Got the image up for you guys, big enough for ya?![]()
Thank you? New wallpaper for my work pc!
Disappointed there is no preorder option on PS4 PSN. How many GB is this anyways?
Got the image up for you guys, big enough for ya?![]()
I believe you can. The options available are pretty extensive, you can basically disable the HUD completely if I'm not mistaken.
One thing that bothered me though was if you choose to invert X-Axis of the camera (which I like to do in third person free camera games) then it's also inverted in first person and while aiming... which is crazy and makes the option unsuable. Some games offer a separate setting for aiming and third person camera, but not here.
Another thing, not sure if it's a bug or intentional, but if you throw magazines (empty bullet containers) to lure or distract enemies while you're far away then it doesn't work. Even if the magazine lands a foot away from the soldier he won't react unless you're hiding within a certain range from him.
This is PS3 version.
I don't want to pay full price for how short this is....but god damnit I want to play it.
I'm kinda sad the game is basically upresd 1080p60fs compared to the last-gen version.
So is it still 30$ for the PS4 digital version?
So after watching a bunch of playthroughs, I'm assuming this is the full control scheme (PS4)?
L2: Aim
R2: CQC / Fire weapon while aiming
L1: Call / Talk
R1: Binoculars
D-pad: quick select weapons and items... hold for full menu (?)
X: crouch / lay down
Square: Dive while moving (?)
O: Pick up weapons and bodies (?)
Triangle: Special actions like climbing
L3: Sprint
Is this accurate? Also, how customizable are the controls? I could've sworn I saw somebody using X as their Action Button, instead of triangle.
I'm kinda sad the game is basically upresd 1080p60fs compared to the last-gen version.
So after watching a bunch of playthroughs, I'm assuming this is the full control scheme (PS4)?
Wow, thanks for that write up.Stuff
You can choose between 4 control types named: Action Type A, Action Type B, Shooter Type A, and Shooter Type B.
Which only affect the functions of the face buttons and R1. The rest is pretty much uncustomizable.
Thanks guys. Really can't wait to try it out myself.I think that's right, also you can hold R3 to zoom/peek.
I have a real problem with the tag here..
It should be the other way around at least since Peace Walker.
"Big Boss. A former hero once known by the code name "Snake".
Edit: If it is meant to be read like, yeah, we are looking back, this is Snake, known at the time of GZ as Big Boss, I guess it's fine then.
Think about where we are in his history and relation to the United States government, the ones that bestowed upon him the title of Big Boss, and you'll have your answer.
I don't think you've played Peace Walker.
Yep, the next gen tax.
I have a real problem with the tag here..
It should be the other way around at least since Peace Walker.
"Big Boss. A former hero once known by the code name "Snake".
Edit: If it is meant to be read like, yeah, we are looking back, this is Snake, known at the time of GZ as Big Boss, I guess it's fine then.
I don't think you've played Peace Walker, haha. He willingly calls himself Big Boss at the end; no care for the fact that the government gave it to him.
I did, and at the end there is that moment where he says, "Yeah, that's right. From now on, call me Big Boss."
I'm just throwing that out there as a counterpoint to why the title card might say that. Or hell, it might just be so people remember he's Snake. Or maybe I'm just looking for something to argue about 'cause I'm stuck working over the weekend.
I did, and at the end there is that moment where he says, "Yeah, that's right. From now on, call me Big Boss."
I'm just throwing that out there as a counterpoint to why the title card might say that. Or hell, it might just be so people remember he's Snake. Or maybe I'm just looking for something to argue about 'cause I'm stuck working over the weekend.
to clarify, he is 'formerly Code Named Big Boss' as he has defected and left the title, even if he is referred to it or prefers to go by it. Overly complicated histories, ho!
Ah, you threw this in after my quote. I see so it's "code named" = official U.S. government designation. So at this point in time he is classified as snake by the govt? weird since i thought he only had that code name for the one mission?
Ah, you threw this in after my quote. I see so it's "code named" = official U.S. government designation. So at this point in time he is classified as snake by the govt? weird since i thought he only had that code name for the one mission?
Yes. It should be Big Boss: a former hero known by code name snake. It's milking the snake name at this point. In game it would be cool if they made it where certain people call him snake but it should be Big Boss first at this point in the timeline.
I mean he technically doesn't have the codename of Big Boss since he left US. People switch it up calling him Snake, Boss, Big Boss, all throughout PW. Technically he is formerly formally Big Boss.
Any news on if you can aim in first person? That was my biggest issue with peace walker.
Great to hear, was concerned since no gameplay videos showed it off.You totally can.
The FOX engine seems to be really good for scaling between generations.
this. though i'm excited to see how fox engine looks on current consoles without a last gen versionOr, KojiPro made a game for old consoles and just added minimal polish for nextgen.
I'm surprised everything down to where the light is bouncing off of snake is exactly the same, just running at different resolutions and frame rates.
The FOX engine seems to be really good for scaling between generations.
Holy crap, now I'm curious about the rest of the game.PS3:
I'm surprised everything down to where the light is bouncing off of snake is exactly the same, just running at different resolutions and frame rates.
The FOX engine seems to be really good for scaling between generations.
MGS V isn't being released for PS3/Xbox 360, right?
That would be rough. I think it's just Kojima using name recognition. I could have quoted about 6 or more posts that make sense too. It's just at this point I would think based on the end of PW he would be Big Boss especially given where we are heading in the timeline. And when these moments are referenced in past releases/future events he is Big Boss. But the whole point of in game name changing is cool when it comes from different characters that knew him at different points in his life too. damn!I think it's just for the sake of audience recognition. If you look at Peace Walker his name depends on who is addressing him. Kaz calls him a combination of Snake and Boss, a lot of the MSF soldiers call him Vic Boss or just Boss, Chico calls him Boss/Snake, Coldman calls him Big Boss, etc.
If we really want to be completely thorough, it would be
The man once code named Naked Snake, who was then given the code name Big Boss, who then left the US Gov't and was Snake/Vic Boss/Big Boss and Legendary Soldier who founded MSF
And that makes for a terrible title card.
MGS V isn't being released for PS3/Xbox 360, right?
That would be rough. I think it's just Kojima using name recognition. I could have quoted about 6 or more posts that make sense too. It's just at this point I would think based on the end of PW he would be Big Boss especially given where we are heading in the timeline. And when these moments are referenced in past releases/future events he is Big Boss. But the whole point of in game name changing is cool when it comes from different characters that knew him at different points in his life too. damn!
Releasing TPP on PS3/360 just seems silly and a waste of resources. 360 barely has anything going for it now, and by the time MGSV releases we'll be a good year or two into the new generation. What was coming out for the PS2 in 2008? Sports games and movie tie-ins.
We'll see in a years time.
The Phantom Pain is a 2015/2016 game. Despite the official line, I think they'll end up abandoning the last-gen versions. That's a lot of effort for a game of TPP supposed scale, + Metal Gear Online 3. I also think that the 60fps goal will be abandoned when Kojima & Co see games like The Division.