Oh my gooood how do you disable claymores?
Crawl next to the side that doesn't look red and use the same button that you use to pick up items.
WordIt's the best MGS game I've played in terms of gameplay (i.e. the bit that actually matters).
I found a google doc on GameFAQs with some good info for the VR Motherbase from the app. Has some unit stats, which is useful.
Is this for TPP Motherbase? This looks like it will be just like Peace Walker (which is awesome).
Wait this looks like Trial stuff. Boo.
Do we have sales data for this game yet??? Im interesting is seeing what the sales are like for a game with this business model.
Also, after playing Ground Zeroes, I think it'd be awesome if the next Rising game was built in the Fox Engine. I'd like to see if they could try to mix in the action in Rising with the Stealth in Ground Zeroes.
You're able to take out security cameras with a magazine in reflex mode:
I haven't seen anyone throw this theory out there about why Ground Zeroes exists as a separate $30 product instead of being a cheap $5-$15 thing like Case Zero or just being part of The Phantom Pain... but I've thought about it a little bit...
I remember Kojima said early on when they announced Fox Engine that they wanted to get into a rhythm where they were able to make a Metal Gear game every 2 years-- he was looking at the way western developers were churning out sequels every other year and wanted to get to that point.
Peace Walker was actually the first foray into turning around a Metal Gear Solid game very quickly-- it wasn't Fox Engine but they were able to put that game out less than 2 years after MGS4.
The next game was supposed to be Metal Gear Solid: Rising, which was potentially targeted for 2012 and was supposed to be the first Fox Engine game. However, we all know that went bad and they had to turn to Platinum games which turned around a game in 1 year. It was an incredible feat but I'm sure Konami took a big loss because not only did they have to scrap a few years of work on Rising, but it probably was also a setback to the development of Fox Engine.
I don't know if Ground Zeroes was originally planned as a separate title or not-- but after the cancellation of the original Rising, I imagine that played a bit role in them deciding to make Ground Zeroes a $30-40 product to try to recoup the losses from Rising and the development of the Fox Engine, and also to try to build some hype for MGS5. Platinum's Rising was not really a traditional Metal Gear game so I think some of us definitely needed a reminder as to why we loved MGS in the first place.
I do think they were super successful in building up hype for MGS5 just because this is the best playing Metal Gear Solid game IMO, yet the real thing to love about MGS games is the cutscenes and we barely got a sniff of that in this game. The Phantom Pain has a super intriguing setup and I cannot wait to see how it plays out.
Also, after playing Ground Zeroes, I think it'd be awesome if the next Rising game was built in the Fox Engine. I'd like to see if they could try to mix in the action in Rising with the Stealth in Ground Zeroes.
You're able to take out security cameras with a magazine in reflex mode:
This made me put reflex mode back on to try it, and wow I hadn't realized how much easier the game is with it on. Its like night and day. You can just run around the map and if you get spotted it's not really a big deal because you just pop them in the head. I think I much prefer the game with it off.
This made me put reflex mode back on to try it, and wow I hadn't realized how much easier the game is with it on. Its like night and day. You can just run around the map and if you get spotted it's not really a big deal because you just pop them in the head. I think I much prefer the game with it off.
So do I have this right...
I need two trophies - obtain all cassettes and unlock all trials. I just finished marking all enemies in every mission on normal. Now all I need to do is complete every mission twice on hard... That will unlock the last tape and trials?
Metagearsolid.org is doing a series of articles on Ground Zeroes. The first examines the marketing and confusion of Ground Zeroes:
This might be old news already but I haven't been able to find anyone talking about it. MetalGearInformer.com did an interview with Hideo Kojima a few days ago where he said the cut scene when you rescue Chico has variations. Has anyone seen a different version of this cut scene after rescuing some of the pows or all of them before Chico. I haven't had a chance to test my theory yet but I believe that after rescuingall the pows before Chico I think snake doesn't choke him out and Chico already trusts him.
This might be old news already but I haven't been able to find anyone talking about it. MetalGearInformer.com did an interview with Hideo Kojima a few days ago where he said the cut scene when you rescue Chico has variations. Has anyone seen a different version of this cut scene after rescuing some of the pows or all of them before Chico. I haven't had a chance to test my theory yet but I believe that after rescuingall the pows before Chico I think snake doesn't choke him out and Chico already trusts him.
Metagearsolid.org is doing a series of articles on Ground Zeroes. The first examines the marketing and confusion of Ground Zeroes:
This has been discussed and misunderstood soo many times, its starting to get old. Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain might still be a year away, who really knows accept the dev team atm and Peace Walker came out in June, 2010 (4 years ago and maybe 5-6 years from the release date TPP). Point IS: Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes was released to please fans and give them a chance to play the new fox engine and see what TPP's open world game play is like. Kojima says its so players wont be clueless when TPP comes out basically but metal gear's game play has always been about multiple routes and ways to do things. The price is unfortunate but Konami saw their chance, atleast the lowered retail in the end.
Ground Zeroes was a small portion of a larger game and something rarely seen from developers before and I loved it.
TPP will be out this time next year. They accidently revealed it on their website re: the free DLC for those that played GZ.
I know this is a stealth game first and foremost but I really wish they would improve on the physical act of shooting in these games. Shooting your gun doesn't feel satisfying at al and the enemy hit reactions feel like you're shooting through paper