I don't think I'm going to buy a season pass again. It is a really dumb decision in retrospect.
I'm honestly floored, in a bad way, with what Rockstar is doing. They originally advertised 5 packs for June and the summer of 2012, and 2 for the fall. 7 packs total. That info convinces me to buy the pass. First, the June DLC gets delayed to early July (local justice). Next, unbelievably, one of the advertised 7 packs is FREE DLC coming later this August. Unreal. And last, the rest of the packs arent coming out until Sep/Oct.
I'm done with season passes no matter how much I love the core game. I love Max Payne but hey I liked Gears 3 too and that season pass ending up being a bit of a disappointment too (no DLC playlists for horde, making your maps useless for a horde player like me).
The previously announced "New York Minute" co-op pack and "Trickle Down Economics" map pack have been cannibalized by the other packs, their content spread out between the three remaining releases.
IS it just me or are there not that many people playing MP3 online(x360 version)??
On the "current players" list it only shows a few people online in a given gamemode, ranging from 2-50 players at the most. The Free Aim mode is even worst, barely reaching 0-20 per mode. So many times I would join only to become the host(no players) or join a lobby with 1-2 others.
I'm currently renting it on my Blockbusters pass and was thinking about buying it because I'm digging the multiplayer(when it has players) but I'm worried its not going to have legs or be as popular. I would hate to buy it and not have anyone to play with or not have anyone in the game modes I like to play.
It's worse than you think. The last two packs have been dissolved and the content will be spread into the other packs. To me it sounds like they are cutting content out of those packs and therefore are left with not much in them individually. It's been a mess so far.
No you were right free aim is the "good mode". I hate playing soft aim because it becomes a game of whoever shoots first wins, since you can lock-on halfway across the map. The manual states to roll/jumpdodge to break a lock, but its redundant since you're vulnerable during those animations and wind up dying anyways.Yeah player count is often small overall, and more so forgood modefree aim. I'd expect it to drop even more during the coming months. Considering how fun it can be, it's really unfortunate. Another reason the soft/free aim split was a terrible decision.
Really?? Dam that sucks I was really looking forward to it, by the time they finally release it I don't think there's gonna be much people left to play..I'm just disappointed that the co-op New York Minute mode has been pushed back til October - was really looking forward to some more variety in online gameplay.
So I picked this up during a sale on pc. Got to chapter 5 or so, and i'm having a hard time figuring out what the game is asking for me.
Playing on normal, am i suppose to be dying every few min? I've been mostly playing it as a cover based shooter after realizing that diving is quite finicky (why can't i just clip into a wall like a normal game dude), and pop bullet time when i can.
But I rarely see any painkillers, and Payne isn't the agilest guy around.
Any general tips or anything to help me out?
Started replaying the single player on Hard using mouse + keyboard (beat it on Normal using 360 pad) and gawddamn. This game is a bitch to play, lol. I'm thinking of replaying back on normal again just so I won't spend double the time beating the game.
It was much easier the second time on hard because I knew the encounters.
And mouse is 50 times easier
Which part? Or right from the start?
That's the problem Max Payne isn't a good cover shooter, its much better (and easier) to play as a BulletTime shooter. I normally only go in cover to get a feel for the enemy locations, then I use my bullettime/shootdodge to take them all out. If you go for headshots during your bullettime you can quickly take out 3+ enemies before your meter runs out. If you shootdodge, stay on the floor and take out any remaining nearby enemies you missed.So I picked this up during a sale on pc. Got to chapter 5 or so, and i'm having a hard time figuring out what the game is asking for me.
Playing on normal, am i suppose to be dying every few min? I've been mostly playing it as a cover based shooter after realizing that diving is quite finicky (why can't i just clip into a wall like a normal game dude), and pop bullet time when i can.
But I rarely see any painkillers, and Payne isn't the agilest guy around.
Any general tips or anything to help me out?
Man, thinking about it I've played Max Payne 3 the same amount of time as my playthroughs of Mass Effect 2&3 combined. On the social club it says I've played about 50 hours worth.
Beat it on Normal, Hard, Hardcore, and Old School. Cleared every stage in score attack and new york minute, and I'm in the process of beating the game on new york minute hardcore. I also got to level 50 and prestiged in multiplayer.
So essentially that's 7 or 8 playthroughs, Max Payne 3 has had insane replayability for me.
There's also free DLC for everyone coming out this month, it also adds different play modes for score attack.
hmmm... played up to about the part after the strip club scene. Is it just me or do I feel kinda dumb playing this?
Like i have no clue wtf is going on. It doesn't help that Max is constantly commenting on how shit is insane, and how he really has no clue what's going on.
I don't even know why i'm just shooting random people in their backyard now. I don't recall max actually doing any detective work in 1 or 2, but... for such a linear and scripted game, why do i feel more confused than your typical super open world western rpg?
I'm replaying Max Payne 2 right now and I agree, I actually like MP2 gameplay mechanics more than MP3. Max Payne is best in bullet time which is why I loved that MP2 had a auto-recharging bullet-time meter. I would have gladly traded the entire cover system in MP3 for an auto-recharge meter. Even better if it had both and gave the option/mode to turn it off for achievements or something.And I really do wish there is a more elegant way to take out dudes charging at you when you are behind cover. I feel like a lot of shooters have some sort of melee move for this. Blind firing seems to work best here.
I really do wish diving is more useful. If i dive 'close range' i tend to take a lot of bullets, and the whole physics behind it, could... be more lenient.
Am I the only one that loved the whole bullet time 2.0 of 2 in which the game slows down more you kill dudes? Is a damn shame that didn't carry over. Do you even get any bar back while killing dudes in slow mo?
Am I the only one that loved the whole bullet time 2.0 of 2 in which the game slows down more you kill dudes?
Well shoot dodge always felt more like a cool thing for screenshots and not that useful for gameplay.
And just to be clear, a guy is dead when you see the little x cross hair right? A bit hard To tell with the physics.
Am kinda disappointed that the story doesn't go anywhere. I guess rockstar plot are never that good, but the characters are usually fun and there is some mission variety. Not really feeling much of either here.
How many missions are there total?
It's just pointless if I can dodge like all bullets if I strafe in slowmo. And it's easier to aim.That's certainly not the case for me. I tend to enter an area, find cover, evaluate the room, take out one or two guys, then dodge across and take out three-four enemies in one jump without taking any bullets. It's all about your personal approach, however.
You'll need to reinstall the social club. It should be located in your Max Payne 3 folder in Steam.
Here is a vid how to do it.
I know you can always shootdodge, but sometime it isn't conducive for all situations(ie boss fights, multiple flanking enemies, etc.) and if you lightly brush against a wall it totally cancels out the dive. Though shootdive is the most fun enemy dispatcher, nothing like diving a group of enemies spinning 360' degress and taking out multiple enemiesI wasn't bothered by that change from 2 since here you can shoot dodge even when your meter is empty. I guess it depends on one's playstyle, but in all three games I rarely used bullet-time unless I was diving so this wasn't much different from the first two in that regard.
You can change the reticle in the options to "weapon specific":Its a bit hard to tell with the tiny reticle getting lost in the screen. Maybe I just sit too far from the tv or something, but damn that white dot in the black n white could be a little clearer
Yes when you get an "X" on your crosshair, that means you killed the enemy. There's a "kill indicator" in the options to turn it on or off.And just to be clear, a guy is dead when you see the little x cross hair right? A bit hard To tell with the physics.
Am kinda disappointed that the story doesn't go anywhere. I guess rockstar plot are never that good, but the characters are usually fun and there is some mission variety. Not really feeling much of either here.
How many missions are there total?
I've beat New York Minute Hardcore. Yeah chapter 10 is the make or break level, but I never had trouble during that part though. The trick there is to just blind fire since you have unlimited ammo, and to use pills whenever your health meter is above the waist. In this mode, last man standing can ruin you, as you've known by now.
I haven't played this game in a while. I just couldn't get past the clunkyness of the controls and the ant size reticules.
Just got an update on Steam. Anybody know what for?
They've added a multiplayer update with some changes to Score Attack options, details here: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com...max-payne-3-multiplayer-with-payne-thresholds
Edit: Full patch notes here as well: http://support.rockstargames.com/entries/21535227-updated-august-15-2012-max-payne-3-patch-notes
October. It's the last DLC.eDIt: Anyone know when they are going to add CooP to the game? That's what I'm most looking forward to and it'll convince my friend to pick it up.
Dam, you know why it's taking so long to finish the coop?October. It's the last DLC.