Couldnt take more than a minute of listening to that voice. Also thought the guy was being incredibly nit-picky over Max.
I thought the video was ok.
It made some very obvious and tired (but true) points (yeah, violence does not equal maturity etc) using Max Payne as a spring.
I don't think MP3 lacks humor, it's just in a more R* style and of course, not as prominent as in GTA, also, using GTA4 as a good example of blending serious and humor is bullshit, i think, as GTA4 is absolutely atrocious on the "serious" front (while Max Payne 3 is far better).
As for the rest, i don't really think a character without a positive/light side is necessarily boring, but i agree that Max's journey is borked and, at the end,
something that never comes was expected, i agree with that.