus again anyway. I imagine the next game will be predominantly mercs and mechs, unless it's set in a period when the Geth are still hostile.

Since Bioware made sure in ME2 and especially ME3 to make the Geths looks like good AIs who were just misunderstood, i doubt they're going to make them bad guys again.

Bring on the full might of the mercs and their mechs!


Since Bioware made sure in ME2 and especially ME3 to make the Geths looks like good AIs who were just misunderstood, i doubt they're going to make them bad guys again.

Bring on the full might of the mercs and their mechs!

*cough* Halo and the Covenant *cough*

I am fully expecting the Geth to be a major antagonist in ME4.


Really Really Exciting Member!
What if ME4 takes place in the future, the Geth are the villains, but in your ME1-3 playthroughs you wiped out the Geth?

We're just going to assume that Quarians didn't learn anything and made new Geths, who learned what happen to their... "ancestors".
I haven't played the Halo games, so i don't get the reference. :p

Basically, they found a way to shoehorn in the Covenant as villains in Halo 4 somehow even though they and humanity made peace with each other in Halo 3. I haven't played 4 yet, so I don't know how they did it, though. I just know they did.

What if ME4 takes place in the future, the Geth are the villains, but in your ME1-3 playthroughs you wiped out the Geth?

You're assuming that ME4 will in any way take into account what you did in ME1-3, which it probably won't.


What if ME4 takes place in the future, the Geth are the villains, but in your ME1-3 playthroughs you wiped out the Geth?

In the destroy extended cut ending, the narrator (forgot who) mentions they all gonna rebuild the technology they lost.

So Geth as a villain still makes sense really.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
ME4 will probably be in a parallel universe/different time line where the events of ME3 did not all occur, sort of like Chrono Cross, I assume. At least that would be pretty cool to me.

That way they can stick with the same universe, but include new, different creatures and locations.


Really Really Exciting Member!
ME4 will probably be in a parallel universe/different time line where the events of ME3 did not all occur, sort of like Chrono Cross, I assume. At least that would be pretty cool to me.

That way they can stick with the same universe, but include new, different creatures and locations.

That would probably be for the best, no mention of Reapers or Cerberus or Shepard or anything.

I still want to see what Thessia look like when its not in ruins thanks to the Reapers. Or even Palaven, its moon alone wasn't enough. Even if the skybox was pretty cool.
Since Bioware made sure in ME2 and especially ME3 to make the Geths looks like good AIs who were just misunderstood, i doubt they're going to make them bad guys again.

Bring on the full might of the mercs and their mechs!

Thinking about it, the Geth are actually pretty unlikely as major antagonists - in ME1 they're talked of as not having been beyond the veil in 1000 years, and by ME2 they've retreated into the background again, only interacting and fighting with the Quarians. That's a pretty slim period for large-scale geth conflicts.


ME4 will probably be in a parallel universe/different time line where the events of ME3 did not all occur, sort of like Chrono Cross, I assume. At least that would be pretty cool to me.

That way they can stick with the same universe, but include new, different creatures and locations.

Seriously, though. Bioware have already demonstrated what they're going do with Dragon Age 2: Fuck your choices, they'll have a set canon.

I keep saying it, but it'll be this:
it'll be like Destroy ending was picked, but it only destroyed the Reapers, so the Geth will still be around.

Advance the clock 100 years, and you killed off most of the characters from ME1-3 simply due to old age.

That's it. Keeps the universe as close to what it's been as is possible.

Just accept it: There will be no save data loading. Everyone will start fresh. At most, you'll get a dialogue choice to somewhat shade the universe.
Seriously, though. Bioware have already demonstrated what they're going do with Dragon Age 2: Fuck your choices, they'll have a set canon.

I keep saying it, but it'll be this:
it'll be like Destroy ending was picked, but it only destroyed the Reapers, so the Geth will still be around.

Nah, if they go with any ending, they'll go with
Synthesis, since it's meant to be the "good" ending.

Also, even if they did want to continue with having the player's choices in the previous games effect things in ME4, chances are that ME4 will be a next gen game, witch will probably stop any plans they have for that.


Nah, if they go with any ending, they'll go with
Synthesis, since it's meant to be the "good" ending.

Also, even if they did want to continue with having the player's choices in the previous games effect things in ME4, chances are that ME4 will be a next gen game, witch will probably stop any plans they have for that.

I don't believe there's a chance in hell they'll follow up from that ending. Too complicated in its consequences.

Going with my scenario means that the universe in ME4 is not that radically different from that in ME1-3. That'll be seen as a positive.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Whats the reward you get for having a 100% Galactic Readiness? Does the ending change?

There's no reward, it just makes it easier(less war assets to farm from missions/sidequests/planet scans) to get the required EMS for the "best" ending.
I realized that I didn't see Kasumi once during the citadel and I assumed she wasnt in it, but I saw a picture of her in it!!

Can she die in ME3? I'm pretty sure she should be alive... WHAT GIVES?!

If anyone is interested Bioware has uploaded the conference thing they did the other day at PAX. It is an hour long and there are some spoilers about citadel in it :-


Yea watching that now. Kaiden is so useless in the game and on this panel... he has no idea what the game is even about. All his answers in the lightning round were jokes copying everyone else.
I realized that I didn't see Kasumi once during the citadel and I assumed she wasnt in it, but I saw a picture of her in it!!

Can she die in ME3? I'm pretty sure she should be alive... WHAT GIVES?!

I'm pretty sure she can die if you botch her mission in the main game, assuming you remembered to do that.


I hate my current Shepard. Making Renegade choices means a lot of lost... friends. Unhappy decisions. Some responses manage to be the sort that annoy me a lot as well. The guy doesn't deserve to live... but unfortunately he is the sort who might take the galaxy with them.
Gah, can't wait to import my Paragon Shepard, get a lot happier endings, events.

I like how Citadel DLC is character focused. I think we met enough of ME1/2 characters in ME3 but more is always good. But even lacking a few will hurt when i finally throw the party...
As i said, i can't wait to play with a Paragon, who brings everyone alive.

Don't suppose Shiala, Gianna Parasini or Conrad Verner are in the DLC? Haven't met any them so far. Those three side-characters manage to be somehow memorable.

ME series is the only series where i really care about the characters. Sure, many of them are cliche or not particularly original but... well, i dunno, i just like 'em.
But only Mass Effect, don't really care for characters in other games.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I hate my current Shepard. Making Renegade choices means a lot of lost... friends. Unhappy decisions. Some responses manage to be the sort that annoy me a lot as well. The guy doesn't deserve to live... but unfortunately he is the sort who might take the galaxy with them.
Gah, can't wait to import my Paragon Shepard, get a lot happier endings, events.

I like how Citadel DLC is character focused. I think we met enough of ME1/2 characters in ME3 but more is always good. But even lacking a few will hurt when i finally throw the party...
As i said, i can't wait to play with a Paragon, who brings everyone alive.

Don't suppose Shiala, Gianna Parasini or Conrad Verner are in the DLC? Haven't met any them so far. Those three side-characters manage to be somehow memorable.

ME series is the only series where i really care about the characters. Sure, many of them are cliche or not particularly original but... well, i dunno, i just like 'em.
But only Mass Effect, don't really care for characters in other games.

There's not a lot of side-characters in this DLC. There is Sha'ira from ME1 during the casino mission, but other than that...not much i can think about. Maybe Kolyat i guess?


There's not a lot of side-characters in this DLC. There is Sha'ira from ME1 during the casino mission, but other than that...not much i can think about. Maybe Kolyat i guess?

Looks like that.
Too bad.
Ah, well, gotta be happy with what we got i guess.

Can't help it but notice possible improvements always. For this DLC, more characters: Gianna Parasini, Shiala, Conrad Verner, Aria T'Loak, Kal'Reegar, Rana Thanoptis (screw the fact those two are dead in ME3)... and why not Anderson, Kahlee Sanders, David Archer (well, i guess he wouldn't like a party). Maybe others as well. EDIT hell, why not The Illusive Man as well? Though maybe Shepard's home party is not classy enough for him?


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Seriously, though. Bioware have already demonstrated what they're going do with Dragon Age 2: Fuck your choices, they'll have a set canon.

I keep saying it, but it'll be this:

Advance the clock 100 years, and you killed off most of the characters from ME1-3 simply due to old age.

That's it. Keeps the universe as close to what it's been as is possible.

Just accept it: There will be no save data loading. Everyone will start fresh. At most, you'll get a dialogue choice to somewhat shade the universe.
I don't expect any kind of import. However, after ME3 they can't really set a cannon as easily as with DA, where it's pretty much the same ending.
The demon gets killed at the end.

However, they can't introduce new creatures (as it was noted in the blog post) with only a century between ME3 and ME4. In order to do what they plan, I expect it to have humans, which means the same galaxy, but different worlds and species mean more time or a parallel universe. Eg, instead of the mass relays connecting different locations of the galaxy, they could connect space and time. Think of your avatar. ;]


I don't expect any kind of import. However, after ME3 they can't really set a cannon as easily as with DA, where it's pretty much the same ending.
The demon gets killed at the end.

However, they can't introduce new creatures (as it was noted in the blog post) with only a century between ME3 and ME4. In order to do what they plan, I expect it to have humans, which means the same galaxy, but different worlds and species mean more time or a parallel universe. Eg, instead of the mass relays connecting different locations of the galaxy, they could connect space and time. Think of your avatar. ;]

I still think you're expecting far, far too much. I anticipate maybe one or two new species, but mostly it'll be the old familiar universe.

Keep in mind that there was no hint about the Drell, for instance, until ME2. It's not hard to suddenly say "Oh yeah, here's this species you've never seen before but they've always been around!"

Escape Goat

I was playing the last level last night and I was about to make my decision on how to deal with the Reapers. But it takes forever to lurch your way to one of the Red/Green/Blue lasers so I started walking backwards and I fired some shots at the Space Child as a final fuck you.

He didn't like that and goes all demonic on me and says "So be it." turns around and says the cycle will continue. On Illium, in the future, we pan down through the earth to a laboratory and Liara's hologram is playing. Then, the scene which normally has Buzz Aldrin saying "My sweet" is some new alien thats evolved with her kid. They used Liara's warnings/info on the Reapers to finally destroy them.

I didn't know that was a possible decision to make in the end. I was going to see what Control looked like but this was pretty amusing anyways.


I was playing the last level last night and I was about to make my decision on how to deal with the Reapers.
But it takes forever to lurch your way to one of the Red/Green/Blue lasers so I started walking backwards and I fired some shots at the Space Child as a final fuck you.

He didn't like that and goes all demonic on me and says "So be it." turns around and says the cycle will continue. On Illium, in the future, we pan down through the earth to a laboratory and Liara's hologram is playing. Then, the scene which normally has Buzz Aldrin saying "My sweet" is some new alien thats evolved with her kid. They used Liara's warnings/info on the Reapers to finally destroy them.

I didn't know that was a possible decision to make in the end. I was going to see what Control looked like but this was pretty amusing anyways.

Yeah, that's
. Added in the Extended Cut.
So, after a year or so, I think Ive gotten over the ending and can play through these games again. Feels like a weight ha been lifted over me. Rebought the trilogy since it was on sale, will probably get this too.
when its on sale


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yeah, that's
. Added in the Extended Cut.

Thinking about all the possible endings of ME3, it seems more and more likely that they will just tell another story of the ME universe, like some kind of reboot or something. That way, they can respect the final choice of their fans and avoid whatever kind of little shitstorm choosing a canon ending could do by making another story in the ME universe that has no link to any of them, and at the same time, stay far away from the Reapers, Cerberus and all the screw ups and plotholes they did in the trilogy.

Escape Goat

I am playing through ME2 again after completing it and finishing ME3 for the third time. I don't know why I'm doing it. I figured I'd be so bored with this game by now but I keep finding stuff to look at that I missed in previous runs. Also, creating funky looking Shepards makes for entertaining conversations.


Finished ME3 today, for the second time. It's been a bit over a year since i first finished ME3.

As i said before, Citadel DLC is awesome. And the Party, loved it. Too bad i didn't have my full crew... Betrayed and lost some. My Shepard paid for that... as did the whole fucking galaxy.
I need to start that Paragon Shepard soon, feeling bad after this Renegade Shepard.

I didn't touch Mass Effect (ME3 multiplayer doesn't count) at all for nearly a year after finishing ME3. That ending, or more precisely, the issues (plot holes, abruptness, no proper epilogue) surrounding the ending drove me off the series. Felt good to play ME1 and 2 again for a couple of times. And ME3 with all DLC (specifically Leviathan and Citadel) and Extended Cut is not so bad. A few more lines of dialogue to patch some plot holes and idiotic things would've made the experience even better though.

I'll write something... well, more like a lot... after i finish my Paragon Shepard and get some missing achievements. A retrospective of sorts?

Love the trilogy. I do complain a lot about it (not here) but i love it anyway. I complain because i love it.

Escape Goat

They could pull a Javik and have a human colony/planet survive the culling through statis. Or just have the colony evolve on its own and they would go retake Earth or something from the new synethetics that have arisen. I just dont want to play in the current universe knowing that whatever I do means shit because we're all dead anyways.
I finished the story part of the DLC. Now is just catching up with all my peeps.

Feels sooooo good to roll with Garrus/Wrex again.

"We're not looking for a fight!" "Why not?"

Wrex is the best. Holy shit.

EDIT: and "This old woman is kicking your ass!" got a nice chuckle out of me. As well as "I should go." Brilliant.

has anyone ran across an issue where an encounter isn't showing up? Wrex tells me to meet him at the bar, but the prompt to "wait for him" or what not isn't there.
Feck it. I was gonna wait for a sale but I have ME on the brain so I bought this. I need to purge Mass Effect from my body and this seems like a good way to do it.

Will probably still go back and replay 2 and 3 as FemShep sometime later in the year. Fuck Paragon or Renegade. Ill just play how I want to play.

In fact if there is one thing I want them to ditch in the next ME game is that whole system. Sometimes being a dick is the way I want to handle a situation but I am playing a good guy so I cant bring myself to do it.
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