Everything we've been told is that it will be close to release, but no set release date. Take that as you will.
Hope it goes up Monday, so we can have it installed and ready to go.
Everything we've been told is that it will be close to release, but no set release date. Take that as you will.
Hahaha, kinda. There is no version of my position in Japan.
Care to elaborate on this? I think it looks like it plays great in video.
Anyone know if you can turn off the button prompts?
So what are the chances of this popping up on the PSN store at midnight on the 18th?
Hmm... can you toggle off X-Rays/Seeing through objects?In-game options menu, Display Settings:
Subtitle Display
Trial Record Display
Marker Display
Reticle Display
Enemy Presence Display
Damage Direction Display
Action Icon Display
Show Weapon/Item Icons
All options can be toggled on and off.![]()
No such luck for PS4 store. We'll have to wait until 5PM EST when the store updates most likely![]()
Hmm... can you toggle off X-Rays/Seeing through objects?
Big Boss is essentially his US military rank. So he's often referred to that by 'officials' and referred to as Snake by comrades.
He probably never really accepts the title because he doesn't think he's above The Boss, and he doesn't ally with America. So that's why he is "formerly" Big Boss, because that's a code name he abandoned. Until the end of... but Kojima's going to Kojima, I suppose.Peace Walker
Interesting! I haven't heard that.
Is it true there's a new TPP trailer coming out for the GZ launch?
I'll see what I can do.
This is just speculation but it's feeling a lot to me like the Phantom Pain is going to end up explaining how Big Boss goes from being a branded war criminal to returning to the United States and reclaiming his position as FOXHOUND's Commanding Officer in the timeline.Yeah, I think I can live with that explanation. Let's see how it unfolds.
[citation needed]There was a new TPP trailer after the credits for GZ.
Obviously we're not allowed to post it in here, but there isn't any new footage. That's why you haven't heard anything.[citation needed]
seriously though, i've spoiled the game for myself but i've heard nothing about a new trailer.
There was a new TPP trailer after the credits for GZ.
This is just speculation but it's feeling a lot to me like the Phantom Pain is going to end up explaining how Big Boss goes from being a branded war criminal to returning to the United States and reclaiming his position as FOXHOUND's Commanding Officer in the timeline.
I suppose to Kojima, it makes more sense if he doesn't really take the Big Boss name until then, as opposed to right now like they hinted before as they can do a full circle thing with MGS3 where he was formally given the title, abandoned the name (and the United States), and then returns to the U.S and reclaims the title. And by continuing calling him Snake again for now, you create a more poignant ending for his arc with him finally ditching the codename once and for all and it being passed over to Solid Snake.
that might explain it. eh, i'll wait in that case.Obviously we're not allowed to post it in here, but there isn't any new footage. That's why you haven't heard anything.
It has cool music. That's about itthat might explain it. eh, i'll wait in that case.
[citation needed]
seriously though, i've spoiled the game for myself but i've heard nothing about a new trailer.
I believe they're one and the same. PS4/Xbox One version plays after the credits but is blocked in streams, whereas PS3/360 owners get a download code for it that can't be accessed until the 18th and they advise not to watch it until you've completed the game.It's out there, I'd started thinking the description was an invention because none of the leaks showed it. It's basically just bits from the gdc trailer with some new title cards, but I heard rumours of a new trailer online soon, not sure if that's true.
I believe they're one and the same. PS4/Xbox One version plays after the credits but is blocked in streams, whereas PS3/360 owners get a download code for it that can't be accessed until the 18th and they advise not to watch it until you've completed the game.
This is just speculation but it's feeling a lot to me like the Phantom Pain is going to end up explaining how Big Boss goes from being a branded war criminal to returning to the United States and reclaiming his position as FOXHOUND's Commanding Officer in the timeline.
I suppose to Kojima, it makes more sense if he doesn't really take the Big Boss name until then, as opposed to right now like they hinted before as they can do a full circle thing with MGS3 where he was formally given the title, abandoned the name (and the United States), and then returns to the U.S and reclaims the title. And by continuing calling him Snake again for now, you create a more poignant ending for his arc with him finally ditching the codename once and for all and it being passed over to Solid Snake.
licensed or original?It has cool music. That's about it![]()
probably a new trailer for gdc.It's out there, I'd started thinking the description was an invention because none of the leaks showed it. It's basically just bits from the gdc trailer with some new title cards, but I heard rumours of a new trailer online soon, not sure if that's true.
Fucking Wednesday feels like a lifetime away. Took the day off work even.
[citation needed]
seriously though, i've spoiled the game for myself but i've heard nothing about a new trailer.
There is no way that's a spoiler lol. He didn't even say what happened in the trailer, just that there was one.err, spoiler?
licensed or original?
So I'm in the PS3 store right now and I see Ground Zeroes, it costs 19.99 and stuff. Is it just the pre-order or is it the actual game, or is it something really different.
The digital version for the PS3 is 19.99. It's the full Ground Zeroes game, exactly the same as the retail versions. Only it's 10 bucks cheaper because KONAMI LOL.
One thing that always bothered me about the Metal Gear canon was (MG1 and MG2 spoilers). It didn't seem to make much sense, but here's a sequence of events in The Phantom Pain that I think could justify that idea.the idea that Big Boss was the leader of FOXHOUND, and of Outer Heaven
- Ground Zeroes happens.
- Ocelot brings Big Boss back to America. There he returns to FOXHOUND, and the 'Diamond Dogs' division of FOXHOUND is born (the logo of Diamond Dogs is a Rhodesian Ridgeback, which is a Hound native to Africa, very similar looking to an American Foxhound).
- This Diamond Dog division is initially comprised of Big Boss and Ocelot. Perhaps other members like Frank Jaegar (who, according to the Metal Gear canon, has to be a member of FOXHOUND).
- Diamond Dogs goes to rescue Kaz. They also track down members like Huey Emmerich (Ground Zeroes mild spoilers).had to of survived the attack of Mother Base, suspiciously
- This Diamond Dogs division ends up growing under Big Boss and Master Miller's leadership, whilst also technically being a division with FOXHOUND (explaining Miller's association with that unit later on as a Drill Sergeant).
- This 'second' FOXHOUND grows into Outer Heaven, whilst Big Boss also remains officially part of the major FOXHOUND. This would explain, perhaps, Miller's knowledge of Big Boss' actions when you talk to him in MG2.
Okay, this made me lose it. LOL.So this whole game is essentially how Big Boss harasses a military base for weeks since you can essentially just keep doing missions that all take place on it and around it for tons of hours?
Would like to know this, as well, especially if it applies to the digital edition.Is it true that pre-ordering GZ on PS3 gives you Peace Walker for free?
So this whole game is essentially how Big Boss harasses a military base for weeks since you can essentially just keep doing missions that all take place on it and around it for tons of hours?
Not sure. It has an exotic feel to it (the last bits of the music), so it could be tied to Africa. But if it's licensed, then they don't mention the source like Kojima did in the previous trailers. So I hope it's new.
It's more of a teaser. It doesn't last long.
Guess I'll go buy it now. Thank you! I prefer to have all my MGS games digital, yeah I'm weird but no matter how bad it is I just enjoy them.
Is it true that pre-ordering GZ on PS3 gives you Peace Walker for free?
Ugh, this sounds so bad. I had enough trouble dealing with him popping to cover, but now he full on stands.The side missions are (with 1 very short exception) all around the same length as GZ or a bit shorter. Some of them are very good, particularly the one just underneath GZ. I've found a number of different weapons/vehicles, can't say for sure how many there are.
For the most part it plays more intuitively than any MGS before it, but a couple of bizarre design choices keep it from reaching its potential. For example, while crawling on the ground, touching a wall or other obstacle will sometimes- but far from all the time- cause your character to sit up. It's not like the old mgs games where they squat into cover, either. It seems to happen for no reason, and it's gotten me spotted
Another issue which is probably an extension of this: on the ground, you can aim and strafe, and when you click the left stick ("dash button") on top of this combo you will roll from side to side. A bit more intuitive than it was in mgs4, but once again if you hit a wall it will cause your character to.... GET UP AND START SPRINTING! since you're holding sprint, which is GUARANTEED to get your character spotted by anyone in a 100 yard radius. VERY frustrating to sacrafice your ranking just because the game insisted on making such a nonsensical decision. Bottom line, when the player chooses to crawl they should be locked on the ground until they hit the stance button again. Seems like common sense.
There are others but those are the ones that stuck out most. Cover is extremely stubborn. What the game needs is either a mgs 1-3 system where it's very clear you're in cover and you're fixed in it until you cancel, or an uncharted type system where a button press has the same effect. This tomb raider auto cover thing is just not cutting it. It's stubborn about when you can get into cover, and once you're in, don't even think about moving around. So you want to sidle over to the corner of a wall to peek around the corner? You better be damn careful as you approach that edge, because the game doesn't just cut you off before you expose yourself like every other mgs- you'll get spotted as soon as one polygon passes the corner.
This might not be a big problem if you were able to very slowly move your character like in mgs 3 and 4, but it seems to be, you push the control stick 20% in the direction and nothing happens, push further to 40% and nothing happens, go to 60% and suddenly he just hurls himself forward. There seem to be only 2 speeds - half press and full press, and it's not very fun trying to slowly approach those corners when all I can seem to do is clumsily flick myself around.
There also seem to be a couple of strange bugs (ps3 version). Mostly when you're spotted, you can run away and hide, if they lose sight of you they'll go into search mode within a few minutes. Well sometimes they just keep firing at the place you were spotted. I snuck all the way around the base and watched from far behind their backs as they shot at nothing. Totally concealed. When all of a sudden, they immediately all knew where I was for no reason, and all came slowly running across the base towards my completely obscured location.... that was weird.
In spite of all this I think the engine really shows a lot of potential. You can tell it will really shine in an open-world context. I'm being critical because I want TPP to be as good as it can possibly be. As for story/Sutherland impressions, I will save it until everyone else has the game