Is Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 available from the get go in Legacy collection? Or is it only unlockable through MGS3?
Only through MGS3
But you don't have to unlock
Is Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 available from the get go in Legacy collection? Or is it only unlockable through MGS3?
Is Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 available from the get go in Legacy collection? Or is it only unlockable through MGS3?
How do I pick MGS1 snake for déjà vu?
Hit left or right while selecting the Deja Vu mission.
Ocelot will be a Radio contact in TPP.
Doesn't work for me. Do I have to beat it with Big Boss first?
Okay so the only trophy I have left is unlocking all trials...
Is the marking every enemy stuff as utterly boring and tedious as it sounds? Is there some trick to getting it done quickly?
If it's as shitty as it looks to be there's no way I'm doing that.
Soldiers die too easily in the app. I'm never going to build a good army unless I mindlessly spam low level missions to rank them up to max.
It's as tedious as it sounds.
Then Ground Zeroes is getting put on the shelf. Too bad they couldn't have made more interesting trials, or at least made the marking ones not the ones you have to play to unlock the others.
You only have to do it once though, the trails on Hard are far, far better, and to unlock the rest of the hard trials you simply need to complete each mission on hard twice.
lol, this is getting annoying. Most of my 'heavy armor infantry' guys died and I have to go back and do like 30 rank F missions with each one to rank them up past level 1 so they don't die immediately (in Rank E, lol)
Also for some reason pairing them with Geckos always = death.
Yeah. I quit playing it, it's pointless.
I just finished MGS1 for the first time last night and it's aged really well, it's an amazing game. That being said I think 2&3 are better than it in every category (although 1 has better bosses than 2 overall). MGS1 had the silliest dialogue of the three, a few really frustrating bosses, and some obnoxious backtracking (especially the one towards the climax of the game). I like MGS2's way of handling backtracking a lot better.
Yeah, you have to S rank it and answer all questions correctly...
That one was all Kojima."Did you say nerd?"
s rank not necessary - i got it with a c rank...
Yeah, I love 3, but things like "virtual mission?" And the John Woo inspired, constant slo mo for the dumbest things really makes it drag story wise.What!?!
I think pretty much every MGS fan agrees that the dialogue in MGS1 was the best in the entire series especially because Jeremy Blaustein did the English translation which helped prevent any weird translation wonkiness found later on ("Did you say nerd?") and Kojima had yet to reach full blown, screw editing and brevity mode, when writing dialogue.
How hard is it to find all the XOF patches? I've got 2/9 and I'm hoping it's not too much of a chore?
I think pretty much every MGS fan agrees that the dialogue in MGS1 was the best in the entire series especially because Jeremy Blaustein did the English translation which helped prevent any weird translation wonkiness found later on ("Did you say nerd?") and Kojima had yet to reach full blown, screw editing and brevity mode, when writing dialogue.
Use a guide, they are impossible otherwise
The only one I couldn't find just by scouring the area wasI never would have found that one without looking it up.the one on Big Boss.
I think pretty much every MGS fan agrees that the dialogue in MGS1 was the best in the entire series especially because Jeremy Blaustein did the English translation which helped prevent any weird translation wonkiness found later on ("Did you say nerd?") and Kojima had yet to reach full blown, screw editing and brevity mode, when writing dialogue.
Not a big deal but to anyone who got the Premium Japanese edition with the Big Boss figure.
An MGS1 Solid Snake is on the way.
Kojima plays the translation department like a damn fiddle.
There's already a Play-arts Kai MGS1 Snake.
Is it a new one, or do you mean it will look like the PS1 model?
The line will live on...through this arm!
Still I agree that MGS1 has the better dialogue of all MGS games and has the best performance of David Hayter.
Currently renting this from gamestop and I gotta admit, I started smiling the first time I barely escaped being sighted. Probably going to end up keeping this. Does the guard count go up with the difficulty? The map is kind of big but on normal you kind of have to go near soldiers to feel any tension.
Is the version on the PS4 Legacy a straight remake?
I'd really love to play an updated MGS1. Not Twin Snakes version (which I haven't played), but something that is a straight remake while incorporating the added gameplay elements of later games.
Rumours from E3 2013 suggest Kojima is looking into remaking 1 on FoxEngine.That's basically Twin Snakes.
Use a guide, they are impossible otherwise
I accidentally read your spoiler tag. That is such a Kojima thing to do, I just got it now. Hilariously over-dramatic little cutscene to go with it too haha. No way I would've found that.The only one I couldn't find just by scouring the area wasI never would have found that one without looking it up.the one on Big Boss.
Nothing wrong with that line.The worst line and delivery for me is Raiden going "what chu say??" to the fucking president of the United States after he explains a super serious and surreal plot on how the Patriots are running the world behind the scenes.'s already a Play-arts Kai MGS1 Snake.
Is it a new one, or do you mean it will look like the PS1 model?
Revoltech Rising Raiden and PW Big Boss already released, GZ Big Boss came in the Japanese Premium edition (Playarts GZ Big Boss released in some other edition)
Revoltech, much smaller than Playarts with better articulation(you can even move the eyes).
Revoltech Rising Raiden and PW Big Boss already released, GZ Big Boss came in the Japanese Premium edition (Playarts GZ Big Boss released in some other edition)
Playarts already made Solid but now Revoltech is making one,
similar aesthetic but its likely to fix the scale and Chun-li thighs that Playarts had.
The recruited soldiers in the Mother Base simulator die way to much. Can barely keep my barracks filled, and have resorted to spamming the hell out of the first two F ranked missions to get a few whatever the currency is called.
Any tips for these enemy marking trials? Just to to the end to GZ 37/39 thinking that the last two would be after the cutscene... Well they were except it added to my total and now I'm left with what I thought was a fully marked base except I'm 3 short and I don't know where.