Add me PSN- MikeCisThaILLest
Hey, I play soft-lock 360 as well. I gave free-aim a try and enjoyed it for a while, but just got tired of all the sawed-off's.
Haven't picked up any of the DLC yet, have been debating it greatly. Did not know more DLC was on the way and checked it out. Looks great and makes me think I should actually pick up the Season Pass next pay period.
I'm Mr Jones 24 (with spaces).
I was on multiplayer free-aim when the game came out too, but the entire community has dropped off considerably, and free-aim in particular is all but dead.
Really disappointed with the poor support as well, and especially how the stadium map in the last DLC was a big letdown and with no Gang Wars on it either. Still, will be playing some more once the latest pack arrives. The game still needs more Gang Wars maps, but happy that the Panama Canal level will have it.
Feel free to add my on XBL: willooi.
I'm loving it. The first two games were the same way, but harder.Finally finished beating this game yesterday, it's a fun game but damn it just got so tiring towards the end
I get it's a shooter but there is literally zero variety in the 14 chapters besides doing the exact same thing in a different location
7/10 because it just got boring towards the end
I'm loving it. The first two games were the same way, but harder.
Quick question... If you complete the story and start a new game, all your stats and chapters unlocked remain intact right? Or no? PC version if that makes any difference.
Man On Fire is probably the closest thing because of plot similarities and the flashing text effect, but I also get a very strong Michael Mann vibe in Rockstar's recent games (Max Payne 3 most of all).
The dialogue, the brutality of the gunfights, the somewhat film noir style, the music, the big cities. Lots of things in there remind me of some of Mann's films. Heat, Thief, Collateral, etc.
Think I'll revist this again. Finished it back in June, played a few multiplayer matches after that, then never again.
Kind of missed it to be honest, I'll play the campaign again before getting Halo 4. This might be the most underrated game of the year.
Roscoe Subway and Marty's Bar are two excellent maps.
I wish the multiplayer had a bigger audience. The little touches in all these maps are just amazing. Marty's Bar for example is yet another map that draws from the single player in a brilliant way. It has the exact same bar from Ch.4 and the morgue/church from Ch.8, sitting across the street from each other in the same map. It's great. And then there's the two Panama maps (one with the boat in the ocean, the other with the boat docked at Panama and a huge dockyard).
Roscoe's Subway isn't from MP3 (it's a reference to one of the old games) but it's wonderful too. Remember little touches? I love how when you're playing Payne Killer, the Max and Passos avatars reflect the clothes they wore in the single player chapter the map was inspired from... and in Roscoe's Subway, Max sports the classic Max Payne 1 avatar.
I still haven't gotten off my lazy bum and bought any of the DLC, most out of fear that no one at all is playing the DLC maps. There is a choice though to search for games only using DLC content correct? (Xbox 360).
That sounds good, but are there people playing it? Back when I rented it, some modes would only have a few players and I'd sit in the lobby as it was "seaching for more players"...Yes there is a DLC-only playlist!
I want to pick up the game again but have two questions:
1) Are there still people playing on xBox?
~ I rented it a few weeks after it came out and the online community was very barren, esp.--my favorite--free-aim mode
2) Does the coop DLC have a set release date?
~ This is what I'm anticipating most of all
That sounds good, but are there people playing it? Back when I rented it, some modes would only have a few players and I'd sit in the lobby as it was "seaching for more players"...
1) What you described is pretty my experience when playing before. I had to learn to get used to soft-lock, because it had the only populated servers. Do people still play my fav. Payne Killer mode? Sometimes there weren't enough players to have a good match(even in soft-lock). For instance sometimes it would only have 4 players in a game, which would boil down to a 2v2 DM where one side is overpowered with bullettime.
2) Sweet, I just hope they have a coop-matchmaking as none of my friendlist still play this game anymore.
Whoa, you beat New York Minute hardcore?? Congrats, I don't think I would have the patience, especially thinking about all the loading-screen-cutscenes while having to start at Chp. 1 if I died :S But imagine how much more easier it would have been if you had a coop buddy to blast through it with![]()
I added two gaffers here but we have yet to play Max Payne 3 together haha. I think we've probably just been ignoring each other doing our own thing on the 360.
I've been playing Sleeping Dogs almost exclusively the past week. Such an awesome game.
Ha, yeah that's my bad! BTW, I have to know, you get those multiplayer Max Payne 3 DLC achievements legit or boosting with friends? Because hot-damn man you're a beast!
Oh that's good to hear that there's people actually playing the DLC, it has its own lobby just for DLC?For the Payne Killer dedicated mode, I wouldnt know sorry. But the DLC playlist has Payne Killer AND team deathmatch. The vote is always between two deathmatch maps and one Payne Killer map. If you voted for Payne Killer all the time and asked other players to do so, you could play a bunch of that mode (since in my experience the DLC playlist is usually good at filling up a room, initially at least).
And yep I beat NYMH haha, thanks. =)
I have no idea what to expect with the new NYM but I'm very excited. I'm thinking it's gotta be new missions because half the time Max is alone in the storyline - he doesn't always have Passos backing him up.
Otherwise, it was pretty fun looting bodies for cash and having a Bullet Time show down. Maybe the R* devs can shed more light on lack of interest in Free Aim.
I played on xBox but I still can't figure out why they added soft-aim mode to the PC version??The lack of interest in free aim is due to providing players with easy mode multiplayer aka soft lock. The majority will ALWAYS go for that because kills require less effort. R.I.P. free aim, indeed. Thanks for splitting the community right out the gate, Rockstar.
Oh God that movie was Horrible! Mila Kuniz as Mona Sax (Are you kidding me??) she's suppose to be a badass assassin, but looks like a frail girl who need bodyguards for protection. Also for a movie based on a game about slow-mo-gunfights it had the worst bullet-time segments. Like Max falling backward in extremely slow motion for 5 minutes to shoot one guy. Or when he's surrounded by cops in the office and instead of bad-ass slow mo shooting his way out, he runs like a bitch while shooting randomly. Just awful..Random. But I just the shitty Max Payne on tv. I didn't know that Max Payne (James McCaffrey) was in Max Payne. He played some FBI guy who spoke maybe 3 lines. Shit made me hate the movie even more.
my goty 2012
On January 22nd, we’ll be bringing you the final Max Payne 3 DLC pack for all platforms and it’s an action-packed doozy stuffed with new co-op and competitive modes, plus other awesome treats for Max Payne 3 Multiplayer.
Stay tuned in the coming days as we’ll be revealing what’s in the Deathmatch Made in Heaven Pack in greater detail – but as you can see in the pack’s official artwork above, Max and Passos will no doubt have their hands full…
The Deathmatch Made in Heaven Pack will be available in all territories on January 22nd for 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE and $9.99 on PC and PSN in North America (this pack will be available for PS3 players in Europe on January 30th). Of course, Rockstar Pass owners will receive this content at no additional charge.
Aw hells yeah, I've been waiting for CooP all this timeOn January 22nd, well be bringing you the final Max Payne 3 DLC pack for all platforms and its an action-packed doozy stuffed with new co-op and competitive modes, plus other awesome treats for Max Payne 3 Multiplayer.
Aw hells yeah, I've been waiting for CooP all this timeI just bought MP3 for $15 dollars today at a Blockbuster that was closing, just in time.
Question:I haven't been following the updates, so will the coop be entirely new levels or will they just throw a second character into the single-player(I hope without cutscenes, ugh). Or is it both?
When are they gonna add the DLC that removes the useless, obtrusive, flow-destroying cutscenes every time Max opens a door or clears a room?
That wasn't even good. I just couldn't resist.
Tomorrow's Deathmatch Made in Heaven DLC Pack for Max Payne 3 Multiplayer features four electrifying new multiplayer modes, including the much-anticipated Dead Men Walking two-player cooperative mode.
In addition to Dead Men Walking, which puts you and a friend up against an endless onslaught of adversaries, there also the new Run & Stun mode featuring Captain Baseball Bat Boy's mischievous nemesis Saci, Marked Man which adds vendetta fueled multipliers to traditional Deathmatch and a new Time Attack mode which awards bonus points for successful kill streaks in a competitive free-for-all.
Check out the feature below for a preview of all four new modes, complete with screens from each one, and look for details on the new weapons and Items included in the pack later today.
Dead Men Walking should be fun, but no single player version of it? Fucking really, Rockstar? And what happened to New York Minute co-op?
:lol @ no singleplayer Dead Men Walking. Rockstar is clueless sometimes, I swear.
Horde on Max Payne 3? Sounds good to me.