-Soul Sacrifice (Exclusive) - Has potential and seems like it'll be pushed pretty hard by SCEJ, comes a month after DQVII which gives it time, just hope that MH4 doesn't come out in the same month. Maybe 200k sales
-Phantasy Star Online 2 (Port) - Maybe 50-100k?
-Tales of Hearts R (Remake) - Original sold 200k+ same as ToI, but remake of ToI only sold 50k on vita, around the same for this?
-One Piece Musou 2 (PS3/Vita) - First on PS3 sold 800k, 80/20 split sounds about right so 160k for vita if sales stay the same
-Project Versus J (PS3/Vita) - The DS games sold over 500k, assuming sales stay the same and 80/20 split, 100k or so
-Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki (PS3/Vita) - No idea
-Madou Monogatari (Exclusive) - No idea
-Dead or Alive 5 (Port) - Will sell more than the 360 version (I think)
-Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Plus (Port) - Maybe 10K
-Demon Gaze (Exclusive) - No idea
-Monster Monpiece (Exclusive) - No idea
Edit - From the community:
-God Eater 2 (PSP/Vita) - GE and GEB sold over 500k in Japan each, 80/20 split, so around 100k for vita version
-Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus (Exclusive)
-Valhalla Knights 3 (Port)
-Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Port)