Kojima is the George Lucas of gaming.
How do you pull out the midichlorians explain all twice? First nanomachines and now parasites.
Here's my thoughts 1/3 through:
I think this may be the best single player game I've ever played, gameplay wise that is. Maybe I'll get burnt or later but 18 missions down and 60 side ops done plus a handful of replays for S ranks, I love it. Can't wait to unlock the rest of the equipment. Side ops are fantastic if you treat them like a giant sandbox to experiment in, which has always been my favorite part of this series...apart from the story.
Yeah, the story is weak and in sure it'll be disappointing, but god damn is this game incredibly fun to play.
I think the key for me is play for stealth but didn't be afraid to get your hands dirty.
Mission 13 and 18 are my favorites so far. Fucking awesome stuff.
No. Not all all.
Just finished act 1. I'm amazed that Skull Face was basically anon exist any villain. I mean he showed up in like 3 cutscenes, never really did anything, and had the lamest death ever.
Story wise, is act 2 better?
Kojima is the George Lucas of gaming.How do you pull out the midichlorians explain all twice? First nanomachines and now parasites.
Yeah. I'm a bit disappointed thatJust finished act 1. I'm amazed that Skull Face was basically anon exist any villain. I mean he showed up in like 3 cutscenes, never really did anything, and had the lamest death ever.
Story wise, is act 2 better?
2 questions gaf...
1. Where do i find a transport specialist, i have a few with that icon but says 0 if i want to upgrade the fulton. Im on mission 8...
People are seriously confusing this thread for the spoiler thread at this point. Pft.
Stupid question but how do I make FOBs?
No it's far worse, however there are some cool moments that are worth seeing.
Gameplay wise it is a massive drop-off, for reasons that will become quickly apparent.
Alright. Mission 46 done. Is their anything after this? Any other big cutscenes?anything with Eli and the Metal Gear he stole?
ENDGAME SPOILERS:That's it, the Eli resolution was cut out of the game, you can find the cut Mission 51 early footage on Youtube.
You have to progress in the story...I think past Mission 22 or near there.
I can sell precious metals without them needed for construction yes? Sitting on 3k of them atm.
So how do you know how toLate 20's mission spoilers.quarantine the infected at mother base when the infection is spreading?
There are certain bionic arm upgrades you get later on that require precious metals to equip and to research
it's the zone of the enders arm, the one that gives you the wisp ability from zoe 2
Anyone know,
What do I need to do other than have 100 Bond with Quiet to get the Rain Scene?
I don't know who thought it was a good idea to make chapter 2 be all old missions but with insane handicaps.
It's clear that they ran out of time or money. It wasn't some sort of artistic/design decision.
So can buddies die permanently? Is there any way to protect against this? I'm so paranoid when D-Dog is running around and gets shot.
Probably Konami wouldn't fund MGSV anymore. I mean Kojima had to launch Ground Zeroes just so they can have money already for MGSV, so it's probably Konami decided that MGSV won't get any fund after the 70$ million they already spent.