You didn't, but you were making up excuses for Skyward Sword's and Majora's sales, while insisting on Wind Waker being the least successful 3D Zelda. It just isn't true. Wind Waker was released on the least successful Nintendo console period (well, until the Wii U) and still managed to sell nearly 5 million units worldwide. That's a respectable number no matter which way you look at it. At least that's the way I interpreted your post, I'm sorry if I judged your intent incorrectly.
For the record, I don't think that any 3D Zelda game really underperformed with the exception of Skyward Sword. Even just talking about Japan, I think that Twilight Princess's 500k sales are still a solid number.
Skyward Sword, while selling better than Majora's Mask internationally, just wasn't acceptable, though. For a game that was in development for 5 years it's just not acceptable to just sell slightly better than the worst-selling 3D entry.
(Also, duckroll and Fisico clearly misunderstood the intent of my post.
