So how do you know how toLate 20's mission spoilers.quarantine the infected at mother base when the infection is spreading?
My emblem keeps ruining cutscenes in the best way.
Finally better than all of you.
Foxhound worthy.
Pfft...Your accuracy sucks and you had to use retries.
You mostly have to command her. On the map, you can send her to scout or attack a site. I always send her to scout ahead of me so everything is marked off when I get there.
Need a rocket launcher to complete Mission 9 and 10 I think but can only get my R&D to level 10.
No but really jokes aside, MGSV is easy once snake gets access tohis psychokinesis powers, since it kind of breaks the game :V
For situations like this at least :3
This is NOT how you do fucking spoiler tags.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I bought the game a few hours ago and after 90 minutes I asked for a refund. I know I would probably love the gameplay but I cant get past the intro, I feel very frustrated when a game constantly gives and takes away the control from me and this intro is just that. A shame.
This is NOT how you do fucking spoiler tags.
Jesus fucking Christ.
I'm out of this thread.
I bought the game a few hours ago and after 90 minutes I asked for a refund. I know I would probably love the gameplay but I cant get past the intro, I feel very frustrated when a game constantly gives and takes away the control from me and this intro is just that. A shame.
Doing the c2w side mission and suddenly can't extract anything to motherbase. Did I miss something?
. ?
How do I become Smelly Big Boss? I want to see that bucket cutscene from the demo. I've tried just running missions over and over but it looks like I get washed off by the rain lol.
No but really jokes aside, MGSV is easy once snake gets access tohis psychokinesis powers, since it kind of breaks the game :V
For situations like this at least :3
Better screenshot of what it can do http://images.akamai.steamuserconte...311/D49A0893A98581CAA944FCE2CE344D86D308A27B/
So I'm guessing anyone spazzing over that picture completely missed my post not even 10 above saying I've learned how to clip out of the map.
Well, guess I should clarify now since people are worried I mentioned a plot detail- that wasn't serious.
So I'm guessing anyone spazzing over that picture completely missed my post not even 10 above saying I've learned how to clip out of the map.
Well, guess I should clarify now since people are worried I mentioned a plot detail- that wasn't serious.
Dumpster diving. I hid in one for all of three seconds before I remembered that was a thing, bailed out of the dumpster. Was too late ;-;
I feel dumb now![]()
Out of Fultons? MB at max capacity?
Question: so snake and ocelot go from being rivals in snake eater, to being buddies in MGSV. How did this happen?
Question: so snake and ocelot go from being rivals in snake eater, to being buddies in MGSV. How did this happen?
is there a way to tell which outposts you have cleared? I just noticed there were achievements for clearing them all. I just ran into one, killed everyone, blew up a truck that was driving in...but it didnt say outpost captured or anything.
Dunno. The menus aren't very intuitive for me.i see something that says 20/30 next to a people symbol, but to the left of that it says people x 26. It's early so I'll keep playing. What's a Fulton?
How do you even bear in this game? Is it a supply drop?Its cool how Kojima puts in all those easter egg stuff, in his previous works.
But is also impressive how people find these things.
Also seeing people being creative and trying new ways to beat missions.
Someone releasing a bear in an enemy base was mind blowing.
Why couldn't I think of that...
The depth of this game really changes depending on the users creativity.
And thats what impresses me.
what is this FOB stuff? Is it multiplayer?
Question about side ops that aren't labeled IMPORTANT SIDE OPS: Can I grind these out and listen to a podcast or something? Or are they filled with cool MGS lore
plz help