So how many people shot this guy?
That's the same shotgun Brewer the Hobo used in Ch. 4. Future DLC will show it's path from NJ to Sao Paulo.
So how many people shot this guy?
So how many people shot this guy?
Game is a lot more fun on the second playthrough. Some of the scenarios and enemy encounters are really well done but it really shines when you don't just sit and duck behind cover, which is hard not to do on your first time though since you don't know the layout of the levels.
I got the same but a 560ti and it runs amazingly well. I've not checked the FPS but I don't think it has ever dipped below 60. Runs a lot better than BF3 which runs great as well but not this good.
Does the game needs an online pass to play multiplayer? Have some credit at Gamestop and planning on getting the game used.
So is there a patch or anything yet to skip the cutscenes? I want to do a second playthrough of the game but the long unskippable cutscenes just make it frustrating. (I'm on PC)
So after playing through it a second time I have a little complain about the story.I think Max should have killed Serrano. I know it's a little silly complain, but I feel like after the hell he basically went through to get Fabiana back, and then to see her just getting casually shot by Serrano...
Sure Serrano kind of paid the price by getting tortured in the imperial palace, but still... It feels like he didn't really pay for killing Fabiana. Considering that this was one of Max's main concerns, to get at least one thing right, it felt like a lackluster conclusion to me.
Also the scene whereMax "storms" the Serrano's hideout is... ugh a little weird. He runs in "oh, they have guns" and ends up as hostage himself. Come on, Max, you can do better than that
So how many people shot this guy?
Game is a lot more fun on the second playthrough. Some of the scenarios and enemy encounters are really well done but it really shines when you don't just sit and duck behind cover, which is hard not to do on your first time though since you don't know the layout of the levels.
So how many people shot this guy?
Game is a lot more fun on the second playthrough. Some of the scenarios and enemy encounters are really well done but it really shines when you don't just sit and duck behind cover, which is hard not to do on your first time though since you don't know the layout of the levels.
I need people to play this with. Add me at PSN:Sajjaja. We also should make a Neogaf crew.
It's not active on PS3 though or my time zone is the problem.
Finally got the game on PC and I'm not pleased, it controls like SHIT.
So fucking laggy, it feels like Payne is skating on ice while being underwater and morbidly obese! Help?
I even deselcted D3DO's v-sync and triple buffering (something I never felt the need to do) to make it more snappy, put aim accelleration at 10 and sensitivity v/h at 5: it helps a bit, but it's still a trainwreck of unresponsiveness. I refuse to believe the game is supposed to be like this and got critical praise despite it, so I must be doing something wrong. Game is patched and I'm using a 360 wireless pad.
Wow, how come the interest around this game is already dead?
Ok, I can see that, I guess they could have made it clearer in the game though.There's a lot of moments like these that I feel could've been slightly tweaked, made a bit longer or had an extra line of dialogue to make them better.
I see MaxI'd like to see a translation for some of his lines to see if anything he says would support that.letting Serrano live being fitting because he kills people all the time. If he killed Serrano, then he'd just be another tally mark. Serrano, while a despicable criminal, was a lot like Max in that he was just a hired killer. He may have even thought he was justified in kidnapping/killing Fabiana since she was one of the "rich who oppressed the poor" or something.
Yeah, to me it sometimes felt like cutscenes and gameplay were done at completely different times, and in the end, they didn't have the time anymore to change things.Also, when, if R* had structured it differently, it would've made sense.Max rushes into Serrano's hideoutSerrano could've obviously been about to execute Giovanna, making Max rush in to stop it. Or, Max could've taken a hostage of his own and Serrano could've shot the guy or ignored him. Or pretty much anything. And maybe Serrano could've ordered one of his other men to shot Max since he wanted to save his ammo for the UFE maybe he does say that though, I'll have to check.
Same thing with the hair-cutting scene. It was fine as it was, but they could've had some of Max's hairand still retain the symbolism of the scene without there being any chance people would think it was for no reason.get burned off in the explosion in Rodrigo's office
I'd also have preferred a bullet-time moment for. There could've been an awesome scene whereBachmeyerlike this scene from Hard Boiled (spoilers for Hard-Boiled):Max and Bachmeyer both take cover, rush out simultaneously and then are running parallel to one another through a pillar/cover-filled area of the police station with really small openings for the player to shoot him,
(until 2:38)
There are a lot of instances in games lately where a scene seems rushed and would make more sense if the devs/whomever took their time or were more methodical.
So how many people shot this guy?
Game is a lot more fun on the second playthrough. Some of the scenarios and enemy encounters are really well done but it really shines when you don't just sit and duck behind cover, which is hard not to do on your first time though since you don't know the layout of the levels.
Just started MP3 multi on PC, any tips?!
Pistols are really good I usually stick with them. Running with any two handed gun feels pointless to me since pistols can deal with almost any situation. Dual wielding them is maybe even more over powered.
Also learn what Bursts do what so you can tell what is going on in matches.
Pistols are really good I usually stick with them. Running with any two handed gun feels pointless to me since pistols can deal with almost any situation. Dual wielding them is maybe even more over powered.
Also learn what Bursts do what so you can tell what is going on in matches.
Free-Aim and Soft-Lock spit. 10 or so game-types split-across both aim types. Snail's pace leveling (whether it's justified aside). Take your pick.
How do I equip my gorilla mask for Deathmatch? I'm on Steam PC version btw.
You need to add it to a custom loadout in the 'Head item' slot and use that loadout in the match.
Only just started but am finding Hard really freaking hard, doesn't help my mouse is shite but the mouse controls don't seem very good so far tbh.
Use Shootdodge. It's a dive and bullet time all in one.Started today; is there some way to dive while in Bullet Time?
It's OK but nothing amazing. MP2 is still the best one.So how does the story in this game compare to the first two? Does it still have a lot to do with the criminal underworld/maffia types of crime like the first two games?
Only just started but am finding Hard really freaking hard, doesn't help my mouse is shite but the mouse controls don't seem very good so far tbh.
So how does the story in this game compare to the first two? Does it still have a lot to do with the criminal underworld/maffia types of crime like the first two games?
Use Shootdodge. It's a dive and bullet time all in one.
So how does the story in this game compare to the first two? Does it still have a lot to do with the criminal underworld/maffia types of crime like the first two games?
I like the story but I feel that the mechanics are faulty.....Im kind of forcig myself to finish.
I love how the story is laid out tho very well.