i just got to mission 29 and have no idea how to get through it, it's brutal
i just got to mission 29 and have no idea how to get through it, it's brutal
Mission 43
...I ...I can't
As someone who hated that mission with a passion (and it's the only thing gameplay wise I dislike in the entire game) here is how I did it, last mission task I had in the entire game:Holy hell 45 is hard. Luckily I managed to do it with one of the optional objectives. But man...that extraction one. Wow, that's gonna be rough.
How long is chapter 2?
missions if you ignore the optional ones and just go straight through to~2046.
Hmm not sure if I should just YouTube the rest
Spent hours on 45. :-(. Finally did it.
So... Endgame spoilers question:I beat 45 and 46.
What I have left to do:
3 more pictures to get for Paz.
mission 48 and 50.
a bunch more side ops left.
Is there any more story stuff to do? Nothing else happens with Eli?
Youtubing a substantial part of the game including the ending feels weird to me, but if you're not having fun with the game anymore...Hmm not sure if I should just YouTube the rest
In terms of main story, you're done.Spent hours on 45. :-(. Finally did it.
So... Endgame spoilers question:I beat 45 and 46.
What I have left to do:
3 more pictures to get for Paz.
mission 48 and 50.
a bunch more side ops left.
Is there any more story stuff to do? Nothing else happens with Eli?
Mission 43
...I ...I can't
Just got a new areaand now the skybox looks like this.Africa
Is there a problem with my ps4 or is this common?
Just got a new areaand now the skybox looks like this.Africa
Is there a problem with my ps4 or is this common?
Just got a new areaand now the skybox looks like this.Africa
Is there a problem with my ps4 or is this common?
Just got a new areaand now the skybox looks like this.Africa
Is there a problem with my ps4 or is this common?
New patch fixes the blueprint glitches!!!
Now you cango search online for episode 51 and enjoy.
Thanks!Youtubing a substantial part of the game including the ending feels weird to me, but if you're not having fun with the game anymore...
In terms of main story, you're done.
The Paz photos resolve the Paz sidestory.
The sideops and missions 48 and 50 have nothing in terms of story. 46 is the final story mission.
The kids leaving with the mech is the end of Eli's story in the game (but there's a work in progress video of a cut additional episode that deals with that on Youtube).
Mission 45 is TERRIBLE.
They prep you for a stealth mission then attack you with a dozen tanks.
It's so bad, it's so bad.
I actually brought my strongest equipment and it was still hard.
Apparently the easiest way to beat it is with a semi-auto sniper but I couldn't figure out which one it was. I eventually got tired of being one shotted by stray cannon fire so I just started calling in air strikes.
Man I can't do mission 16.
The one whereyou have to extract the truck that's guarded by Skulls.
Been trying by running straight to the airport while the truck is there, but it's placed in such an awkward position to get in and out.
Gonna try waiting on the road and leave some C4 around to blow em up.
Am I just delusional here or can you really not abandon the mission in any way to pick a new loadout and develop heavier firepower?
I ended up picking the locked gate and leaving my horse there, then jumping the fence next to the truck, fultoning it out, then sprinting out to my horse.Take Quiet with you, smoke the whole area, stay out of sight of the baddies and let her do the job.
I ended up picking the locked gate and leaving my horse there, then jumping the fence next to the truck, fultoning it out, then sprinting out to my horse.
It worked and took 2 minutes![]()
As someone who hated that mission with a passion (and it's the only thing gameplay wise I dislike in the entire game) here is how I did it, last mission task I had in the entire game:
Make the weather a sandstorm, put on parasite armor, go to town
Fuck Mission 45.
Am I just delusional here or can you really not abandon the mission in any way to pick a new loadout and develop heavier firepower?
So here's how I did it.Am I just delusional here or can you really not abandon the mission in any way to pick a new loadout and develop heavier firepower?
completed mission 46 and
why is ocelot the calm and reserved person and miller the crazy asshole through the entire game?
They don't call Kaz "Hellmaster" for nothing.
Episode 20 Spoilers
Holy crap this worked so well.
This clip is my second time through the mission I was actually able to come up with this technique on the fly when I did the mission the first time. I thought I was so smart I would post it, but sadly it had already been figured out. Who cares though, this worked so well it was some action movie shit.
What kind of soldiers do I need to put in my security team? Any specific stat?
i think my biggest problem with the characters in the game was ocelot being a cocky shithead in the 60s and an insane person in the 00s but extremely well put-together in the 80s. miller can be whatever, but if one had to be the bad cop, it didn't make sense that it was him.
also they can make a super awesome prosthetic arm and robotic legs and miller has to run around on crutches the entire game?
completed mission 46 and
why is ocelot the calm and reserved person and miller the crazy asshole through the entire game?
Wait, I've read thatthe game takes Quiet away in the end. Does that mean if I can S rank everything, do the harder missions and complete everything, I have to do it without her? Why would they do that? Maybe I should backup a save just before I finish the game?
Ok I am in ep 39.
I will give my semi-review in brief
I don't know what happened in MGS5... all what I waited for was a well-structured story...but unfortunately I encountered a superficial story and a few cut scenes.. also the big boss was too calm and silent..
The story was very bad for me and i was disappointed (i dont want to listen to recordings cuz that so boring )
I read some spoilers on Wikipedia and ahhhaaa I know now why the story is too disappointing... Kojima U R trolling again! even with this a huge surprise the story in the game is still bad...
the gameplay is so amazing and unique but I think Kojima killed it with repetitions
OSt 10/10
the game is so amazing but it cannot be the game of 2015.. i dont think so