Finish 3, forget 4 as best you can and I'll consider you well on the road back to sanity.MGS5 is the game that will get my to buy a PS4. I only played half of MGS3, but I loved MGS4 so I'm incredibly hyped for the next one.
La-li-lu-le-lo. Subscribing to this. It's always been one of my favorite series.
I'm going through Peace Walker right now for the first time, since I had no PSP to try it on. (I played Portable Ops on my brother's when it came out. It's better than most people give it credit for, but PW destroys it in every aspect.) Can't wait to pick up GZ.
Can someone explain MGR's storyline?
I just want to know what Senator what's his face was trying to accomplish, and why they had to do the 'bad guy' is actually the good guy, thing again. They really seemed to be stretching it if that's what they were going for.
Noooo! 4 was definitely a mess, but I just loved all the ability's at your disposal as a character.Finish 3, forget 4 as best you can and I'll consider you well on the road back to sanity.
Look just do what I say and you'll be whole in no time.Noooo! 4 was definitely a mess, but I just loved all the ability's at your disposal as a character.
I swear people on here are going to make me revisit MGS4, I had played every mgs in the month prior, and didn't see what was so bad about MGS4. Loved it at the time.
Maybe it was the hype surrounding it?
MGS4 is the one game in the series I have not ventured back to play a second time. Each time I see a thread about the series it makes me want to go back and give it another shot.
Question: Is the "Cipher" who is mentioned in GZ Major Zero or The Patriots? Because aren't they both nicknamed Cipher?
'Cipher' can apply to both.
So when they say "Where is Cipher?" which are they talking about?
So when they say "Where is Cipher?" which are they talking about?
I recommend watching the cutscenes on youtube or you know.. play the game.
It's a 4 hour game but it's probably the best 4 hour game ever made.
For the 2D format, how does it compare to MG2:SS for you? I can already tell you GB is a better game, but I'm curious how much better.
I swear people on here are going to make me revisit MGS4, I had played every mgs in the month prior, and didn't see what was so bad about MGS4. Loved it at the time.
Maybe it was the hype surrounding it?
I was randomly felt like seeing if I couldn't be terrible at these games so went to do the virtuous mission on normal mode instead of easy like I always play on. Couldn't get through any of the whopping 3 screens with guards in 'em without causing alert upon alert -_- Then I realized hey thats what happens to me on easy mode to! Therefor I confer to myself the following status!
Codename: Badrats
Rank: E
btw its silly how BB shrugs off gunshots and other wounds until he learns about the wonders of first aid. After which every little scratch cripples his health bar lol.
I'm kinda fine just thinking mgs1 is where it all ends. I played 2 as much, if not more than 1, but knowing what its really all about just sours the idea that it's a real continuation for Snake. TPP has a real shot at topping my all time favorite, 3. 4 is a ham fisted, convoluted, drawn out mess for me. God, the hype I had for that game going in...Is it true some fans consider MGS4 non canon?
Edit: BTW this is the only metal gear I actually got the Big Boss rank lol
Is it true some fans consider MGS4 non canon?
Edit: BTW this is the only metal gear I actually got the Big Boss rank lol
I'm kinda fine just thinking mgs1 is where it all ends. I played 2 as much, if not more than 1, but knowing what its really all about just sours the idea that it's a real continuation for Snake. TPP has a real shot at topping my all time favorite, 3. 4 is a ham fisted, convoluted, drawn out mess for me. God, the hype I had for that game going in...
MGS4 kinda poops on a lot of stuff from previous games by trying to incorporate every past character or element they could into the main plot, regardless of whether it's an appropriate use of that character or story element or not so I can see why some people would want to disregard it entirely even though it's completely impossible to do so now.
This, kojima should of at least made two more main games instead of cramming everything into one. Really didn't like how they made Snake old, yes I know he's a clone and he was programmed with fail safe genes but I would of loved to play young snake again instead of a dieing old man.
Yeah he basically made a sequel to MGS1, 2, and 3. I guess he really wanted to be done with the series after that.
So when they say "Where is Cipher?" which are they talking about?
Hey, I did play it. I just wanted some clarification. It seemed at the end that there could have been an understanding between them, but instead, they just got angry at each other.
I actually played it again a couple of days ago, to see if my love for it wasn't just hype, and "maybe those other guys may be right about some points?"
But nope. A great as ever. A true masterpiece. I decided I would play just the first Act and ended up playing up to the third in one sitting.
A real masterpiece. Haters can go swim on a pool of nanomachines.![]()
Yeah he basically made a sequel to MGS1, 2, and 3. I guess he really wanted to be done with the series after that.
Agreed. I think it was a closure try that went wrong.
All the talk about "nanomachines (son)"sounds to me as dull and empty as Star Wars "midichlorians"
this one!
Anyone else who are hiimdaisy fans here?
I would like to take a moment in this post to thank Pizza Hut for introducing this game in a free demo disc. You don't know how many hours I put into this demo, especially when I'm messing around with the Nikita missile launcher. XD
Check out my playlist here to see some Ground Zeroes speed runs (#1 on Xbox One leaderboards). I will add a few more over the next week as I get time to play the game.
I would like to take a moment in this post to thank Pizza Hut for introducing this game in a free demo disc. You don't know how many hours I put into this demo, especially when I'm messing around with the Nikita missile launcher. XD
I love this. Snake is a doofus.This part of the conversation that Snake has with Granin in MGS3 has me cracking up every time.