GC was in third place last gen in both US and Europe, and I say 20 million is a pretty nice size niche. So I don't know where this myth that only 2nd place consoles can carve out niches comes from, but I assure you, it certainly is a myth.
Once again, I say Eternal Sonata, a Japanese game moved Japanese sales. Now you just saw a very miniscule bump by Oblivion, a Western game move Japanese sales. Call me crazy, but I just have to believe that at least 1 million Japanese will find SOMETHING out of what the rest of the world considers an incredible line-up....appealing to them too.
Halo 3, Ace Combat 6 and LO will all move sales. And each will appeal in different amounts but they will each move some consoles, as will just a general holiday season and any price drops MS does.
Look Halo 3 is only 1 month and a half away....If it moves hardware when it's released will you agree to concede the point?No bet. No threats. I just want you to concede the point.