no PC event?
We'll be playing on Xbox LIVE; however, players across all three platforms will be able to join their respective Social Club Multiplayer Event Playlists in-game to unlock the Demonic Skull as seen above. TRIPLE XP will also be live on all three platforms, right through the weekend.
Worst level STADIUM? WAT? I thought the Stadium was a really well done level (or about as well done as the constant cutscenes +interruptions let this game be). The tighter areas of Sao Paolo are easily the low point(s) in the game.
Just completed this game the last Thursday and loved it. I can't understand how the unskipabble cutscenes can kill the game for someone, this solution is much better than a endless load screen. Along with Vanquish, my favourite TPS this gen, much better than any Uncharted or Gears of War (in terms of gunplay at least).
It's definitely up there for me, too. Max Payne 3 accomplishes the "Michael Mann Video Game Experience" that so many sub-par games have aimed for and failed at.Just completed this game the last Thursday and loved it. I can't understand how the unskipabble cutscenes can kill the game for someone, this solution is much better than a endless load screen. Along with Vanquish, my favourite TPS this gen, much better than any Uncharted or Gears of War (in terms of gunplay at least).
Net_Wrecker said:Have you tried replaying the game yet? Because as someone who will praise the gunplay in this to no end, the cutscenes completely ruined the game for me. Loading is not an excuse, some of these cutscenes go on for 5 minutes before you can skip them. That's game ruining design IMO.
YoungHav said:I just finished this game... I did not like the story much and didn't find the characters interesting. I remember playing MP1 and MP2 and always wanting to play just a little bit more because the story was compelling; did not have that feeling with this game at all and just stayed for the gameplay (which was the best TPS gameplay this gen imo).
It's definitely up there for me, too. Max Payne 3 accomplishes the "Michael Mann Video Game Experience" that so many sub-par games have aimed for and failed at.
Surprised to see so many people annoyed with the story and cutscenes. Those were the big selling points for me. IMO the shooting itself isn't that great. But it's how the shooting is integrated into the game as a whole that really sells it. I am 3/4 of the way through a second play-through and I'm still digging the cutscenes. Even if I could skip them, I wouldn't. To each his own, I guess.
I haven't spent much time on the New York Minute challenges, though. And if the cutscenes are unskippable there, I can see how they'd get annoying in that particular context.
Surprised to see so many people annoyed with the story and cutscenes. Those were the big selling points for me. IMO the shooting itself isn't that great. But it's how the shooting is integrated into the game as a whole that really sells it. I am 3/4 of the way through a second play-through and I'm still digging the cutscenes. Even if I could skip them, I wouldn't. To each his own, I guess.
I haven't spent much time on the New York Minute challenges, though. And if the cutscenes are unskippable there, I can see how they'd get annoying in that particular context.
That final airport shootout with the song from the commercial may be my favorite gaming moment of the year, right up there with the orgasmic climax of Journey and certain great moments in ME3.
Running through that for the 1st time, with manual aim and surviving wave after wave (I think I might have died only once) was a fucking pinnacle moment in gaming for me
That final airport shootout with the song from the commercial may be my favorite gaming moment of the year, right up there with the orgasmic climax of Journey and certain great moments in ME3.
I dunno why they replaced comic panels with wannabe GTAIV cutscenes.
Not sure what that means. Lots of games have cutscenes.I dunno why they replaced comic panels with wannabe GTAIV cutscenes.
So my character is invisible online. What the heck do I do?
No don't get me wrong, I love the story and enjoy well done cutscenes as much as the next person, but this game went too far. There are tons of unskippable interruptions in gameplay that have no reason to be there. Max Payne, as a franchise, should be the poster boy for "do it in gameplay" storytelling. The character, with his internal monologues, is perfectly built to have long uninterrupted stretches of gameplay while the narrative keeps moving forward. Rockstar failed at that. The game is much too dependent on transitional cutscenes where the player loses control as Max moves to a new area, and long unskippable conversations where all you can do is watch. There's basically no gameplay pacing. The dips on the rollercoaster are 5 minute cuscenes instead of actual dips in gameplay.
And I totally disagree that shooting by itself isn't that great. This is one of the very few shooters this generation that can pass my test of still being fun even if it was in a 30x30 white room with nothing but Max and the enemies. That makes it all the more frustrating that they pull control away so much, even for little things like climbing ladders and opening doors. Hell, there are numerous mini cutscenes that only seem to be there so the game can show a 5 second camera cut and switch you back to your pistol for no reason. It makes no sense. Even examining clues in the level is slow and intrusive as the camera sits there, unmovable, while Max talks. There's no consideration for the player that might want to replay the game a few times.
EDIT: I bitch a lot about this, but my disappointment only seems to be increasing over time. It's just frustrating for a game that plays this well to, apparently, not want me playing it.
A friend is having a problem where the game wont load past the main screen. He just bought it and hasnt been able to play it yet. I forget his specs but his PC is more than capable. Intel cpu and nvidia card. This is the steam version.
Hey GAF, anyone know some good movies that'll get me into the setting/vibe of MP3? I've already seen the John Woo flicks and City of God![]()
Definitely Michael Mann movies. The music, the setpieces, the characters. It's the vibe that the Kane and Lynch games were aiming for but failed so miserably at. MP3 nails it.
Now that the multiplayer has been fixed for the invisibility issue, I've leveled myself up to 31 so far and, holy God, the balancing is amazingly unfair.
Higher-level players have stack upon stack of advantages (higher loadout weight so they can have more weapons and bursts, better weapons overrall). I feel absolutely useless sometimes.
The feeling of going into bullet time though to shoot another player in the head is very satisfactory though.
What system do you play on? I play soft-lock on 360. Don't hurt me Max-gaf.
I could use a Max Payne buddy on XBL. I barely know anyone who bought the DLC. And the second last pack is coming out this December 4th! As much as I hate Rockstar's lacklustre support of this game, they sure know how to design maps. Every DLC map has been absolutely gorgeous. And they're finally doing a Ch.11 (Panama Yacht) map!!! YES!
Now that the multiplayer has been fixed for the invisibility issue, I've leveled myself up to 31 so far and, holy God, the balancing is amazingly unfair.
Higher-level players have stack upon stack of advantages (higher loadout weight so they can have more weapons and bursts, better weapons overrall). I feel absolutely useless sometimes.
The feeling of going into bullet time though to shoot another player in the head is very satisfactory though.
From my experience, I'm in the third legend, the game is not unbalanced, light weight with a one handed gun is the best loadout.