woah, are Famitsu and Media Create Number usually like 20% different or something? that's quite the difference.
Folksoul is next week, which might be interesting. Who knows.VerTiGo said:Does Lost Odyssey get released before any significant PS3 RPGs (are there even any in the pipeline aside from the multiplatform Lost Remnant and FF13 and friends?)
jamesinclair said:PS3 9,481
Xbox360 7,583
A++ Would read again
womfalcs3 said:Folk Soul will increase sales this week for the PS3.
Delayed FFII bump?LanceStern said:In other news, is there any reason why the PSP increased its sales by almost 10,000 units from last week with no notable releases? No other console has had this sort of notable increase
The Sphinx said:A bump of 700 units. WOW.
Xeke said:It's a shame they chose to release it the same week as 2 new DS colors, Zelda and Itadaki.
schuelma said:Yeah..I thought it would do better than that.
What kind of bump are we talking next week..Gundabump or Sigmabump?
Cheesemeister said:You're seeing the Sigmabump: 700 units.
Cheesemeister said:You're seeing the Sigmabump: 700 units. Trustybump is 5000 units.
Xeke said:I'd say thats more of a nudge than a bump.
Or a twitch.Xeke said:I'd say thats more of a poke than a bump.
I said wow. I really thought the PS3 would get a nice bump of several thousand units, and the 360 would maybe double. 360 sales will drop through the floor again next week, but it does highlight just how poorly the PS3 is doing when the 360 is within 2,000 units. 0_oCheesemeister said:You're seeing the Sigmabump: 700 units. Trustybump is 5000 units.
Or a glitchThe Sphinx said:Or a twitch.
The Sphinx said:Or a twitch.
Xeke said:Would it have been a -bump if it somehow sold fewer than last week?
GhaleonEB said:I said wow. I really thought the PS3 would get a nice bump of several thousand units, and the 360 would maybe double.
Cheesemeister said:"What's 52 million times zero?! And don't tell me it's zero!"
Cheesemeister said:Nudge Gaiden Sigma?
It's a true NinjaBump.The Sphinx said:A bump of 700 units. WOW.
CPS3 emulator?Branduil said:Why the PSP bump?
PS3 - 9,481
360 - 7,583
Cheesemeister said:In fact, 360 sales more than tripled.
"What's 52 million times zero?! And don't tell me it's zero!"
Cheesemeister said:
PS2 11,974
PS3 9,481
Xbox360 7,583
angelfly said:Wow @ PS3 numbers. So what's the next "Wait for X" game for PS3? A couple more games like Trusty Bell and I think 360 might actually have a chance in Japan but maybe I'm being overly optimistic.
Hollywood_mIRC said:Wow, isn't this the PS2's worst numbers stretch in a long time? The mighty stalworth is finally dying off I think.
Hollywood_mIRC said:Wow, isn't this the PS2's worst numbers stretch in a long time? The mighty stalworth is finally dying off I think.
GaimeGuy said:So, the DS has a new color for next week, right?