Do some regular side ops and more story mission should pop up.
As for the last point, keep playing.
Yeah, I still have some Wandering MSF ops that keep popping up.
Do some regular side ops and more story mission should pop up.
As for the last point, keep playing.
What is this? If I have it too I probably won't bother.
Damnit, damnit, damnit.
Spoilers all the way up to mission 30
Then comes the parasites. I rush every mission back-to-back as fast as I could until cure is found, but still all my platforms go from ~115 to ~65 - 75 staff. That means 30 - 40% of my total manpower was killed by the parasite and there was not a damn thing I could do? That's at least 200 soldiers dead, but the number may be closer to 300.
Can I build a bond with a buddy during a regular side op mission or is it only possible during the main campaign? It's just that I think that I never got a "bond increased" message after finishing a side op.
Thanks, guess I'll keep taking Quiet until I can unlock the silencer, she is pretty useless with her loud guns during main missions, I'd rather take D-Dog as he is a better spotter and can hold onto an enemy without setting off the alarm.Yup, you can.
Thanks, guess I'll keep taking Quiet until I can unlock the silencer, she is pretty useless with her loud guns during main missions, I'd rather take D-Dog as he is a better spotter and can hold onto an enemy without setting off the alarm.
From my experience she isn't marking anyone, only the ones she can see from her position, D-Dog literally marks ANYONE that is near me, including sleeping soldiers that are inside the buildings (which Quiet can't mark), I had quite a few surprises with Quiet's markings while D-Dog always saw everything.Yeah she becomes a lot better after you get the silencer (too good, actually) but she's still useful as a scout as well. Open the iDroid and send her ahead to the mission area to scout it out, she will tag the enemies, prisoners etc. and unlike D-Dog, Quite is actually marking everyone so they show up on your iDroid map.
From my experience she isn't marking anyone, only the ones she can see from her position, D-Dog literally marks ANYONE that is near me, including sleeping soldiers that are inside the buildings (which Quiet can't mark), I had quite a few surprises with Quiet markings while D-Dog always saw everything.
(And yea I know how to command her to scout after Ive asked in this thread)
I haven't unlocked the silencer yet, but Quiet's loud guns are pretty useful in my experience.
Very easy to stay undetected when every single soldier is looking the same direction. Even if they're looking in your direction, it seems like their ability to see you is diminished because they're so distracted by shooting their guns upwards.
Is anyone doing an OT for MGO?
Yes, PrinceOfWhatever is making it
damn straight, right now
I was told to keep eye on staff, but that we'd have no idea how to identify the disease and by the time they would show any signs they would already have to be quarantined. Or in other words, I would have to randomly select people to be quarantined in hopes that I get lucky and guess right. So what am I going to do? Every two minutes check my list of hundreds of staff until situation is solved? Spend time in mother base and randomly walk around in hopes of seeing something? There didn't seem to be any point so I just tried to rush the missions.
I don't know if it was normal, but to give some frame of reference: every "event tick" another 30+ soldiers got sick and were transferred to quarantine (things extracted arriving at mother base for example). It started out with 2 soldiers every "tick", but it escalated fast.
If there was an easy way to identify the sick, I didn't notice it.
damn straight, right now
Everyone agrees that it was a huge pain in the ass gameplay-wise, though I personally thought it was a neat idea to have your base "attacked" like this and have you play detective a little bit to save your soldiers. It's a shame you basically missed this whole episode and got punished for it.
I cannot for the life of me understand why they don't give you an option to filter by language. I had like 800 soldiers--I'm really expected to go through every one, pause for a few seconds to determine if they speak a language, and then move them to quarantine? Who thought an hour plus of literal data entry would be a good use of the player's time? Biggest gripe with the game so far (about to tackle mission 30).
WTF did Kojima think when he created that rain-scenewith Quiet dancing in the rain and splashing water in Snake's face?
"Teens like to fap, right?"WTF did Kojima think when he created that rain-scenewith Quiet dancing in the rain and splashing water in Snake's face?
Yup, pretty stupid UI oversight that marred that whole episode.I cannot for the life of me understand why they don't give you an option to filter by language. I had like 800 soldiers--I'm really expected to go through every one, pause for a few seconds to determine if they speak a language, and then move them to quarantine? Who thought an hour plus of literal data entry would be a good use of the player's time? Biggest gripe with the game so far (about to tackle mission 30).
WTF did Kojima think when he created that rain-scenewith Quiet dancing in the rain and splashing water in Snake's face?
I liked it especially since Its the only scene where the characters feel genuinely happy being together
Yup. Just fulton or chopper out or leave the mission area.When I redo a main misson I already did, just to get a bluprint or a side mission of this main mission:
Can I return to base without having done the main task or is all achievement lost?
When I redo a main misson I already did, just to get a bluprint or a side mission of this main mission:
Can I return to base without having done the main task or is all achievement lost?
Question regarding close to end game:
So I just beat mission 31 and finished chapter 2. Is it possible for me to completely skip doing the harder version of previous missions? I have no interest in doing those.
I tried to redo mission 28, because I read that the Brennon-sniper rifle would be in the house, yet I can't find anything.
The mission overview tells me that the blueprints should be there..
What is this? If I have it too I probably won't bother.
For any blueprint that shows up only in missions (ex: Stun Grenade blueprint for Mission 14):
If you grabbed the blueprint and then GameOver/Restart before the auto-save occur, the blueprint is gone forever.
So you'll never be able to finish the collectibles trophy.
I tried to redo mission 28, because I read that the Brennon-sniper rifle would be in the house, yet I can't find anything.
The mission overview tells me that the blueprints should be there..
What's the max level you can upgrade your units? 60? Or can it go higher?
Does that glitch happen even if you just revert to a checkpoint? Without dying or restarting a mission entirely?
That's some stupid lazy programming considering how well everything else seems to be coded in the game.
Just finished mission 42 and im done playing this trash of a game.
repeated side ops are bad enough but repeating main missions in harder difficulty is just shitty.
Going to watch the rest of cutscenes on youtube or something.
5/10 and im being generous because it runs really well and its pretty to look at.
I just extracted the specialist in mission 38.
At first I did the main task, finished the mission and then redid the mission, got the specialist and flew away with the helicopter. I see in the mission screen that I did finish that extraction side mission, yet I did not get an extraction screen like you usually get after a mission and still don't see any effect...
Just ignore the repeats and do the new missions instead. I did the first subsistence main mission repeat and none of the others.Just finished mission 42 and im done playing this trash of a game.
repeated side ops are bad enough but repeating main missions in harder difficulty is just shitty.
Going to watch the rest of cutscenes on youtube or something.
5/10 and im being generous because it runs really well and its pretty to look at.
Check if you can develop the new thing you needed the specialist for. Alternatively, check on the mission screen for 38 whether the specialist is greyed out (top right). Alternatively, check on the thing you want to develop if the requirement checkbox for the specialist is checked.I just extracted the specialist in mission 38.
At first I did the main task, finished the mission and then redid the mission, got the specialist and flew away with the helicopter. I see in the mission screen that I did finish that extraction side mission, yet I did not get an extraction screen like you usually get after a mission and still don't see any effect...
is the specialist in the R&D unit? that one is a regular prisoner right so he shouldn't be in the brig, but maybe his stats were too low and your R&D already full so he's in the waiting room or security team.The mission task box is checked.
However, the newis not available for development..indestructable silencer
99.What's the max level you can upgrade your units? 60? Or can it go higher?
If you go to the thing you want to develop directly (instead of the available development tab), it should show you what's missing.The mission task box is checked.
However, the newis not available for development..indestructable silencer